Chapter Eight-The Should'ves and Could'ves in Life

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Raph punched another wall, not even wincing as his fist grew bloody. "We let our guard down and now Scar is gone! Tigerclaw and Winter took Scar!" He yelled, throwing his sai toward Olivia. She didn't even flinch as it flew past her face. "It's all my fault!" Leo scoffed. "You think you feel guilty? I was the one who didn't want her to come in the first place. But you guys had convincing points so I thought, 'why the heck not?' but now I see I was right to begin with." Leo said. "If I hadn't been so dense, then Scar would still be here!" Raph narrowed his eyes.

"You don't understand! Scar was the only person who understood me! She was like Spike, but better! Now she's at risk of death and probably sassing off at Shredder and getting herself pummeled! No one knows how I feel right now!" "Oh don't even go there!" Leo seethed. Olivia raised an  eyebrow.  "Are you two seriously fighting over who's at fault for this?"

Donnie shook his head. "Desperation at its best." He muttered. Mikey only stood by, watching the fiasco while eating a spare slice of pizza. "Don't ever compare your relationship with Scar's to mine." Leo said. "I'm not the one who started this argument in the first place, Fearless." Raph spat. "You know you did!" Leo retorted. With that, Raph snapped, he launched himself at Leo and both teens began a violent tussle on the ground. Olivia, Donnie, and Mikey were quick to rush over and pull them off of one another.

"You both should be ashamed of yourselves!" Olivia stated, with authority. "Scar is staring into the eyes of death, trying to survive, no doubt, while you two are bickering like two five year old sisters!" Raph and Leo looked down in shame. "I'm sick of you two arguing over the simplest of things. Like who leads who, and who should do what, and now who's to blame for what! You guys are going to push me off of the brink of sanity!" Olivia shouted. "I though she already was." Mikey whispered to Donnie.

"You need to shut up and work together for once, okay?" They nodded. Olivia's eyes softened. "Alright," She began. "About that plan."

Raph knew he could've been there for her. Now she was good as dead.
— — —
Scar slowly came to her senses, a pulsing ache in her head and a churning in her stomach that made her want to vomit. She groaned, silently cursing the fact it was dark. Her hair was matted and sweaty, not to mention all in her face. She reached up and brushed it back, feeling cold chain links on her forehead.

Her brow furrowed, and her eyes adjusted to the dark and she saw that she had chains around hr ankles and wrist. Apparently she was in a dungeon as well. Suddenly the place was illuminated by torches. Now she could clearly see Tigerclaw standing at the door. He smirked and opened the cell, halfway dragging her out. "Master Shredder has a few... Kindly questions to ask you." He explained. "I doubt kindly is the word your looking for." Scar muttered.

Tigerclaw growled, violently tossing her forward at the foot of his throne. "You escape on your feet, bit come back to me on your knees? How fitting." He smirked, making his way toward her. "It's better to have learned how freedom is than to have dream about it." Shredder growled. "My patients is running low, girl. Now tell me where the turtles live." "Sorry, Cheese Grater Junior, I'm not open for questions right now." Shredder growled, releasing his tekkō-kagi and slicing three deep scars upon her right. She hissed in pain, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a full scream.

"Where are they?" He demanded. Scar looked up at him, her blue eyes filled with hate.

I should've stayed at the lair She thought.

Red is for Compassion (Book Two)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz