Winter break love P.2 The date

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Winter break had just started. Jeongyeon and Momo were a bit awkward with eachother and Jeongyeon never asked Momo out. Momo was lying on the bed when Sana came into the room. They were both hanging out before Sana had to leave for Japan to visit family.

"Did Jeongyeonnie ever asked you out, We saw you guys kissed."


"Is she even intrested in you." Sana said as she put some clothes in her suitcase. "She told me that she likes me too and wanted to take things slow." Momo replied.

"Oh...and she haven't talk to you since?"

"No, it's just awkward..."

"I..I don't know what to say Momo. Hopefully she's thinking of something or she'll ask you out soon, I don't know. Maybe she's going through something at the time." Sana said as she locked the suitcase and sat on it.

"I hope." Momo said.

The next day Sana and her family left for Japan. Somi took Chaeyoung and her family to Canada leaving Mina alone. Dahyun went to Seongnam her hometown and Tzuyu flew back to Taiwan. Momo really only had Jeongyeon and Mina and both girls wouldn't hang out with eachother.

Momo did found Jihyo and started to hang out with the girl. Jihyo was actually pretty cool and nice.

It was now Christmas Eve. Jihyo and Momo was sitting at the food court of a mall eating holiday related food. When somebody called Momo. Jihyo looked at Momo. "Is that your boo?" The brunette blushes as she answered the phone. "Where?...okay." Jihyo grabbed Momo's arm. "Talk."

"Jeongyeon wants me to meet up with her somewhere."

"Ooh...this is going to be good. When you guys finish text me." Jihyo says as she let go of Momo's arm just for a pale girl to sit in front of her. "Hello Nayeon."

"Hi Jihyo...Did I ever tell you about that secret your father has been hiding from you?" Jihyo raised a eyebrow. "What secret?"

"Let's see...If you can drug Chanyeol, I'll tell you."

"Isn't he your boyfriend?"

"He was never my boyfriend, I payed him money and now he won't back off even after I tell him I don't need him. Just drug him and bring him to my house, I know you're family have connections to a mafia... Scare him a bit. Make him pee his pants, I don't care."


Momo arrived to see Jeongyeon standing by the door waiting for her. The brunette was dressed in a suit as she brought the girl upstairs. "What is this all about?" Momo asks. They were on a rooftop restaurant but Jeongyeon reserved a special spot for them.

"I... wanted to take you out on a surprise date."

"That's so sweet of you. Did you pay for all of this?"

"Yes, But follow me." Jeongyeon grabbed Momo's hand and led her to their spot. When the brunette open up the curtain Momo covered her mouth with her hands.

"It's beautiful..." she mumbles as she look at the candles the roses and then at the water. She went to the railing of the roof. It was slowly getting closer to nighttime and she could see the reflection of the river.

Jeongyeon pulled the seat out for Momo letting the girl sit down before sitting down herself. The brunette lift of the plates to reveal some food before grabbing some sparkling drinks. "They said this drink is from the Western country and it have no alcoholic substances in it." She said as she poor Momo some then herself some. Both girls began to eat and chat.

"Yeah, Seungyeon boyfriend is planning on proposing to her tomorrow he told me and so I have to help him out tomorrow. So it's just going to be me and my mom this Christmas." Jeongyeon says as she finished her food.

"Oh..." Momo looked down, she never spend a Christmas with her mother before. "What's wrong?"

"I never spend a Christmas with my mother...I don't even know what she looks like...she died while giving birth to me." The brunette started to cry.

"Don't cry Mo. It's not your fault."

"It is! If I-"

"Nonsense, There's nothing you can do to reverse the past, Things happened for a reason and if people can't understand it then forget them." The brunette kissed Momo on her cheeks before sitting back down.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this...but I got a first for you." Momo looked at Jeongyeon as the girl grabbed a box from her pocket. "I wanted to make things official between us so I wanted to ask...will you be my girlfriend?"

Momo cupped the brunette face again before whispering yes. "She said yes!" The brunette shouted and fireworks happened. "What is this?"

"My father before he passed was the owner of this restaurant, These people who work here is all family members." Jeongyeon shouted as she pulled Momo in for kiss, Momo quickly kissed the girl back before pulling away and looking at the fireworks.

Jeongyeon droved Momo home. "I'll see you later Mo." Jeongyeon said. Momo looked at her bracelet Jeongyeon gave to her before quickly kissing the girl and opening the car door. "You just love kissing me don't you."

The brunette blushes. "Yeah." She mumbles as she leaned in for a second time. "Sorry Momo, I got to go see my mom and Seungyeon, I'll see you soon." Momo shut the door and watch as the car drive off before walking into the apartment. When she entered in she saw Hana sleeping on the couch. The brunette smiled at her sister and put a blanket on the older girl before heading into her room and calling Jihyo to tell her what happened.

"She's so sweet."

"That must be nice to have someone who did all of that for you...Can you believe three months ago she was tormenting you and now look at that, both of you are almost seems unreal." Jihyo says.

"Yeah...anyways, I'm tired I'm going to sleep, Night."

"Sweet dreams Momoring. Sweet dreams."

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