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-Todoroki Pov-

After y/n and I left Ihop I walked her home and we agreed to go to the mall tomorrow. I start walking my way home, but my legs weren't going the direction to home. I don't know where I was heading. I space out just thinking about y/n and let my legs take me wherever they were taking me. Y/n is all alone now..her mother is gone, her father was never really in the picture. She's going through what I've been through. I don't want that for her. I know she's really not okay. She holds everything in like I did, but I'm not going to let her do that because it isn't healthy just look how I turned out..I don't have much friends and I'm antisocial.

The only difference between y/n and my situation is that she wasn't planned like me..I was just plan to surpass All Might. That's all I'm needed for..I never experienced anything. Just training day after day. Y/n..her mother loved her, her father im sure he loves his daughter too. I'm just being used that's the only purpose I'm even alive right now. Isn't that just nice? Having to be born to be used because your old man wants me to surpass All might because he failed to do so. I stop walking and look around to where I was headed to and realized I was literally going nowhere. Just a lonely road with houses that looked abandoned.

I pay no attention and continue with my thoughts. Before I met y/n, I was all alone. I was so angry I never thought I would use my left side, but y/n and Midoriya help me. Nobody but them knows about my past. Although, Midoriya and I don't really speak I think I should start and have a friendship with him. I was literally all to myself until I met them. Before I even knew them, I was starting to think the worse, like was I really even worth it? Would anyone even missed me if I was gone? My old man could just get remarried and have another child, but I wouldn't want anyone to go through the struggle and deal with him.

But that all changed. My view of being alive today. I'm still being used by my old man, but who ever said I'm actually going to do as he said? Yes, I do want to become the best pro hero but for me. Not for my damn old man. Screw that. I actually have goals now. My own goals. Thanks to y/n. I'm just so grateful for her. Who would of known I would start loving such an amazing person like her? I hate seeing her going through such a rough time right now, but I just have to keep her head up like she did for me. I want to be able to bring her happiness into her life, like she did to mine, but what if I fail? I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

I even kissed her today. I never expected it to happen, at least not today, her soft, generous, irresistible lips. I could kiss her all day if I could..but what I'm saying is that, I want to be able to help her through this. She's the person who brought joy into my life, who has changed my life, I'm planning to have goals with this girl, have a future with her. She's done so much for me it's my turn to return the favor. I'll keep trying to comfort her, protect her, and even tell her how I feel about her every time I get to see her. So that she can know that she isn't useless. That she's a brave, beautiful, smart girl. She's my type of person. All of this is brand new to me, I'm really not sure how to express my feelings but I'll try my best to keep y/n happy.

I just know that y/n and I being together is right. We'll become heroes together. I just don't know when is the right time. Obviously not now..she going through some things and I want her to be happy when we get together. I just have to wait until I think it's the right time to do it. She asked when that would be, maybe she's tired of waiting..what if she ends up just forgetting about me.? What? No of course not. Y/n wouldn't do that. When she's feeling better I'll ask her if it's the right time. But how do I even ask? I don't even know. Maybe..I could ask Midoriya.

I do want to have a better friendship with him, so why not? I'll see him after tomorrow because I'm not canceling my plans with y/n. I come back to my reality and stop walking and turn myself around and this time actually go my way home. Walking my way home the person I less expected to cross to is right in front of me, but since he's here now, maybe I can began this friendship.

"Todoroki? Hey, didn't expect you to be here." The green headed boy with freckles says with one of those shy smiles of his. I return a small smile and start the conversation.

"Yeah heh, I was actually just heading home, but since you're here want to hang out or something?" Midoriya's eyes widen up as if he's nervous about what I said. Is he afraid of me?

"Y-yeah! What do you want to do?"

I keep quite for a moment to think of what we should do, but I can't really think of any place to go, so I suggest going to my place. Midoriya as always, happily accepts and we both start heading to my house. As we arrive we both go straight upstairs and head to my room.

"Sorry I really don't have any video games, as you see my old man is shitty." I say to Midoriya while we both sit on my bed.

"Oh..that's alright Todoroki. No need to apologize." I can tell Midoriya is bored already. This is why I don't bring anyone to the house except for y/n..I should just start talking to him.

"So, Midoriya you're probably wondering why I want to hang out with you right?" The green headed boy nods his head a bit nervously.

"You don't have to me afraid of me. I'm not like my old man. I invited you over because I actually want to have a better friendship with you. You're really the only guy I talk to and of course there's y/n."

"Do you have a thing for her? I mean.." Midoriya asks me and by the look of his face it looks like he regrets asking. I chuckle about it.

"I said you don't have to be afraid of me, and well y/n, she's special to me alright. I actually wanted to ask you something." Midoriya's face looks a bit less terrified and more concerned now.

"What is it Todoroki?" I take a good look at him and finally have the guts to spit it out.

"I actually do have a thing for y/n. Well actually it's more than just a "thing" and she's going through a rough time right now. I was hm..I was wondering if you knew when do you think is the right time to ask her to be my girlfriend?"

Midoriya's eyes look full of excitement.

"Geez Todoroki..I..I well really its when you feel like its the right time. You'll know when its the right moment to ask. A lot of people from our class have been noticing about me and..Uraraka, but I do like her a lot..but I haven't felt the right moment to ask her out." He sighs.

I knew he liked Uraraka, shit I even thought they were already together.

"Man, don't be upset. Uraraka likes you too, take your own advice and wait until you feel like it's the right moment to ask her to be your girl. I'll take your advice also. You're a great friend Midoriya."

Midoriya's face turns from a sad to a full big smile.

"Thanks're a good friend too. I hope you get your moment with y/n soon. I'm glad I could help out. I hate to leave, but it's late we should hang out some other time alright?"

I nod and smile and walk him out to the front door. I head back to my room and decide to take a quick shower. Once I finished I put on some clean joggers and lay down on my bed. I didn't notice it was this late no wonder Midoriya left. But I should get some sleep now I have to pick up y/n tomorrow to get some things we might need for the camp training.

A/n: do you guys have any suggestions?? I feel like my story is getting boring ;-; rip. If you do please let me know! 💞🖤💞🖤 also thank you for the 10k reads omg 💘💘

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