The case and Healing

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Today was the court date. Momo and Hana didn't come into school today. All of the kids were wondering what was going on.

"Where's Ms. Hirai?"

"Where's the sexy ladies."

"Yeah." A substitute came into the room. "Unfortunately Ms. Hirai and Momo will not be here today so I will be taking over." Ms. Jung says as she look straight at Amber's direction glaring at the girl.

Jeongyeon looked out the window bored before checking her phone and looking at Momo's number.

Momo and Hana was sitting in a room waiting for their trial to start when a brunette phone vibrate. The brunette had a tiny smile on her face as she look who it was from.

"Is that a smile I see on my sister's face?" Hana says.


"Who's texting you? Is it a guy?"


"Don't worry, I had my suspicions on you based on your actions but I didn't want to say anything."

"Thank you Hana."

"Anything for you Momo." Hana said. 'Anything to make up those years that I left you.' she thought.

Both girls got called in and they saw their father standing at the other side in a orange jumpsuit, He was glaring at them. Momo looked away quickly and Hana pulled her sister close to her.

(I do not know how a trial go so please bare with me.) "Mr. Hirai, we here have claims of you doing Child abuse on both daughters and Sexual Assault on your youngest Daughter, Hirai Momo. Is that true?"

"Lies! All lies! I would never touch my kid."

"He's wrong, we have evidence. This is the evidence that I have collected over the last few months, Unfortunately this have been going on for years and I have managed to dig back up information to prove that he is the murdered of Momo's elementary teacher." Hana said as she handed the judge the evidence.

"Okay from looking at the evidence, This all proves that Hirai Hiroshi is a murder, Child abuser and a assaulter.

Hirai Hiroshi you are now pronounce guilty and will spend from ten years to life in prison without bail." The judge then looked at the papers about Hana. "Hirai Hana I give you full custody of Hirai Momo. Case is dismissed."

As soon as both girls walked out the room they hugged eachother tightly. Momo had tears streaming down her face and actually had a big smile on her face. "I-I'm finally free, after all these years."

"Don't worry, I will protect you no matter what. Now moving on we have to do the healing process." Hana said. Momo looked down and nodded.

"I'm going to get help, I know what you do on a daily basis and I want to help you, I want your confidence to raise and I don't want you to fear grown men. I also don't want to see you cut." Hana says as she got in the car. "It's good that the kids stop bullying you but you gotta be careful. I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I know."

"But we'll focus on that later, let's go get some jokbal and watch Step up." Momo instantly grin when she heard jokbal.

"There's that smile, I wanna see more of that too...Speaking of seeing you smile, who was texting you earlier?"

"Nobody..." Momo mumbles. Hana decided to let it go and drive to the place so they can get Jokbal.

A few days pass by and now Momo was starting the healing process. Hana told her that after winter break she should be completely healed short term. They still have to get rid of years of torture that she have gotten.

Everyday Momo went to a woman in a suit to talk about her problems, Sana and Dahyun didn't get to see the girl after school so they decided to take her out this weekend for some pizza.

"How have you been Buddy?"

"I'm good, I have been visiting a lady so I can talk about my problems." Sana and Dahyun looked at eachother before looking at Momo.

"Are you getting any better?"

"Yeah, I'm not as shy as I was and I can approach Mr. Lee without being afraid of him, I can even approach the principal now."

"That's good." Sana was sadden to see some marks still on Momo's wrist but she didn't bother saying anything.

"Momo....are you happy?"

Momo took a long time to think about it. "I don't know..."

"Is anybody bothering you?"


"You sure?"



Also at school, the principal had a talk with all the students and cleared up any rumors about Momo. Of course he didn't tell them what was going on but he told the kids that she is safe now.

Due to the Principal saying that she is safe, Momo got bombarded by alot of kids with questions, mainly the gossipers.

"Are you not a whore?"

"You're not sleeping with your dad?"

"Were you getting abused?" The comments kept coming as Momo tried to get away from the crowd. Sana grabbed Momo's arm before getting dragged away by the crowd. "Save yourself Momo!" The brunette shouted.

"She probably slept with the principal just for him to say that." Some girls mumbled. Momo sighed and kept walking.

"Why would she sleep with the principal for? My father is a married man and would never do anything like this." A girl with brown hair said. Jihyo walked beside Momo before looking back at the girls. "Don't you ever spread any nasty rumors like that again."

"What ever, we all know what you d-"

"Please tell me, what did I do? Please inform me Chamni." Jihyo said. "Well now that you said that, I have a list." Chamni was about to read off the list when a girl grabbed it and rip it up.

"Chou Tzuyu!" The girl shouted.

Tzuyu stood tall as looked down on the group of girls that were trying to spread rumors. "I think that we need a change in this school. We shouldn't be bullying everybody we see or being so judgemental." Sana and Mina who were walking together nodded.

"Yeah, You guys don't know what that person is going through in their life." Sana says as she looked at Momo. A crowd was starting to form. Momo could see Jeongyeon in the crowd.

"But that doesn't mean we should hurt others just because you are hurt..." The brunette said while staring straight at the girl. Momo sighed before continuing. "I think this school needs to start an healing process too. So we won't have tormentors and victims...but friends. I hope we can all be friends and don't spread rumors and not be jealous of eachother but proud. Hopefully we can start the healing today."

Momo says, it was quiet in the hallway, Hana was even standing in the crowd before she started to clap. She was proud of Momo and she could see that sending her sister to Mrs. Yue was helping her. The brunette realize that more people started to join in the clapping before cheers could be made.

At the end of the day, Hana pulled Momo in for a hug as they walked to the car. "You did a good job today, I know you're going to go far." Hana said.

"Me too sis, me too."

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