Chapter Six- Fun and Games

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Scar nodded her head slowly to the beat of the music as she was sat sprawled on the couch. Donnie had fixed the T.V, despite the fact that he didn't want to and Super Mega Awesome Robot Five Force Five was playing.

Scar never understood why the guys watched these old shows. Why couldn't they be like other guys and be infatuated with shows like Pokemon, Walking Dead, and Flash. She sighed and turned over on her stomach, flipping through her playlist. The guys had given her a T-Phone yesterday and it was actually kind of cool. Way better than other phones. "Don should totally get this patented." She muttered with a smile.

"Yo, Scar." Scar turned around and saw Raph walking toward the dojo, a red towel slung over his shoulder. "Wanna come train with me. You're pretty good." Scar chuckled. "As fun as that sounds, Raphie, I'm kind of busy." Raph gave a small smile. "Did you just call me, Raphie?" Scar shrugged. "It suits you. To me at least." Scar could swear she saw him blush, just a little.

"Is training all you do?" She asked. Raph raised an eye ridge. "Is lounging all you do?" Scar smirked. "I like to think I'm half cat." They both laughed. "But seriously, don't you ever do anything else?" Scar asked. Raph pressed his lips in a thin line, thinking about it a bit. Then he pointed to the old fashion Space Heroes pinball machine.

"I play pinball." He said simply. Scar pulled out her earphones with an innocent smile. "Let's go." She said. Raph looked surprised. "Like right now?" She smirked. "Unless of course you're afraid to get beat." Raph scoffed, slinging his towel to the side. "Little girl, I own the high score on this game. I can beat you with my eyes closed." Scar chuckled mischievously. "That's what you think." She mumbled
- - -
Raph stared wide eyed at the pinball machine. "What... How...." Scar smirked. "Close your mouth, Raphie. You'll catch flies." Scar had managed to not beat Raph's high score, but completely DEMOLISH it." She crossed her arms and leaned on the machine like a boss. "Any more high scores you want me to beat?" Raph just looked at her with a raised eye ridge. "How did you do it?"

Scar giggled. "You know, having levitation powers help." "WHAT?! YOU CHEATED?!?" "Yep!" Was all Scar said before dashing away. Raph began to give chase. "Get back here!" He laughed.

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