Chapter Seventeen- We'll Be Waiting

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Raph didn't expect anything major to happen, really. He knew that Scar was fully independent and that she was able to take care of herself. The many bruises he'd received from training were supportive of that. He was playing the game when it happened, celebrating the fact that he'd beat Leo at that wrestling game that Olivia said was old fashioned.

"Why don't you get something like an X-Box one or a PlayStation four?" She asked. "Your fifteen year olds growing up in the twentieth century. Get modern." Donnie looked up from his book of Scientific literature. "Well we can't exactly waltz into a tech store and ask for any of those games. We can't even come out of the sewers unless it's dark." Olivia opened her mouth to respond, but was suddenly at a loss for words. "I can't even have a proper argument with you around." She muttered, walking away. Donnie smiled, going back to his book. "That's what I'm here for." He said.

Raph's phone began ringing, the all to familiar ringtone blaring through the lair. He picked up the phone looking at the caller ID before answering.

"Yo, Scar what's up?" He asked nonchalantly. "Hello, Raph." Raph grew a what the shell look when he noticed the voice on the other end of the line defiantly did not belong to Scar. "Karai!?" He exclaimed. Everyone's attention was suddenly aimed at him. "I hope you have me on speaker, because this is important." She cooed. Raph looked utterly and hopelessly confused but he put her on speaker nonetheless.

"Shredder has a surprise planned for all of you. And it involves your precious girlfriend Raph. By the way, did I mention that her contact photo for you is utterly adorable?" Karai asked in a slightly teasing manner. Raph snarled. "If you lay one finger on her,  I swear I'll rip your throat out through your teeth." Raph seethed. "Empty threats don't scare me." Karai stated. "Meet us on the docks by midnight. If you don't, Scar's gonna regret being born." Raph growled and you could practically see the smoke billowing from his ears. "We'll be waiting." With that, Karai ended the call.

Raph chucked the phone at the wall, shattering it on impact. "Not fixing that." Donnie said.

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