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After homecoming nothing much happened. Of course Sana started to bother Momo on why she took so long and the girl wouldn't answer.

Neither girls have talk to eachother after that night, and Jeongyeon seemed to stop bothering Momo. Unfortunately she didn't stop bullying Dahyun.

Dahyun was getting push up against the lockers when she saw Momo running over. "Jeongyeon stop!" The brunette shouted and grabbed Jeongyeon fist before it reach Dahyun. The taller girl stop immediately and shoved Momo away.

Momo ran back infront of Jeongyeon and put her hands on both of her shoulders. "Don't hit her please, Just leave Dahyun alone."

"Don't touch me." The brunette said as she pulled Momo arms off of her. The real reason why Jeongyeon stopped bullying Momo is because of the cuts on her hand. The brunette didn't want to be the cause of a student dying or trying to kill themselves. She sighed and walked away, leaving both girls.

"Jeongyeon did you lost your touch?" BamBam ask her at the cafeteria."No..."

"I think she lost her touch guys..."

"Maybe she likes M-"

"I don't fucking like her."

"Well now that you say that, I'll-" Yugyeom got cut off by Mark. "Remember the bet, once Jeongyeon finishes the bet you can have her Yugyeom. You're still doing the bet right? Or are you too chicken."

"I'm not scared, I'm still doing it."

"Okay, don't disappoint us."

"When have I ever disappointed you guys." They all gave her a look. "It was one time and that was fucking Sana, I would never do anything to intentionally hurt her, you all know that."


At the end of the day, Jeongyeon was listening to music when she saw two people sit next to her. "Hi Jeongyeon."

"Hi Sana...What is she doing here?"

"Momo and I are going to have a sleepover. Wanna join?"

"I'll pass."

"I'll take that as a yes." Jeongyeon rolled her eyes before looking out the window.

*You don't mind if Jeongyeon stay with us right, Momo?*

"I know you guys are talking about me."

"Damn it, I forgot you take Japanese. This won't work so well anymore."

"It's fine, she can join us, I don't mind."

"You wanna become friends with her Momo?"

"I never said that."

"I'm still here." Jeongyeon said. "Too bad, You guys are friends now, In this session of the sleepover, both of you will learn more about eachother, okay?"

"Why me?"

"Okay?!" Sana shouted as they exit the bus. Jeongyeon waved at Seungyeon and let her know she's was staying before stopping. "Jeongyeon let's go."

Jeongyeon looked at her older sister's face from a far to see some tears. "Unnie? You okay? I'll be back Sana." The brunette walked towards Seungyeon.

Sana and Momo walked into the house and Sana went to change while Momo sat on the floor and got a head start on her homework. The brunette was wondering what was taking so long when she saw Jeongyeon walked in and sat across from her. "Are you okay? Not that I care or anything."

Jeongyeon snorted before looking up. "Yeah, I'm fine. Seungyeon is okay now...she's just worried."

"About what?"

"It's nothing." Momo saw the girl facial expression slightly change before some tears started to stream down. "Are you okay?" The brunette scooted closer to the girl but Jeongyeon covered her face. "It's nothing....I'm fine."

"You're not fine if you're crying, come on tell me what's wrong?"

"Why should I tell you, it's not like we're friends, in fact you probably would use this against me. It's great enough I just cried infront of you."

"Listen to me, I am not like you and would use something against someone especially if it's hurting them. I know we're aren't friends but I would like to be...if you want." Both girls were quiet before Jeongyeon decided to break the silence.

"Maybe, I'll tell you in time...but not right now." Momo watched Jeongyeon wiped her tears before sighing. She knew that this was risky but she think it would be worth it in the end as she pulled the taller girl into a hug."What are y-"

"Don't ask any questions." Momo says quickly. "Are you really a bully or are you just a big baby inside."


"I'm surprised you let me touch you."

"Me too, But it just this one time."

"Yeah." Both girls stayed like this for a while. Momo had no idea why her tormentor was crying and why she was hugging her. But she did know is they both have problems.

Sana walked out unaware of what was happening. "Oh um... I'll leave both of you alone." Both girls jumped away from eachother.

"Sana, it's not what it looks like."

"No, no guys it's fine. I don't wanna be a third wheel." Sana says while winking at the two.

"I'm going to kill her." Jeongyeon mumbles.

"I'll join you." Momo says as she got up.

"Let's go."

The next morning Sana parents found Sana in the closet bounded with tape, The brunette also had drawing all over her face.

*Kids nowadays.*

*I'm telling you honey.*

You could say after that day, Jeongyeon and Momo were no longer tormentor and victim but acquaintances.

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