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Jeongyeon and Momo were walking to Sana's house. The girl haven't came out the house the whole day and they were wondering what's wrong.

"Jeongyeon...I felt that we have gotten extremely close these last few months."


"Are you ready to tell me?"

"About what?"

"Nayeon and Mina." Jeongyeon looked at Momo as they knock in the door. "Yeah... I'll tell you, let me check on Sana first."

The door opened revealing Sana. "Hey guys."

"Hi Sana, why haven't you came out the house today."

"Food poisoning."

Both girls looked at Sana in shock. "Are you okay?"

"Kinda...Listen, I can't stand for too long so both of you enjoy your date-I mean day." The pinkette laughed and shut the door quickly before Momo could grab her.

"She still likes messing with us even when she's sick." Jeongyeon muttered. "Where do you want to go next?"

"We can go to the park and then a food place if you like." Momo said.

As both girls head to the park Momo ask her about the story. "Ok so it was back when I was in middle school around four or five years ago."

5 years ago

Nayeon and Jeongyeon have been bestfriends for years. It was their first year of middle school. Everything was going fine until Mina came along. Jeongyeon was completely head over heels for Mina and Nayeon was fine with her. The three of them instantly became friends.

Second year of middle school

Another Japanese student transfer over to the school and Mina was now fluent in Korean. The girl name is Sana and she was Jeongyeon's new neighbor. The girls never really talked much to eachother and everybody except Mina thought she was weird. Mina and Sana instantly became bestfriends.

Third and last year of middle school

Sana and Jeongyeon got close and started to like eachother but it never went anywhere and they started to distant eachother.

First year of highschool

Mina and Jeongyeon confessed their feelings for eachother and started to date...but that didn't last long.

One month anniversary

"Mimi, it's ou-" Jeongyeon opened the door and froze. The fifteen year old had gotten a gift for her girlfriend since they have survived a month together when she open the door she couldn't believe the sight she saw. Mina and Nayeon was kissing on the couch. "What the fuck!" The brunette shouted. Mina and Nayeon quickly jumped away from eachother and look at Jeongyeon with guilty eyes.

"So this is what you have been doing behind my back you bitch, and You!" Jeongyeon turned to Nayeon. "You're supposed to be my bestfriend! You knew I was dating her and you still couldn't find your own you greedy bastard."

"Jeongyeon you should know by now, I always get what I want, when I want it." Nayeon said as she pack her stuff. "Call me later Baby." She said before leaving.

Jeongyeon and Mina was left in the room, Mina looked down while Jeongyeon glared at her. "Why...why would you do something like that to me. Was I not enough?"


"Was I not good enough for you...I thought I was a pretty good girlfriend...I even bought you a gift, today was our one month anniversary."

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