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Scar ran as fast as her feet would carry her, her dirty blonde hair slapping her in the face a bit. She heard synchronized footsteps behind her and instantly knew it was the Footclan ninjas that the Shredder had sent after her. She held her hand out behind her and the nearest water tower exploded, washing her pursuers away.

She lept over a bus stop bench, landing perfectly. She looked up and saw Tigerclaw hovering above her, guns locked and loaded. Luckily, since she was still crouched behind the bench, he couldn't see her yet. She knew Shredder would send his kitty cat after her. She'd planned ahead. She held her hand up and just like magic, Tigerclaw's gun flew out of his hand and into her's. "Yes!" She whispered.

"Who's there?" Tigerclaw demanded. Scar smirked, stepping out of her hiding spot and shooting his jetpack. Tigerclaw's ice gun skidded away from him and before he could retrieve it, Scar kicked him in the face, knocking him unconscious. She wanted no time in fleeing.

Suddenly, Karai landed in front of her. "I don't wanna hurt you, Scar." She said. Out of the entire Footclan, Karai was, surprisingly the kindest to her. She wasn't exactly a little ray of sunshine either, though. One night, when she came back from patrol, she looked skeptical. Scar had gotten a chance to read her mind and found out that she's been told someone named Hamato Yoshi was her real father.

"I'm sorry, Karai. I can't stay here anymore." Scar said, eyes narrowed. "And I understand that. But... I don't wanna get punished for failure by father again." She said father with a small hint of doubt. Scar sighed. "Once again, I'm sorry Karai." With that, she teleported behind her and kicked Karai in the spine. Karai gasped and fainted. Scar pushed the feeling of guilt out of her mind and continued to run.
— — —
She shoved the warehouse door open, breathing heavily. Her legs ached and her lungs burned. But she was safe. That was all that mattered. She collapsed on a spare bag of... Whatever. Scar wanted to go home so badly. But she knew that her home would be the first place Shredder would look for her and the last thing she wanted was to put her parents in harm's way. "Goodnight mom. Goodnight dad." she whispered before falling asleep.

Red is for Compassion (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now