Chapter 2. The inheritance

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Harry's POV

The last days have been filled with studying. Mother taught me how to be a submissive Veela, and what changes will happen in my body when I turn 17.
Father taught me about the traditions of the Riddle, Gaunt, and Prince family and Veela history.

Turns out, even though the Riddle family was a muggle family, they still had Veela blood. That's why father was a Pureblood.
Creature blood doesn't mix with human blood, so there are no three-quarter Veelas, but only half and Pure. But there are three-quarter Veelas, when the last quarter is a creature too, like a vampire. 

Tonight, I would turn seventeen, and I would start the courting.
That was basically, a bunch of dominant Veelas, humans and other creatures that would ask me to become their wife.
But that wouldn't be so easy for them, because I had to set some rules for them and me. 

Mine were sent to the Veela elders whom will send an enforcer who will watch over the courting, and the rules for the dominants will be publicly put up for them to see. I had put on a nice black dress when I went to dinner.
It was backless, so in case my inheritance came early, my dress wouldn't rip. 

Father and Mother were already seated

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Father and Mother were already seated.
"Harry, I will let this slip today, because of the special circumstances. In the future, don't wear such revealing clothing. You aren't some whore." My father scolded me.
He always made sure that I looked presentable, and professional. 

"Come on Tom, let him have some fun. He is turning seventeen, not twelve." Mother said, while I sat down and he started piling food onto my plate.
"Sadly. I just got him back, and now I need to let him go again." Father sighed. "It's not like I will be leaving with the first male creature I see. Calm down, Father." I tried.

 My parents sighed together and we ate in silence. Suddenly, I felt warmth under my back.
"Is it normal that I'm warm under the skin of my back?" I asked. Mother nodded and told me to stand up.
I did so and looked questioning. 

"I don't want feathers in the food, son. Now, don't freak out. It seems that your inheritance decided to greet us early. Your skin will get warmer, and then you will feel a little pinch. You need to lean forward, so you don't fall back, but also not too much, so you don't fall onto your face." Mother explained and sat on Father's lap. 

I knew why they didn't come near me, nobody knew how big my wings would be, and nobody wants to be thrown at a wall by his son's wings.
Then I felt the pinch. So, I leaned forward, but not enough. 

I felt how something broke out of my back and I was pulled back and I fell backwards.
Mother ran to me and helped me up. "Finally, something about him is like me. You owe me two Galleons, love!" he said and began touching my wings.
Strangely it didn't feel uncomfortable, but soothing, like something I longed for my whole life.

"Well, you won dear. But this is a pretty pair of wings you've got, son. Some that are pointing down. They are for self-defence, but they are pretty big. Like the ones of your mother." Father explained.
It was clear that I was to have self-defence wings, and not others. I was a submissive after all. "Harry, let's try to retract your wings, it won't be comfy with them out." Mother said. I nodded started imagining how the wings would retract into my body. Tomorrow Father wanted to present me to his men in a meeting, and the courting would start.

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