Chapter Nineteen- Just Stay

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Scar kicked at the glass again, earning a glare from Shredder. He'd arrived only moments before with pure anger in his eyes. "They only have two more minutes before we kill the girl." Winter said, looking towards Scar. "If she means anything to them, they'll be here." Shredder stated. "But they won't be leaving anytime soon."

Suddenly a large bang resounded and they all heard four people, three male and one female, hiss the name 'Mikey'. Karai smirked. Before anything else could happen, the turtles and Olivia flipped off of a nearby shipping container, landing perfectly with their weapons drawn. Raph's eyes landed on Scar and she smiled. "Raph!" She exclaimed happily. Raph shot a smile her way, happy to see that she's been unharmed.

"Nice of you to join us turtles." Winter smiles. "And item that shan't be named." Olivia growled and Leo places a hand on the small of her back, rubbing circles there. "Dudes! They got Shred-head here!" Mikey exclaims. Shredder reveals his tekkō-kagi with a dark chuckle. Karai unseethed her tanto from its scabbard and gave her usual smirk. "Can we get this show on the road so that I can go home." Scar asked. "Of course you can." Karai began.

"Right after this." She snapped her fingers and Baxter pressed a button on a weird looking remote. Water began to flow into Scar's glass cage from the tube. "Crap!" She hissed. "Her powers have been disabled and she can't do anything to prevent herself from drowning." Shredder began. "And neither will you." Leo's eyes narrowed. "Ninjas! Attack!" He yelled. "Finish them!" Shredder commanded. Both groups charged at each other weapons clashing.

Scar watched as they fought, focused only on each other. Karai flipped over Olivia, but Olivia cartwheeled out of the way of another attack. "You've gotten better." Karai said, flipping the blade so that the hilt was facing Olivia. "But not good enough." With a mighty battle cry, she rushed at Olivia, slamming the hilt of her tanto into Olivia's chest. The blond teen was knocked out of the way, and past Mikey, Donnie, and Winter. Mikey and Donnie charged simultaneously but Winter chuckled, ducking down and causing them to run into one another. They groaned. With an agile spin, she tripped them both, laughing as they fell.

Leo used his swords to block constant attacks from Shredder. "Your demise will be my victory." He boomed. "And my victory will be your demise." Leo retorted. Shredder growled, spinning behind Leo and nearly stabbing him, but Leo lept out of the way. Raph rushed over too Scar, where the water was up to the middle of her legs. "You okay?" He asks. "Did they hurt you?" Scar shook her head. "Not yet but if I don't get out of here soon I'll be more than hurt." He pressed his lips in a thin line looking for some sort of weak spot in the glass.

Then he yelped as Baxter Stockman spit acid at his feet. "Your not getting her out anytime zzzzoon." He said. Raph pulled his sais out and charged. The water began to flow in faster and it grew up to her knees. Her eyes widened and she began to bang on the glass. "HELP! HELP ME!" she yelled. No one looked over at her, they were all preoccupied with their enemies. She began to punch at it in hopes of the gas cracking just a bit. But no such thing happened.

The water rose to her waist. "Olivia!" She yelled. Olivia looked to her, her eyes widening a split second before Karai stabbed her in the side. The blonde girl cried out in pain, falling down. Leo turned around just in time to see the fiasco happen. "OLIVIA!" He cried. Shredder waisted no time in elbowing Leo in the back of the head. He grunted, falling to the floor limply, but not being unconscious.

Mikey and Donnie held their ground in an okay manner. Donnie used his book staff as a lance and launched himself toward Winter's face. The wolf mutant grunted, falling down unconscious. Mikey and Donnie exchanged proud glances before rushing over to help Raph. Mikey pressed his hands against the glass to match up to Scar's "Your gonna be okay, dudette! We're getting you outta here!" The water was at the middle of Scar's chest now and she was having a little trouble breathing but she nodded. Mikey gave her a reassuring smile. "Look out!" Scar yelled suddenly. Mikey had no time to defend himself as Shredder kicked him in the back of the head. She gasped. Donnie was trying to find out where the remote had gone when Karai pressed a pressure point on his wrist and the intelligent terrapin fell unconscious. Raph kicked Baxter in the face, and he flew into a wall, not moving at all.

It was then that he actually noticed the damage around him. Scar took in a big gulp of air as she went under the water. "No!" Raph exclaimed. Sensing Shredder behind him, he whipped around and roundhouse kicked him in the face, his anger blinding his fear. Shredded flew into Karai, knocking them both into the water. Raph ran over the Scar's cage, desperately searching for some sort of weak point in it. He found none. Scar couldn't take it anymore. She released the breath she'd been holding and involuntarily sucked in the water. "Raph!" Leo called weakly. The red masked turtle turned around just in time to catch the Katana his older brother had tossed him.

He stabbed the glass once. Slowly, Scar's hand slid down the glass. Raph stabbed it again, Scar's eyes began to close. With an angry battle cry, He stabbed once more, using all his might. The glass shattered, making a big enough hole for the water to flow through, taking Scar with it. Raph rushed over to her and began to forcefully press down on her chest in an attempt to get the water out of her system. "Come on, Scar! Don't die on me! Please!" Raph begged. As if those words were magic, Scar's eyes shot open and she gasped, taking in as much air as possible before she vomited out a large amount of water. Raph chuckled as her eyes landed on him. She smiled weakly before her eyes closed again.

Raph gently picked her up, pressing his forehead to hers. "Just stay with me, Shortie." He whispered. "Just stay."

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