This is a start of a new relationship

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Over the course of the days you could very well say that Momo and Jeongyeon aren't acquaintances but they aren't friends.

Sana wanted to fix that. The now pink hair girl couldn't interfere with the relationship but she could push it. Sana, Tzuyu, Mina, Chaeyoung and Dahyun was sitting around a table at a café. "What happened to your hair?" Tzuyu exclaimed.

"I dyed it pink."

"You look better with the ash brown color you had."

"I thought it was milky brown." Mina said.

"It's not chestnut?" Chaeyoung said in confusion.

"Baby you need to wear your glasses if you can't see that it's not chestnut but milky brown."

"Anyways before these two get all lovey dovey, I brought you guys here today because I want Momo and Jeongyeonnie to become friends and before you curse me out Mina, I'm not forcing a relationship on them...I'm trying to push it in the right direction so they can become friends.

Everytime we have a sleepover it gets all awkward or Jeongyeon says something rude."

"I don't like Jeongyeon." Dahyun mumbles. "Alright now I'm going to have to add you on the list." Sana said. Dahyun glared at the girl. "Anyways, I'm trying to find out ideas on how to push the relationship without being tied up in the process."

The girls looked at Sana in confusion. "Long story short I caught Momo hugging Jeongyeon and I tease them a bit and the next thing I know I was bounded with tape and locked in the closet."

Chaeyoung laughed. "That sounds like something Hyung would definitely do, but how did she hold you down for that long?"

"Guess who helped her."

"Momo helped her? That girl have some strength on her even though she's skinny."

"Momo actually gained weight now, She's not anorexic skinny but she's still underweight."

"That's good. Anyways any ideas."

"Well first of all, don't tease them unless you want to spend another night in the closet. But I would say do a white lie." Chaeyoung says.

"A white lie?"

"Yeah you know, a harmless lie. But you have to make it believable or they won't believe it."

"Yeah. I got the perfect lie." Sana smirked before getting her cheek pinched by Tzuyu. "Why Yoda?!" The girl complain before getting the other cheek pinched by Dahyun. "I thought only Jeongyeonnie do this."

"Nah, everyone wanted to do this but we didn't know how you would react." Sana sighed as she think of the plan.

The next day Sana went over to Momo's house. Basically Ms. Hirai's apartment.

"What is it Sana?"

"I wanna tell you why Jeongyeon have been mean to you."

"Oh um okay..."

"Jeongyeon wanted to become your friend but she have a hard way of expressing it."

"T-that doesn't ma-"

"She's just a little shy when she's meeting new people especially gorgeous ones." Momo nodded at the newly found information. "Um I guess that's good to hear but now let's talk about your hair."

As Sana was going home she could see Jeongyeon walking out of a store with a couple of bags. The girl grabbed some of the bags and walked beside Jeongyeon. "Thanks Sana."

"No problem, Anyways I wanted to talk to you about something."

"What is it?"

"The reason why Momo let you bully her."

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