Chapter 18 (Wide Awake)

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Louis POV

Harry was looking at me pale as ever, I could feel his fingertips getting colder, as I look at him I can't blame my boyfriend. Hiding in the bushes it's Niall, with his legs wide open and his pants down, and not just that... He was snogging with Zayn. Yeah what you just heard, Zayn and Niall were snogging behind a bush, and there were a lot of chances that one of them got a blow job, this is just so surreal, I thought both of them were looking for perfect woman, guess they got tired. And as I am thinking about all this, Harry mumbles something, and in a blink of an eye, the almost 1.83cm (6.0ft) tall Harry Styles faint in my arms.

I am not short, I am average, but although my strength is good, I couldn't carry his weight at fullest, and just my knees started to shake while Harry lay in my arms unconscious. Luckily for me, my dear mate Michael Clifford was taller than Harry, so he took my boyfriend… liberating me from him.

-       - I- I don't know how to- the Irish lad pull up his pants and start stuttering- Zayn just...

And again, without even noticing, Niall faint in the grass, completely unconscious and with a boner that now was decreasing, I was totally confused

-       Zayn- I said calmly... Although I wasn't

-       Yes Lou- he answered without facing me and looking at Niall's fainted body

-       Did you just blow my boyfriend's roommate? - I ask calmly again

-       Yes I did Lou- he answered without any regret

I was about to get all parental on Zayn when Michael burst into tears of joy, he was laughing so hard it was kind of infectious, I could feel him and then I started laughing, and then Zayn started laughing, and I am sure that if Harry and Niall would be conscious they would've laugh too.

-       Am I the only one considering this extremely hilarious?!- Michael said between his laugh- Zayn and Louis, I meet you as womanizers and now you both like boys, and your boys decide to faint like bloody sleeping beauty!- he burst into laughter, and so did I, it was just... A moment.


The trip back home was slightly quiet. As Liam went with the Aussie lads, we had an extra sit that Michael took. I was driving and Harry was next to me, still a little unconscious, Zayn was in the middle next to Niall and Michael. Luckily I have a great taste in music so I put the Clean Bandits hit Rather Be, and then some other mainstream top 40 music, much better than Zayn's torturing sounds.

-        What a party, right lads?- I said while everyone look half sleep, after all it was almost 5 in the morning

-       Did Niall said something before he faint- Zayn answered

-       Yeah, he said you were a sucker- Michael snap back touching Zayn's raven quiff that was starting to lose shape

-       When did this twat came back?- Zayn ask me, while looking at Michael with a half smirk

-       He just did, Mikey was missing his English mates

-       Mikey was bored of his American wannabe friends- he answered looking out of the window- You will be surprised at how boring they can be, at least the science majors, couldn't find what I was looking for, so I scape Obama land

-       Seems reasonable...- Zayn keep looking at Niall from time to time

We then stay quiet when all of the sudden I feel Harry caressing my hand with his thumbs, he was now moving a little his shoulders and his eyes started to open, it was the same expression he puts when he wakes up in the morning. He looks at me and I look at him quickly, because I am driving and his beautiful eyes can be cause of death, he keeps looking at me without saying a word, I just smile because Harry is too perfect, and I have him just for myself.

-       Lou... Can I sleep with you tonight, I just had the weirdest nightmare in which Zayn and Niall were, doing the inappropriate- as soon as Harry said that, Michael put his hand in his mouth and start laughing without even noticing it, while Zayn also smiled at this and "shh" him

-       Oh no, Michael is coming home with us? - Harry asked

-       I feel absolutely offended chicken legs; you don't want me to go to your house? I thought we were already mates, this breaks my heart a little- Michael teased him

-       What can I say, I am a heartbreaker- Harry look back at him, and Zayn who was a little too concerned with Niall

-       Zayn, is everything okay between you and Niall, cause I didn't see that coming...

-       You mean cumming with an U right?- Michael interrupted

-       Twat- Zayn hit him in the arm while everyone laugh- Harry, I won't talk about this, I think Niall needs to be awake so... I can see what he is thinking, I care about him

-       Sure- Harry answered


We arrive to the building and Harry was wide awake for that time. Michael open the door and just hop out of the car, he was wearing a lose shirt and some skinny black jeans with black converse.

I open Harry's door and he hug me tightly, look at me in the eyes and smile. Then Zayn came down, he was using his leather jacket because it was a lot colder than we all expected and now someone had to wake up Niall, this was the hard part.

Mikey suggested throwing him cold water, but we may kill him with that, Harry said just maybe poking him slowly, but that didn't work the first time, he has a heavy sleep. Zayn didn't say much, he just mention he was too tired and just went straight to our flat.

After 10 minutes Niall began moving, Harry poke him then and he just smile

-       I’m glad Louis didn't scream in my ear this time- he said as he slowly came down the car

-        Well I was about to...- I replied padding his back and then closing the car

-       Oh blondie, we haven't been formally introduced, apparently Louis is ashamed of his old friends, but in case you were wondering, I am Michael- he said shaking Niall's cold little hand

-       Niall, nice meeting you... you aren't English right?- he asked

-       No, and you aren't as well, so I may call immigration to kick us both out- Niall giggle at this comment- So you are from?

-       Mullingar... Ireland- he answered with his Irish pride

-       Fantastic little city I've never heard of- Michael pad Niall's back and they both enter the building already as best friends

Meanwhile Harry and I look at them interacting, we still had the whole "your best friend George had a crush on me" topic open, but none of us was in the mood to comment it. Plus Liam was taking care of him, as the daddy he is. We hold hands and enter the building, then Niall said he was fine and went downstairs to his shared room, but Harry stay with me and Michael and we went to the flat. It wasn't the first time Mikey was crushing with us, so he took a pillow and a bed cover and just let go to his sleep on the couch, faster than anyone.

Harry and I went to my bed, we spoon to feel each other's heat, and it was the best, I was the small spoon this time and Harry keep touching my hair and giving me small pecks on my neck, we were so comfortable and so peaceful after the long night.

-       Lou? - Harry asked when I was getting sleepy

-       Huh?- I barely answered

-       You think Zayn and Niall will be a couple now?

-       Baby that's up to them- I touch Harry's thigh, it was so soft

-       Niall's never been with a boy- he replied, padding my hair nicely

-       Then he would be with... Veronica- I answered almost fully sleep

Harry keep saying some things, but I was too tired to answer them, my eyes were closing, so with the soft touch of his hand and lips, I just feel sleep, feeling like the luckiest boy on the planet.

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