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-Your Pov-

I wake up and roll over to see if Todoroki is awake, but he isn't he's still sleeping. He looks so calm and peaceful I carefully get off the bed trying to make sure I don't wake him up and I quickly dress up to my uniform and decided to wake him so I gently shake his shoulder.

"Eh?" I hear Todoroki say with his eyes still shut.

"Sorry to wake you up Todoroki, but it's time to start getting ready for school now." I tell Todoroki and he finally opens his eyes and sits up.

"Well i'm heading to the living room you can change here or in the restroom if you like i'll wait for you downstairs."

I tell Todoroki and leave the room and go downstairs and turn on the tv after about 15 minutes later Todoroki comes downstairs and sits next to me.

"Aren't you going to eat something for breakfast?" I hear Todoroki ask me and I tell him im not hungry and we're about to head to school.

"Breakfast is the most important meal if you aren't hungry at least grab a fruit to eat." He tells me and we leave the living room and I go to the kitchen and grab a banana and a apple

"which one would you like?" I ask Todoroki and he grabs the apple and so I began pealing the banana and start eating it and we start walking our way to the U.A.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Todoroki asks me while walking I look over to look at him, but he's still looking straight ahead and I finally respond

"Yeah. Can't wait."

We finally arrived to the U.A and enter together and head to Mr.Shouta class as we both enter his class room Midoriya and Uraraka comes up to us and says

"Good morning you two! Ready for tomorrows big day?!" Todoroki ignores them and sits in his desk.

"Uh morning..and yeah."

and start heading my way to my desk and as I was passing by I noticed someone grabbing my sleeve I turn to look to see who's grabbing me and it's Katsuki he pulls me to get closer to him.

"Ah! What the heck Katsuki!? Let go of me." He doesn't listen to me and pulls my sleeve down to make me reach his face and whispers to my ear

"Listen here y/n I don't care how strong you think  you are, but get in my way tomorrow and i'll kill you." he says letting me go freely and I start walking and say

"Yeah well.. i'll like to see you try." I say and sit on my desk.

After I sat down on my desk Mr.Shouta comes in and goes to his desk and calls my name to go up to the front.

"What is it Mr.Shouta.?" I tell him nervously as I arrived up front.

"You're needed at the old lady office to check up on you." he tells me and I nod my head and head out his class and go upstairs to her office I knock on her door and recovery girl opens it quickly.

"Y/n sit, sit quickly I need to check up on you so i'm going to have to take an exam on you."

She tells me and im worried..Todoroki told me I looked underweight if it's true I know recovery girl will find out and tell me I can't go to the festival like that uh this is the worst day.

Cherishing you~ (Todoroki x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now