Chapter 26 (Broke)

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Harry POV

Unlike others, I am a mature human being, for that reason I texted Louis, of course I wasn't expecting a text back... And I didn't got one, I got a call.

- They are a little old, but fungi wouldn't resist alive the smell of them- He says with a little raspyness in his voice, something usual of him due to the fact that it was 3.30am

- Lou...- I say in relieve he was alive- how are you doing?

- Okay, but I feel... Empty

- Maybe you should eat something to feel... Full- I replied

- Harry, I am sorry, you know that. Let's get back to normal, one whole month apart, it's enough don't you think?

Actually in that moment, I started thinking. The month was in fact, one of the best months in my life. Mike was a good roomate, I was about to get a real job, going out until late and catching the last rides on the tube. No complains, but in the other hand... I do miss Louis quite a lot.

- No, I don't think so...- I said calmly

- What?- Louis's voice was a little higher, meaning he was upset

- I am more than okay. I've learned a lot about me in a month, and I would love to keep it like this... For a while

- Harry, I miss you, let's just forget what happened and learn more together. You needed time, I gave it to you, please come back- Lou voice was cracking a little

- You need to learn about yourself Lou, but I am glad you're feeling alright...

- You're breaking up with me?- he interrupted

- No Lou, YOU were the one that broke us up, bye- and I hang up...

Suddenly there I was, laying on my bed looking at the ceiling. I was single, I broke up with Louis? Did I? My head was spinning like a ballerina. It was just me again, didn't feel right, but I knew I was taking the right decision. Now the real question is, would I go back to him? Now that doesn't have an answer, but Louis and I, that's the past.


I open my eyes., It was a plot twist because I usually get up at 9 or later... My head had so many thoughts, most of them about me, about Louis. Maybe I wasn't even gay, there was a big chance I was... Asexual. And my brown boots were old, Mikey was right, what if they really had fungi? Also, Niall haven't answer my calls, maybe Zayn kill him, that lad is weird...

- Up at 7 in the morning, well that ruined my morning surprise- said a half sleep Michael, sitting in the edge of the bed

- Please tell me the surprise isn't another scary metaphor...

- Chill Styles, actually it's something got it- Mike then lays on the floor, no idea why

- Got what?- I ask sitting on my bed ruffling my hair

- You know...- he says closing his eyes

- Got... Milk?- I laugh a little, but then realize that joke wasn't too good, yeah lame

- I am ignoring this moment ever happened Harry. You got the job in Shoe Zone, Calum confused our mails and I receive your acceptance letter from the manager, you should have gotten mine mate... Check your mail- he concluded

- I got a job? oh God that's amazing!- I was seriously shocked and surprise, this must be what winning the X Factor feels, wow

I literally jumped out of my bed and smile for a long moment. This was an achivement, my achivement! Golden moment, I even took a selfie and put it on Instagram, that was something I haven't done in a while.

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