Aftermath P.1

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Chaeyoung and her family arrived at the hospital. The brunette personally hate hospitals because she knew it was always bad news, From her mom having complications with giving birth to her brother to her aunt dying.

The brunette also realize she should have noticed the signs that Mina and Nayeon may have had something going on. The girl was too blind. Too blinded by love to realize that Mina was faking it. Chaeyoung only had her friends and Jeongyeon unnie. But if something bad happened to Jeongyeon then she would be more depressed then she already is.

The brunette sat in the waiting room. She hates the waiting room the most, You don't know if your loved ones hurt or not. They were told to follow the doctor and there lied Jeongyeon on the bed sleeping peacefully. Chaeyoung stared at her cousin as she listen to part of the conversation. "The problem is that she lost too much blood, and So we need someone to donate some but she has type o and that's hard to find now a days. So we're planning on keeping her in here a few extra days until we can get a donor."

Chaeyoung walked up to the doctor. "What if we don't find a donor in time?"

"She could die."

"Ugh... I should've stayed with you today Jeongyeonnie, Maybe then...You wouldn't get hurt." Chaeyoung said as she sat by the brunette. She then looked at the doctor. "What happened?"

"She and two other young ladies got shot by a man that assumed to be the other ladies father. He was an escape inmate and he managed to find them. The other two isn't doing so well either, especially the older one."

Chaeyoung knew who it was as she got up and went into the next room. She saw her teacher have a cast on her leg and alot of wrappings while Momo had wrappings around her wounds. Momo was awake when she walked in.

"Hey Chae...Is Jeongyeon okay?" That was the first thing Momo asked about. "I think she's fine...They need someone to donate some blood since she lost so much."

"Oh...That's what they said about Hana dad really beat her..."

"Your dad?"

"Yeah, He came in and shot Jeongyeon, me and Hana. He was about to shoot Jeongyeon again but I blocked it and got hit again in the shoulder. He continuously beat Hana to the point she couldn't move anymore. It was terrible...I don't want to hear her scream out like that anymore...But I now know it's all over." Momo said as she try to get out of bed.

Chaeyoung help the brunette without any questions and brought her into Jeongyeon's room. The brunette sat on the bed with Jeongyeon and put her head in her lap as she watched the girl sleep. "She can wake up at anytime but it won't be long, cause she'll feel lightheaded." Chaeyoung said.

Momo nodded as Chaeyoung parents said that they're leaving because of work and she have to come. Chaeyoung said goodbye and left.

Momo watched the brunette sleep and softly peck her on the lips. "I know you'll be fine Jeongyeon I just know it. You're a fighter." The nurse came in and escort the girl back to her room.

The next day at school the trio was absent again. Everybody except for Chaeyoung was confused and the girls found the smol bean in the hallway and stopped her. "Do you know what happened to Jeongyeon." Dahyun asks.

"Hospital...and the other two are in the hospital too." The brunette was so tired because she barely got any sleep last night and her parents said she can't miss anymore days. Dahyun thought she was the cutest thing ever. "Do you know what happened?"

"The father came back with a gun and attack them. Jeongyeon was visiting Momo at the time so he must've saw her and shot her. I was about to be really pissed off at Momo but then she told me she protected Jeongyeon from a lethal shot, That could've killed her so she redeemed herself. Hana is doing the worst out of the three because he physically beat her and broke her leg."

"That's terrible. Thanks for letting me the way Chae, You look extremely cute when you didn't get enough sleep." The brunette winked as she walked away. Chaeyoung was too tired to function as she head to her next class. Someone who overheard the conversation managed to spread it quickly and now everyone had an idea of what happened to the trio.

Even the teachers. Sooyoung and Yuri were planning on visiting Hana later on. Yoona walked into the teachers lounge looking at the duo. "When were you planning to tell me that you were going with her." The brunette spat violently. Her voice was full of jealousy. "Yoona calm down...You said you wanted space but the moment you hear me and Sooyoung together you want to get angry and separate us. You are not going to separate me and one of my bestfriend just because your jealous. Go get some control of your feelings before you come back to me."

Yoona stared at both girls before picking up a glass and throwing it at Sooyoung before walking out the room. Sooyoung had little to no time to miss the glass as it cut her hand.

"Oh my gosh your bleeding! This girl have gone crazy." Yuri mumbles as she went to get first aid before cleaning her friends wound. "You know..Sooyoung... I'm actually considering breaking up with her...she can't be doing this much as it may hurt me her jealousy is out of control."

Sooyoung listen as she watched Yuri wrapped her hand and then kiss it. "There, is that better?"

"Yeah..but next time Yuri don't kiss my hand when there's a cut on it."

"So it's okay if I kiss it."

"No, I didn't-"

"But Sooyoung did you not said not to kiss my hand when there's cut on it, but that doesn't mean I can't do this." She grabbed the girl other hand and kiss it.

"You know what I m-"The brunette stopped when Yuri kiss her on the cheek. " need to stop."

"Is your fiancée not treating you right? I hear you sometimes in the art room, upset...I can help you if you want." She mumbles as her face inched closer to Sooyoung's. Jessica had walked in too angry to realize what was going on.

"You have Yoona...Don't make her suspicions correct."

"I know...I'm sorry...can we keep this just between us."

"Ok." They both turn to see Jessica getting her car keys. "Jessica!" Sooyoung got up and grabbed the girl. "What's wrong."

"I'm tired Sooyoung...I'm tired of having that girl disrespect me so much. I don't know what to do anymore, She's smoking, drinking, having sex at such a young age. I don't like that dyke she hangs out with, I'm leaving." The brunette said as she walked outside.

"Jessica, Let me drive you home."

"No. I'm fine."

"Please Jessica."

"No...Both of you have work, I'm going on my lunch break, I'll be fine guys.." The brunette said coldy as she got in her car and drive off. Both girls sighed.

Krystal was sitting in the girls bathroom vomiting when Amber came in. The brunette looked at the girl."Don't worry about your sister, She's just protective over you."

"Protective my ass, I know her."

Jessica was speeding down the highway with tears running down her face. All she wanted to do is protect her sister but all she get is disrespect and she doesn't deserve it, she knows that. The brunette started to feel dizzy as the tears began to cloud her vision. Jessica looked at all of her letters she had written for her friends and family. Before she knew it her car got hit and went of the bridge.

Momo was sitting with Jeongyeon in the hospital when she saw the doctors rushing a patient in, multiple people. Jeongyeon was awake but she was out of it most of the time. "What's going on Mo?"

"I don't know, I just don't know anymore."

Imperfect AngelOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora