Chapter 11 (Difficult)

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Organizing the damn date was difficult, Harry said he could be in charge of everything but he was the one asking for it, so I must behave the part and try being a little charming, after all he was the one that suffered the stabs in the relation, including the ones that I haven´t told YET, like me sleeping with George… and the new one, his mom hating me with all his heart, but let´s ignore that and focus on the date.

First order of business, how do I see myself in a date, what should I do in order to impress Haz without being a try hard, well I had to ask the woman of my life, and it's not my mom, or my sisters… its Veronica. Yeah I do understand that some people are tired of her, or the fact that she can be pretty annoying at times because it´s just Zayn with a wig and makeup, but I like her, when it’s her, I feel I am with a female friend I really need, maybe it’s because she survived a coma at 21 which is pretty impressive, or the fact that her voice is so smooth that you can almost taste it, (tastes like cigarette and spray paint…) but let's go with romance here and say it taste like flowers.

-       He is not going to like that as a present…- Zayn… well Veronica says as I show her the super cool Thor comic I was going to give him in our first real date

-       Why not? It's an original he is going to love it…

-       Just don´t, this is something you would love to receive, but think what would make Harry go Oh!- He put this suck dick face but I didn´t tell her

-       A new shirt? He seems to use them…

-       Why don´t you also give him socks grandma, it needs to be special!- he repeats

-       What does that even mean! A shirt can be special if I want, maybe I can put our names there so it´s better- I suggest

-       You are not understanding the whole point of this Louis, get him something that means for both of you, that he looks at it and says, “oh Louis was so polite he give me this very special thing in our first date” make it count

-       Sonic Screwdriver! He loves Doctor Who, so do I, he is going to love that- I was brilliant

-       Louis!- he slapped my head, if he wasn´t wearing the Veronica outfit I would kill him in that moment- think like a boyfriend and not like a best friend for just one second, what can you give him that means a lot to both of you…

As a boyfriend, well I didn´t have many ideas, sue me I am not the most romantic guy In the face of Earth, but after analyzing the situation for a couple of moments, the solution was right in front of me, Zayn.

-       You are perfect Veronica, I know what I am getting him… a painting- I smile

-       That's actually a sweet detail, what painting?

-       Chubby unicorns, or that's what I heard…- that was the first answer Harry gave me on Omegle

-       We are not on the same page…- Veronica rolled his eyes

-       Remember that Rhino kingdom picture you draw, with a lot of animals but the main focus on the Rhino?

-       Of course, it's still on my wall, I like it a lot- she answered with a mix of Zayn and Veronica

-       That was probably our first bonding as a couple, over Omegle, it sounds stupid but

-       It's perfect- Veronica interrupted- Something so personal and intimate that it becomes romantic for both of you, just perfect… give him that!

-       There´s no way of hating it! He would be so excited!

-       But you need to give him another little detail as well- she told me with a delicate voice, how this lady was Zayn the twat?

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