Who Says Raptors Can't Hold Grudges?

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"Whoa." Owen shouted as he came to a dead halt at the raptor paddock. He listened to the dead silence that fell over the group as the vehicles powered off. "Why are we here? I thought we were going to get your raptor?" Emmett questioned while looking up at the steel paddock.

Owen lifted himself off his motorbike. "We are." He quipped. Emmett placed the foot brake down on the ground, readying himself to get off the bike to help his brother. "Stay here." Owen instructed his older brother who gave him a scrunched up look. "Since when did you give me orders?" He asked as he stepped away from the bike.

Owen rolled his eyes. Of course Emmett would be stubborn. He should've taken Hunter instead. On second thought that'd be the same as having Emmett here and at least Emmett somewhat respected him. "It's dangerous. But I do need your help." Owen admitted as he flicked on his flashlight.

"You guys stay here." He instructed the two ACU officers in the truck who nodded their heads in compliance. They were smart enough not to die today. He flashed the flashlight in Emmett's eyes causing him to go blind for a moment. "Follow me." Owen said as he started his way towards the paddock. "I would if I could see." Emmett complained as stumbled his way up the stairs after Owen.

It was pitch black. The only light Emmett could see was from Owen's flashlight which kept swaying back and forth with each step. Emmett was creeped out. He could hear shuffling from underneath them, along with a couple of squawks. Dinosaurs. He didn't know which kind but, he was almost certain they were raptors.

"Emmett. Here." Owen said drawing Emmett's attention. Emmett noticed that Owen was standing at a control panel with a green button, and a couple of red buttons. "I need you to press this button when I tell you to." Owen stated while pointing to the green button. Emmett nodded. "Then I'm gonna need you to push this top red button-"

"What's this all do?" Emmett questioned.

Owen rolled his eyes at his older brother. "The green one opens up the raptors harness stations. When I lure them into them, the red one shuts them in from behind and then the second one-" Owen pointed to another red button directly under the first one. "-locks the first two harnesses into place. And then the button after that locks in the other harnesses."

Emmett nodded his head while pursuing his lips soaking in the simple instructions. "So what's this one do-" Emmett pointed towards a yellow circular button towards the the top right only to be abruptly cut off by Owen. "Don't touch that!" He scolded causing Emmett to jump and place his hands in the air.

Owen snorted at his brother's uneasiness. "I'm just joking, it's the lights." He simpered out as he pushed the button down causing the four main lights of the paddock to turn on. Emmett was amazed at what the light illuminated underneath him. It almost looked like a jungle. And that's when he saw it. A small grey raptor pranced out into the clearing, staring and chirping eagerly at the two visitors.

Owen smiled. "That's my Chrome. Always excited to see people." He yipped out with a smile. Emmett started to sweat nervously as he looked down at the creature. He remembered the news about Jurassic Park and had recalled reading an article from Ian Malcolm about them, and how they were vicious man-eating machines. Ruthless. Yet here his brother was, treating them like pets.

Owen took note of how anxious Emmett looked. He placed a steady hand on his shoulder forcing Emmett to stop staring at Chrome. "Just stick to the plan." He stated, steadying Emmett over the control panel.

He quickly took off towards the harness station paddock. He looked through the bar of the enclosure as he approached the station. Chrome stared at him from the inside twisting her head in a questioning manner. Then in the blink of an eye Ella was on top of her. Bouncing off her back and snarling at her as she toppled to the ground. Chrome immediately stood up and hissed at Ella who simply ignored her and started walking towards the edge of the paddock, staring at Owen.

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