Chapter Eighteen- Hope

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Scar yelped as a fly named... Dexter Speckboy gave her a shot, filled with red liquid. "Ouch!!" She hissed. He chuckled at her pain. It was rare that he was the one causing it so he relished the new feeling. "What the shell was that!?!" She demanded as they yanked her up by the chains. "That izzz a zzzzpecial mutagen that I made. It dezzzztabalizes the gene inside of you that givezzz you your powerzzzz." Scar raised a brow. "Speak english freak." He growled, but explained it a little simpler. "You won't have your powers for another six hours." He deadpanned.

Scar narrowed her eyes
"Jokes on you. The turtles are gonna save me, even if I don't have my powers." "Not if you drown first." Winter seethed. Turns out she was the "nice" cashier lady at Starbucks. Scar's eyes widened as they slung her into a glass cage with a large tube connected to it. It trailed into the ocean, too." Star scrambled to her feet. "Hey! Lemme out of here RIGHT NOW!" She yelled.  Karai rolled her eyes. "I'll be happier if she was dead." "Same here!" Scar hissed. "The difference is, my request is actually coming true in about thirty minutes."

Scar narrowed her eyes again. Raph, Liv and the rest of the guys were coming for her. She knew it. She just had to have hope.

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