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Scar sighed as she stuffed some more popcorn in her mouth. She was watching some thriller movie titled 12 feet under with Raph at her side. It was about these sisters who get trapped in the public pool underneath the cover. So far, it was actually kind of good. She jumped a bit as the creepy janitor lady's eye appeared above the hole in the pool cover. Raph chuckled. "I saw that one coming."Scar rolled her eyes playfully. She still wasn't able to talk. Like at all.

She grabbed her notepad and wrote can you turn on the AC. I'm cold. Raph read over it quickly, nodding. "Sure." He said getting up to leave. Scar sighed through her nose, leaning back and relaxing. She thought about how much her life had changed since she'd meet Olivia and the guys and she smiled. Sure, it had its ups and downs, but they all accepted her. That really made her feel good.

Suddenly a scream erupted from the hallway followed promptly by the name "MIKEY!!!!!" Scar turned around to see Mikey dashing away, giggling childishly, a soaking wet Raph close behind him. Scar smiled. Suddenly, she was shot with a water gun. She silently screamed and stood up to see Olivia and Leo High fiving. She huffed. "I got you covered, Scar." Donnie called, handing her a red water gun. She smirked, shooting Don a thumbs up. Without warning, she drenched the couple in water, using her powers to make the experience ten times better.

Soon, all six teens were engaged in intense water combat, soaking eachother with water guns and balloons. The lair echoed with their laughter and shrieks, or just radiated with their smiles. It was perhaps the best part of that entire day.

Until Mikey clumsily hit Splinter as he was walking out of the dojo. Then everything went downhill.

Red is for Compassion (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now