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Both girls came back to school the next week and they were bombarded with questions. The gossipers wanted to spread rumours but they failed. They watched as they see Momo and Jeongyeon walked down the hall together.

"Maybe she has Stockholm syndrome..." a girl whispered.

"Nope!" Jeongyeon shouted out and the girl looked away. Momo thanked the brunette as they walked into class. The brunette had gain all of her weight and she would say this is the biggest she have been her whole life.

"It's trueee Jeongyeonnie, this is the biggest I have been in my life."

"Your healthy."

"I am?"

Jeongyeon stopped and looked at Momo. "As I said before." The brunette leans in. "You look better with weight on." Momo instantly turned red due to how close they were. Some kids stopped in the hallway watching their interactions.

Some of those kids were Sana, Dahyun and Chaeyoung. "Jeongyeon is such a flirt."


"I still don't like he-" Dahyun said before Tzuyu who appeared out of nowhere covered her mouth and took her away. Sana and Chaeyoung watched and did nothing before looking back at the duo to see Momo fake a kiss.

"Damn, Momo flirted back." Chaeyoung muttered. Sana watched as Jeongyeon looked at the girl in shock before laughing it off.

"I think Jeongyeonnie is flustered, she didn't expect that and since people are watching she's trying to laugh it off but I can see her covering her ears."

"True and I think Momo is also serious about this, why is her facial expression like that." Sana took a closer look at Momo's facial expression. "True...that's weird, I'll talk to her later about that."

At lunch Sana watched as Momo walk to their table. "Hey guys."

"Hey Momo." The girls greeted. Sana finished her food before looking at Momo again. "Momo... what's going on with you and Jeongyeon."

Momo stopped poking Dahyun's food and looked at Sana. The brunette could feel Dahyun's and Tzuyu's eyes on her. "What do you mean?" The girl asked. She didn't know where Sana was going with this.

"I'll rephrase it....Is something going on between you and Jeongyeon?" Momo didn't know what to say.

"You guys have been-actually Jeongyeon has been flirting with you alot lately and now you're starting to flirt back."

"Flirting? I thought she was joking around with me, That's why I started to play along. It's just a thing we do." Momo says. Sana and the others seemed to believe her and she was glad of it. The brunette didn't want them to know...not now.

"Are you guys interrogating Momo again?" A familiar voice said as she sat next to Momo and put one arm around her.




"What?" The brunette shouted. Dahyun snorted before receiving a glare from the goddess.

Mina and Chaeyoung joined them at the table. "Hey guys...hey hyung."

"Ugh....it's the couple again..." Mina glared at the others as she look over to Momo and Jeongyeon and pretend to fake vomit causing the other girls to laugh.

"You guys are making me sick."

"Mina you shouldn't be talking."

"Same thing with you smol."

"I am not small!"

Dahyun looked at Sana. "I guess I'm a third wheel." The brunette mumbles. "No you-"

"Unnie do you want me to feed you?" Tzuyu said and Dahyun rolled her eyes. "I guess I'll just third wheel my self over to Jihyo." The girl said as she got up and left.

Michaeng were arguing with Jeongyeon and Momo about them teasing eachother so much and acting like a couple while Tzuyu fed Sana her food.

"We do not act like a couple."

"Well both of you tease eachother alot!"

"What's wrong with that!"

"I have a feeling both of you have underlying feelings for eachother." The whole table went silent. Jeongyeon and Momo made eye contact. "We don't have feelings for eachother...We don't see eachother like that." Momo said and Jeongyeon finish.


"That was hella awkward."

"Sana, you have to let go of the word hella, That is never coming back."

"Awww...." Sana pouted and Jeongyeon squeeze the pinkette cheek. Mina and Chaeyoung notice Momo's expression changed when Jeongyeon touched Sana.

"Pray for Sana." Chaeyoung mumbled. "She looks the exact same way I did when I saw Jeongyeon touched your hair but I don't know you guys were cousins." Mina says.

"Yeah, You wanted to kill Jeongyeon. That's how Momo looks."

"Aww is Momo jealous?" Jeongyeon turns to Momo who was now glaring at Chaeyoung and Mina, before hugging the girl tightly.

"I'm not jealous." Momo muttered.

"You sure?"

"I'm not jealous." Jeongyeon look Momo straight in the eyes.

"I think you're lying...Mo-Mo"

"I'm not." Momo swallowed as she realized how close they were.

"They're back at it again...." Tzuyu says.

Jeongyeon knew what she was doing as she tighten her hug. "Do I make you nervous?"


The brunette brought her face closer. "How about now?" By then Tzuyu have already drag Sana off somewhere and Michaeng was in there own world. Dahyun was watching from afar with Jihyo and Jeongyeon friends started to notice.

"What about now?" The brunette whispers. Their lips barely brush but that was enough for Momo to go over the edge and cover her face quickly while turning red. Jeongyeon laugh it off and hugged the girl.

Both girls couldn't believe what happened, Jeongyeon knew what she was doing but she didn't know that Momo would react like that and Momo never became more flustered in her life.

But after that day it didn't stop them from teasing eachother.

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