Chapter 34 (One Shaky Hand)

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Harry POV

Luke keep looking at me, I felt he was punching me in the stomach just by looking at his eyes. Isn´t it strange how comforting were Louis's blue pearls, and how scary were Luke's blue bullets? I could look at Louis and felt there was nothing wrong with the world, and then I realize Luke was right there and see everything that was wrong in the world. Again my head started feeling dizzy, luckily Michael was right behind me, a little ashamed I could guess, but ready to caught me if I faint, which I was praying didn´t happen now.

After what felt like time stopping, bloody Luke give me the wink, key to losing the love of my life forever. Louis look at me, he still love me, I could tell. “Yes”, that was the first word he said, looking directly at me, not even paying attention to Luke. He was so hopeful, and I was about to blow everything… but If I didn´t lie, then I was going to die.

Michael was still behind me; Louis was waiting for an answer and Luke…

-       I had a really honest talk with Harry yesterday- Luke told Louis getting closer to him

-       You did?- Louis said trying to focus on him, but ending up looking at me

-       Yeah, he is dying to tell you everything- Luke keep eyeing me, and winking… it was weird and suspicious, but Louis seem not to care

-       What is it Harry?- Louis asked, the way he said my name bring shivers down my spine

I breathe in and out, this was it

-       Hi…- I said softly

-       You look nice- he said with a warm smile

-       Same- my mouth was shaking and I could see that Luke already had the gun in one hand, of course from were Louis was standing he couldn´t see it

-       Well- I was about to continue when Luke mouth “I will kill him” and point Louis softly with the gun, he couldn’t tell of course, but it was clear the gun was there. It was not about  my life anymore, it was about Louis, I couldn´t let him die… not him

-       Harry, Lou is eager to listen- Luke smile

My eyes were a mess, they were already watery, but then I realize that I wasn´t the only one there, from my perspective you could see the gun, and Michael was there too, so there wasn´t a way I was the only one that could've notice. I start tapping Michael slowly with my elbow, he looked at me and I mouth “Gun” and “Pocket” which he replied with a whisper “gas and poker?” I just… this was not the time to joke, Louis was about to die, and Luke was about to probably blow all our intestines cause he was mental!

-       Harry- Luke make a creepy pause and got closer to Louis- He is waiting

-       You're still with Michael, that's good… I guess- Louis said a little disappointed, strength lacking in his voice

-       Louis, let me…- Michael was about to step in but I had to hold his hand, action he took by surprise and look at me confused, I couldn´t wait more, Luke was going to pull the trigger in any minute if I didn´t speak

-       Yes- I said, knowing that this was going to cause World War 3 in Louis head- I am dating Michael and we are so in love and very happy. You were just- My chest started closing, I felt a horrible pain as if I was going to lose oxygen- a game Louis, a toy… I never- I cough a little, tears already coming down my face as Luke and Louis, both with penetrating blue eyes, look at me, one crying the other one smirking- I never love you before, never love you now and never will…- tears were now hard, my voice was going to shut- You are horrible Louis, a horrible person and a horrible friend- I had to conclude, but Louis's eyes were so red, and tears running down his cheeks, he didn´t move a bit but I couldn´t hold it.

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