Chapter 9 (It's Impossible)

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Louis POV

One month since the night I don’t like to remember happened, Harry had his big come out and I just ruin it. In my defense, it was Zayn's fault, and the little shit then disappeared the whole next day, making me worried for nothing. Right now he is back in the flat, painting and doing graffiti animals and cartoons on the wall, he for some unknown reason even became friends with Liam again. But I feel like telling the story of how Zayn appeared magically in Liam's hometown, although I still found it hard to believe.

It was late at night and Enzo the hobo drive us home, in my drunkenness (according to Zayn's description) I got out of the car barely walking and yelled “I am going under Harry”, then I slapped Enzo's bum, which makes no sense because everybody knows how respectful I am (well sometimes) went to see Harry, and that's when he was coming out, his mom saw me and you know the rest of the story.

While that happened Zayn actually walk some streets and found an empty cab, which then took him to a train station, there he was lucky enough to find a train driver who was his cousin (this is twisted, but I want to believe in Zayn) and he was going where? Wolverhampton, also known as Liam's hometown. They arrive there and Zayn walk in circles for hours, not knowing where to go because he is stupid and irresponsible as fuck. After a while, he found a park and it was already an early morning, and a pretty girl offered him coffee, and because he is some kind of illuminated child, the girl was Liam's close friend Sophia, who took him to… Liam's place.

The story continues with Zayn saying a bunch of inaccurate events, so I am taking Sophia and Liam´s description of what really happened. Sophia drive what she describes as “some poor homeless looking guy” to help him, because she is sweet like that, to her surprise, Liam was already awake in her house, still in the wheelchair though. Liam went almost completely pale when he saw that it was Zayn, fully recovered and fully hangover. He asked him what happened and Zayn blame everything on me, which was a big fat lie, Liam didn´t believe him but still invite him to come in, to the look of a really amused Sophia.

Zayn apologized to Liam one thousand times (this was Liam's exact words) and he said it was fine. Morning passed and he fall sleep, Liam told Sophia the whole Veronica story, which of course make her burst into tears for laughing so much until finally Zayn woke up and barf all over Sophia (which was wearing a brand new dress, lord knows why)… Liam then was the one laughing, Sophia got so mad at Zayn that she bitch slapped him and throw him out of the house. Liam then join him for a while, they went to have dinner in some fast food place and they made up, Liam called me and Zayn came back, end of his story… I think?

A month since all that, but it still feels like yesterday… in the other hand, my relation with Harry has grown quite a bit, we are having the best of times, his video blogs are having a little more impact, with that I mean he doesn´t suck as much as he did the first time. We watched countless YouTubers, and it's for the best because then we are in such a good mood we end up having amazing snogging sessions. Harry learned how to kiss really quickly, I have to admit he was a little shy at first, but now… he is always begging for more, and so am I,  we are slowly getting there.

This was not a coincidence, our best month happen when George was not around, little Mr. Perfect was in Japan, doing something and taking a million selfies per hour, most of them pointless. Harry mention him though, “Hope he is fine”, “He should take more pictures”, “Why he didn´t get the Totoro bag”, “Why is he wearing a smoke mask?”, all that… which I could only answer with “You are not his mother”. But when his spirit was not around, we were having the time of our lives, I hope George bough a one way ticket.

Harry POV

Well, my mom haven´t speak with me one single time since she left the flat not even facing me, if there was something I didn´t want to go through, was losing her, but it happened, also I lose all the money she send… but thank God for Jaymi, he was nice enough to help me with some food and, I don’t want to sound as if I am taking advantage of him, but he insisted on me taking his car, I didn´t want to, but he couldn´t use it and well, I can help Niall with a car… his photos are doing fantastic, after his holiday in Ireland, he had come way more energetic and ready to act and work harder than ever.

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