game night. 😗

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-Your pov-

*Door banging*

"Hey guys! It's like the afternoon now..are you guys seriously still sleeping..or uhh.."

My eyes widen from the voice of Mina, invisible girl, and no surprise also Denki and his little perverted friend. I look over to see Todoroki eyes slowly opening and he doesn't look too happy about them waking us up..he gets up from the bed walks directly to the bathroom. I follow him and we both began to brush our teeth and I noticed he was shirtless. I start feeling heated from my face and look away quickly only to notice I was wearing one of his shirts..was he wearing this? W-Wait..more important did he put this on me?!

Not that I mind..but..oh god I feel embarrassed now. Once we were both done we go back out. I sit on the bed and looking over I see Todoroki opening the door and their mouth drops and the girls start fan they like Todoroki.? What's this feeling? Jealousy? I shake my head trying to focus on what's happening. Denki and Mineta gasp then pokes their head looking at me and I feel kinda shy.

Todoroki then grabs Denki by his shirt and that's when I got up the bed fast as hell.

"Todoroki-" I try holding him back.

"What the hell were you thinking striking y/n like that?" Todoroki voice..I know this is not the time..but wow he sounded so attractive..

"W-what..I'm sorry man..take it easy just let me go and we can forget about it huh.?" Denki poor guy shaking begging him to let go.

I grab Todoroki by the arm.

"Todoroki it's okay, i'm fine let him go it's not his fault..I asked him to attack me. I have to learn how to use my quirk."

"Yeah dude.." Mineta adds on.

"That doesn't change anything. He knew you were learning how to use your quirk, so why come at y/n so harsh?" Todoroki with his right hand grabbing Denki starts taking out his flames.

"Todoroki please stop..i'm asking you please."

Todoroki looks my way and let's go of Denki and pushes him out of the door way and slams the door shut in front of their faces he turned around and picked me up carrying me back to the bed. His skin..smells so nice and soft.

"Todoroki what was all that about..that wasn't necessary." I ask him while he sits me down on the bed.

"I don't want anyone hurting you. I don't care who it is i'll put them in their place if I have to and also they woke me up I don't like being waken up unless it's you then that's fine."

I burst into laughter.

"Oh Todoroki you're so cute! But seriously it was fine I asked Denki to come at me and he did so no need to be mad at him okay?" I tell Todoroki trying to calm him down.

"Alright. Maybe you're right." He then joins me on the bed.

I then just decided to sit on top of his lap facing him. I feel so comfortable around Todoroki he really does make me feel safe. By the look on his face he looked surprised by my actions but goes along with it. I lock my arms around him then up to his hair to run my fingers through it. Todoroki then grabs me by my chin and I feel his lips against mine. I gladly accept his entrance to my mouth. We continued for a couple minutes until..

Cherishing you~ (Todoroki x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now