Chapter 28 (Scream)

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Louis POV

As soon as I come to terms with my sexuality, there was one person that help me. My boyfriend, he listen to me whine every night, he kissed me every morning, we dance until our feet hurt and we made love like rabbits. But that relation wasn't real, it was just a game, for both of us, just having fun. But that boyfriend now has aids, that guy is Jaymi, and I haven't seen him in more than half year.

When everything between Harry and I was still alright, he keep telling me to go and see him, to speak with him, at least once, but I couldn't. Jaymi and I never had a propper goodbye, maybe because I never thought he was going to be so strong and make it so much time alive, but I was wrong.

Now months after not seeing each other, face to face, he was there, looking at me, he look handsome, as always. A little bit skinnier, and his hair shorter, but handsome nonetheless.

What do you say in this kind of situations? I came to see Harry, not to applogize to Jaymi, but in the light of the events, its the only propper thing to do, at least I have to man up on this one.

- I was going to say you look surprised, but by the look on your face, thats obvious- Jaymi interrupted

- Jaymi...

- You didn't forgot my name! Thats a pleasant surprise Louis- he said moving to the electric stairs, which meant that he wanted to talk

- I really wanted to call you- I said a little hesitating

- No lies Louis, we both know you didn't, but I am not mad, if that ever bother you

- Jaymi, I was really worried, and I did wanted to visit you, but I just couldn't

- What was holding you back?- he asked, pressing his lips in disconfort

- Things, a lot of things...

- I have time, go on- he was really looking for answers

- Like, I couldn't see you sick, it was something that never crossed my mind. And in that moment I was too invested with Harry

- Harry- He cut me there, and did a smile- That is a golden boy you found, lucky lil piece of shit

- We aren't together, now- I could feel my face breaking

- I know, but Harry... Poor Harry he fall in love with you, are you aware of that?- he mention with a face of wanting to kill me with his hands

- Yeah...

- And you never said it back, he has all the right to be angry with you, to break up with you and to leave you with a massive depression that, I think, is what you are having now- he concluded sitting near the Tapas spot

- Sure- I didn't have a reply for him, I was too invested in recovering from actually having him here

- You need help, Zayn doesn't say it, but all your life is nothing but a bloody disaster!

- Excuse me Jaymi, but I am not in the mood for...

- Excuse me Jaymi?! Are you for real, you haven't even apologize with me for calling me a liar and a cheater! And now you just don't feel in the mood? Unbeliavable, what did Harry even saw in you!- he said really loud and doing a lot of gestures

- Shut up!- I scream earning a couple of looks

- Now I need to shut up? I thought you were really bothered cause I never speak much, and there are a few things I need to tell you Louis

- Jaymi, I am terribly sorry for what I did. I feel like shit, I shouldv'e done this before but I was scared you wouldn't want to see me and accept me. Between us everything was doomed, and you know that. Still I am really sorry, just accept this...- i said facing him right in the eyes

Jaymi kept quiet for a while. He look at me for a few seconds, smile to himself and then look up to me again

- I'm glad you did that, and yes we were doomed, but that didn't mean I didn't want to have you as a friend.- he did a little pause and breath out- We can keep in touch now, if you want

I smiled, a whole weight inside of me was taken away with that apology. When I look at Jaymi I feel he deserve it. And it was an eye opening moment for me. And yeah, I needed help, he was right, sometimes you think you can handle all things at once, but then you notice you just can't and asking for help, that won't make you less of a person, that would make you brave.

- Jaymi, thank you, you are the best, I don't do this often but, can I?- I open my arms, universal hug sign

- It's been a while, but why not- He embrace me very hard, I hug him tight and close

- You are still a great hugger- I say to his ear

- I know- he replied

We sit there and Jaymi started telling me how he got aids by getting a cheap tattoo. His father sue the shop and now they were the ones taking care of all the medical expenses he have, I understood that. Also I told him about my plans of getting back to university, but how they weren't taking me back cause of my low grades. Everything was fine, time seem to have stop until...

- You're the famous Jaymi! He is waiting for you, and you are out here with whom? Boyfriend of the year, this can't be happening!- a little stressed Michael Clifford said, clearly coming down from Nandos

Well I could feel my (former) best friend judging me with a long face, that was weird in someone like him. He just stared at both of us with his arms crossed and then sign the electric stairs to Jaymi, meaning he wanted him to move to Nandos as fast as he can.

- Sorry, time kind of fly away... Michael right?- he asked him

- Yeah, but you can call me "the only friend that actually cares about bloody Styles", geez just... Go to the restaurant and never mention you found Louis here- he then look at me and shook his head- This never happen, you were just lost, alright Jaymi?

- Sure- Jaymi rolled his eyes and then wave a quick goodbye to me

Michael stay watching how Jaymi went all the way into the restaurant. After that, I knew something was happening to him, something was wrong, he never stress so much, less for just a little dinner like this one.

- You alright Mikey?- I said trying to touch his arm, but he moved away

- Just, I want Harry to enjoy this, and with you here, not possible

- Well I was just leaving- I said

- Great!- Mikey put his hand in his head, something was wrong

- I still care about you, we can go out any day, have lunch, maybe a couple drinks- Michael was one of my best friends, and this behaviour was something unknown in him- I miss you- I ended

- No, no no no, just no Lou, you don't get it- he said already blushing

- What, are you in love with me or soemthing?- I said joking

Michael covered his eyes, he didn't face me. Then he just look at me and quickly look away again. This was... Unexpected

- God, are you Mikey?- I asked again

- You bloody idiot! Not everyone is in love with you. But I... I have a huge crush...

- A crush then develops to love- I interrupted him- But if you were having those feelings towards me, then it's not right you are living with Harry, unless he really knows that you...

- Louis you don't get it!- he screamed- I am in love... With Harry

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