Chapter 27. The attack

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Unknown POV (But you can guess!)

I was sitting in looking out the window, seeing my once beautiful garden.

My furniture had been the same since the day my husband died, but not because I clung on them, I didn't have the chance to buy new one. 

I heard the water boil in the kitchen, it was my last batch of herbs. Maybe my son would find a way to send me some more?
If not, my time will slowly come. I sat down on my chair and observed the wizards patrolling in front of my house. 

They gave me hateful looks and made the blinds close.
Assholes, is this the way to treat a lady?
A pureblood at that?! 

I sipped on my tea and regained some of my strength.
I was trying to get to my power reserves but they were locked away for good. 

Or so I thought. 

I was just about to pick up my book that I had read over a thousand times the last years, when I fell down on my knees.
I could feel it.
It felt like my offspring wasn't okay, but it was a little more distant, a little younger. 

My wings sprouted when the power cells in my body popped. My son wasn't in danger, but his child. I didn't care how many of the wizards out there I had to hurt or kill, but my family was in danger, and there wasn't anything scarier than an angry mama bear.
I gripped my wand and threw open my house door, so it popped out of its angles and flopped on the floor. 

That gave me the attention of my guards, that pointed their wands at me, but I didn't care for that. I stomped my foot on the ground and they fell on the ground.
I was using old magic, magic the wizarding kind had no access to. One of them got up again, and with one look, I put him to sleep.
I could feel my grandchild, I just needed to get there. 

Attacking a defenseless Veela-youngling! 

What creature would do such a thing?! The second I would see my child safe, I would defend my family myself. 

Harry POV

Neville had finally come back from his honeymoon, and was sad that he had to leave his husband so soon. 

"You know, dragons are so fascinating..." Neville started again.
"You told me already Neville. Could we please focus on my mail, so that I won't stay a bachelor forever?" Neville shook his head and gave me the next letter. 

I still had 30 suitors, so the courting was going to end soon, I at least hoped. Heka had just sat herself down next to Hedwig when I heard it. 

There was a loud voice downstairs, just like when Hagrid had torn down the door six years ago.

I gripped my wand and ran down the stairs, ready to fight, Neville behind me.
I hadn't even made it downstairs when I heard spells been thrown around. There stood a lot of people in my entrance hall, in the living room, everywhere.
"Come out Voldemort, and we might spare your wife!" screamed one. He had dark skin, and wore strange robes.
Kinsley Shaklebolt. 

He had mother crushed under his grip and pointed his wand at him. Father stood in the middle of the fight, some death eaters around him.
"Mother!" I screamed and wanted to run down to help, but Neville pulled me behind him. Just then, mother pushed his wings out and Shaklebolt into the wall. Then mother looked at us and screamed: 

"Go hide, we have this under control!"
We still stood there, not able to move. 

No, I won't lose my family a second time. 

Then father turned to us and started to talk in parseltounge. "Go hide in the owlery. They won't find you there. Nothing will happen to us, so run!" He didn't seem a bit worried, it sounded like he thought this would happen and was prepared.
I was able to move again and gripped Neville's hand. "Follow me!" I ordered and ran down the floor, in hope nobody saw us. 

But we were unlucky and one of Dumbledore's followers spotted us. Red hair and hand me down clothes? He was definitely a Weasley, I guessed he was Bill, the oldest. 

"Stop, you dark creatures, and you won't be punished as hard!" He screamed, but we didn't stop, even when he started throwing hexes at us.
"Left." I whispered to Neville and made a sharp turn. When we disappeared behind the corner, we pushed ourselves against the wall and when he stood in front of him Neville casted a 'Petrificus totalus'. 

I nodded to him and we started to run again. The owlery was high up in the east tower. I took two stairs at once, when I remembered I could just fly. I wasn't strong enough to carry Neville too, but after putting him under a levitating spell he clung to me while I flew up the stairs, literally. The second we reached the door, we jumped inside and slammed the door shut.
Neville was busy locking the door with every spell possible, while looked out the window, and down to the mansion. I could see the hexes around shooting out of doors and windows. 

"Do you think something happened to them?" I asked when I saw green light flying around.
"No. Your father can't die, and you mother is a submissive Veela. He feels that you are still in danger, what makes him twice as strong than normally." 

"Where are they, they disappeared?!" I heard someone scream. 

My parents must have escaped! But we weren't sure what happened exactly. Half an hour after the fight I saw the Order leave, putting spells on the mansion.
"Can you tell which spells these are?" I asked Neville and he shook his head.
"I was never good in spells. Sorry Harry. I guess we will need to call for help." He answered and took the paper that was lying around on the table in the middle of the room. 

"Do you think mother and father will come and rescue us?" Neville shook his head.
"They can't. You are a courting Veela, which means your safety is my job, and should your parents interfere they would be put in jail by the Veela council. The law sound stupid, but it was made in times when subs were still looked down upon and parents stole their children away from enforcers to sell them off." I nodded my head. 

"Whom are you writing?" I asked while he attached little letters to our owls. "Your suitors. They are allowed to interfere, and I won't be able to get you out without help, because I don't know which spells are lingering around the mansion." I quickly helped him and owl after owl left their place and flew to one of my suitors.
After all our owls had left, Neville and I sat down and waited. There wasn't much we could do, but wait and clean up a little.

A/N: Tell me how you like the chapter, and do you know who the unknown person is?


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