The girl

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A long hair brunette woke up. It wasn't too long ago that her dad force her to move to Korea. He must've been thinking about it for years. She looked at her clock before getting up. Everything have went downhill and now she and her dad live in a tiny house and he locks her in the basement.

The brunette head to the bathroom, brush her teeth and got ready to shower. Today would be her first day at Jin Young Park's Highschool. She looked at all the bruises and cuts on her body before looking at her face. Hideous as always she thought. After coming out the shower she put on a large hoodie some pants and a mask to cover her face before adding on a beanie. Momo didn't like showing her face and would cover it at any cost. She grabbed her backpack and quickly walk out the front door before her dad wake up.

The brunette walked to the bus stop and bump into some kids on the way. "Watch where you going!" A kid yelled. The brunette couldn't understand what they were saying as she sat on the bench and look around. She saw a girl walking with her grandparents before standing by the bus stop. Oh how Momo wished to have that relation ship with somebody but all she does is get abuse. She was so deep in thought that she didn't realize that she was shaking and everyone was looking at her.

"What a fucking weirdo." The bus arrived and everyone got on. Momo looked around for a seat but everywhere seem to be taken or people would put their bags on the spot. Eventually Momo did found an open spot and a friendly looking girl smiled at her and let her sit by her. "Hi! My name is Suzy. What yours." Suzy asks. Momo stared and blinked at the girl, she is very gorgeous and she wishes she could've been as pretty as her.

"Do you not speak Korean? Are you a foreigner? If so I can get a translator." Suzy blinked and looked around for someone. "Hm...who can I call... Natty! Mina! Somi!His! Takuya!" The raven shouted some names and some other kids come over. I started to feel uncomfortable.

"We have another foreigner and she doesn't speak Korean can you guys help." The girl asks and some of the kids nodded. "I doubt that she's from Thailand, there's barely anybody from Thailand." Natty said before leaving.

"Hi! My name is Somi do you speak English?" A brown hair girl with orange ends asked. Momo looked up at her."Not everyone speak English Somi. Maybe she's Japanese." Takuya said.

*Hi, My name is Takuya please tell me if you are Japanese so I can tell these girls.*

*H-H-hello...* Momo mumbled.

"She speaks!"

"So she's Japanese eh, Well she won't have to worry we have many Japanese teachers at the school." Just then the bus stop and we all got up and walked to the school. Momo was walking by herself when Suzy caught up to her. "Hi new girl, I know you may not understand me right now but don't worry you will become fluent in Korean in time, Unfortunately I have to go, Bye!" Momo nodded and walked right into the office.

A lady with short hair look up. "Hello, you must be the new kid, I will give you your schedule and then you can find your way to first period." She printed the paper and handed it to Momo.

I read the paper and my eyes slightly widen. When I look down to homeroom it said Ms.Hirai - Japanese literature and language. I head to the classroom and open the door.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at me, I looked uncomfortable as I stared at the floor. The teacher turned and looked at me. *It's been a long time sis.* She said as she walked towards me. I could tell this was a beginner class because none of the kids seem to understand what their teacher just said.

"Class, today we have a new student, please tell us your name and where you were coming from, I will translate it."

*H-hirai...M-m-momo.* I mumbled quickly.

"Everyone please give a warm hand for Momo."

"What kind of name is Momo?!"

"That name is cute."

"It's sounds like a name you would give to a monkey." Some kids said. I walked and sat in the back of the classroom by the light.

Nothing much happened in my other classes as I walked to lunch. I couldn't find a seat and I couldn't find my sister anywhere so I went to an now empty lunch table. I rested my head on the table before hearing some more people sit by me. I look up to see some girls sitting nearby. "Hello! You must be the new student Momo, My name is Minyoung and that's Jiwon, Jisoo, Jennie, Jihyo, Rose and Chamni." Minyoung said.

"She doesn't understand what we're saying stupid."

"Shut up."

"It's fine guys it's just like when I first came and I didn't speak Korean." Lisa muttered.

Momo decided to leave and go to another table. She sat down at a table with one girl who was reading before getting hit on the head with a ball. The brunette clutched her head. "You dumb fucks! You hit the wrong person! Hey are you okay?" Momo looked up to see a girl with short dark hair looking at her.

"Jimin, she looks pretty fine to me, let's go." Said girl turn before getting up and leaving Momo. That pretty much how lunch went and at the end of the day, Momo was stopped by a hand. *Come.*

Both women was in the classroom. *Is dad still hurting you?*

*What do you think* Hana looked down before walking closer to Momo and pulling off her hat, then her mask and taking a good look at her baby sister's face. She had a bruise on her cheek and tons of cuts.

*I'm so sorry.*

*Sorry? For what?

For leaving me with that monster for so many years, do you know the feeling of being told your hideous everyday, nobody loves you and that your a mistake, do you know the feeling of being disgusted in your skin, seeing multiple women in the house, the sound of sex, the smell of blood...You don't know that.* Hana stared at her sister.

*I'm so sorry Momo, I didn't kno-*

*You were being selfish and you left me, 10 years of torture, 10 years of physical and emotional abuse, 10 years of being told you don't belong in the world, 10 years of hell!* Tears started to come down.


*Don't Momo me! Where were you all these years! You could've comeback and bring me with you, it's ten years I have gone through this shit and now 3 years of Sexual assault and I'm becoming anorexic now! Do you know that dad locks me the basement without any food or water sometimes for days.



Why must this happen to me!* Hana stared at her sister. 'What have I done?' she thought.

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