He's Back

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Jihyo was right. Jeongyeon did come around. Both girls managed to talk on the phone a little bit but Jeongyeon told her she needed more time. Momo was wondering how this break was started by her but now Jeongyeon seemed to be taking it seriously.

"Do-Do you wanna hang out at my place? For a little bit." Momo asks. She could hear the brunette chewing chips on the phone as she stayed quiet.

"Sure....I'm getting bored being in the house the whole day and chaeng went into the vent again and won't come out. Her brothers are annoying the fuck out of me and I swear you little shit head if you throw one more bean at me I will-" The phone cut off and Momo was in shock.

The brunette waited a little but before hearing Jeongyeon voice again. "Sorry about that, That little prick kept throwing beans at me for the last half hour and I had enough."

"I'm not going to bother ask what you did to him...So what time do you want to meet up?"

"Around 3pm sounds good for me..I gotta hide the body."

"Wait what?"

"Nothing! Just text me the address, Bye!" The brunette hang up the phone as Momo got out of bed and walked into the kitchen. Hana was sitting at the table grading some papers.

Both girls heard a knock on the door as Momo walked towards it. "Are you expecting anyone Hana?"


"That's weird." The brunette opened the door just to try and shut it quickly but failing the guy grabbed Momo by the throat and started to choke her and Hana quickly got up and use a vase to hit him with.

She pulled Momo away from him as she watched him shut and lock the door. "Looks like we're having a family reunion." The guy smirked. Momo was catching her breath as she look at her father with fear in her eyes.

"How-how did you get out?"

"Had to be someone's bitch for months before they distracted the cops so they can get me out...and now I'm going to get my revenge on both of you." Hirai said as he cracked his knuckles and his neck. Both girls back away as he pull out a gun.

"D-dad? What are you going to d-" Hana started before they heard another knock in the door. Hirai turned around and look at the girls before opening the door.

Jeongyeon looked at the guy who opened the door. "Hello...I'm here for Momo."

"What are you to her?"

"I'm her girlfriend, Who are you?"


"Jeongyeon! Run!"

The brunette then realize who he was, Hirai quickly pulled out his gun and shot Jeongyeon.

Momo screamed out as she saw the brunette drop on the ground. She ran towards her but stop when her father pointed the gun at her.

"Tsk tsk...I didn't even know you had a girlfriend...Too bad she's dead now...But you can join her after I have a little bit of fun." He said as he shot Momo in the leg and then walk towards Hana who were backing away in fear.

Momo clutched her leg and made her way over to Jeongyeon the brunette looked at the girl stomach that had blood running out. "J-Jeongyeon?" The brunette stirred but didn't say anything. Her eyes slowly open and Momo started to cry.

Hana grab another vase to try and protect herself which resulted in her dad laughing. "You really think that will protect you?" He shot the vase and went through it and the brunette got hit and went down. Hirai grabbed her by her hair. "I have been waiting for years to beat you again."

"N-no!" The girl screamed out as he hit her with the butt of the gun. Momo watched in terror as her sister was getting beaten, her dad seemed to get stronger. The brunette look to see the remote nearby. She slowly crawled towards it and Jeongyeon grabbed her arm. "L-let me throw it." Momo handed it to her and help Jeongyeon sit up a bit.

The brunette aimed at his head and threw it. It hit Hirai and he turned around and looked at both girls he grabbed his gun. "I thought I killed this bitch already." He pointed the gun at Jeongyeon. "Say bye bye."

"No!" Momo shouted as she jump in front of Jeongyeon just to get hit in the shoulder. Hana took this time and crawled towards the kitchen before grabbing out a handgun she had hidden, she felt someone's arm on her foot as she felt an unbearable pain.

Jeongyeon and Momo heard a sickening crack as Hana try to push the father off of her. The brunette quickly slide the gun nearby to the duo and Momo quickly grabbed it.

She got up and point it at her father. It was the last straw.. He could hurt her but he could not hurt Jeongyeon or Hana... The brunette had enough. He turned around and look at her. "You know you wouldn't shoot your dad so don't eve- argh!"Her father shouted as he clutch his shoulder. Momo stopped hesitating and kept shooting her father until the bullets run out.

The brunette drop the gun as she look at the body. Momo couldn't believe it. "I-I killed M-My father...I killed my father." The brunette repeated as she started to tear up. "I'm a murderer."

"N-no you're not." Jeongyeon says weakly and Momo turned and went to the girl. "You'll be fine..." Momo whispers. "Don't cry Mo...I think I'm fine. I'm a fighter."

Momo then look at Hana who was going in and out of consciousness. "H-Hana? Please stay alive... Don't.... Don't die on me." The brunette said as she saw cops arrive. The cops couldn't believe the scene, He immediately called the ambulance as he check the guy first before heading over to Hana.

The ambulance arrived a good five minutes later and took everybody in and rush them to the hospital. Momo was awake the whole entire time as she held both Jeongyeon's and Hana's hand. The doctors were trying to separate them because they had to go into surgery to remove the bullets and both girls wouldn't let go of eachother hands.

It took the doctors a while but they managed to separate them. They gave Momo a sleeping drug and the girl was out.

Chaeyoung was tying her little brother up when she heard her parents talking and coming into the room. "Chaeyoung, Untie your bother and put on some shoes, were going to the hospital."

Chaeyoung got in the car and look out the window. The sun was setting and the moon was slowly appearing the brunette sighed. "What happened now?" She thought as her family head to the hospital.

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