Chapter 4

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"I am Pan's shadow."

"You disgusting thing!" Wendy yelled, "You took my brothers from me! From my family! Why would you do such a thing?"

"I'm sorry, Wendy. Your brothers were very important to Pan at the time."

Wendy looked at the figure confused, "Who is Pan?"

"A boy with great powers who wants to help you, Wendy." The shadow responded.

"I don't understand..." Wendy said, "Why did he take my brothers then if he wanted to help me? Why not take me?"

"Because at the time, Pan only invited Lost Boys. Never girls."

Wendy then remembered how the boys of her town would call themselves that. "The Lost Boys." It all made sense now. This...thing was the one who took all those boys away. Her brothers away.

"But wait," Wendy said, "Now, this Pan has decided that he wants to help me and to have me to be the first girl to come to him?"

"Yes, Wendy." The shadow said, "I have seen you around this town as I fly from place to place. You have a good heart. It is time you finally went somewhere that you're wanted."

Wendy suddenly thought of Grayson. This is what he must have been talking about. Wendy knew it was a trap, she couldn't go with this shadow. But, if she didn't, where else would she go? Grayson seemed angry enough with her for her to go ask to stay with him. Did Wendy have another choice?

"So, um Shadow?" Wendy responded, "Where would we go exactly?"

"To a place where I take all children. A land no adult can ever live to see. A place where children can run free and do as they please, if it is within Pan's wishes."

"So, this 'Pan' person? He's the ruler of this place?"

"As of now, he will forever be the ruler of Neverland."

"Neverland?" Wendy thought about the place and wondered if she ever heard of it.

"A place where you never grow up."

"But Pan can't possibly rule Neverland forever. He has to grow old!"

"He is immortal, Wendy. He will rule forever."

"I must be dreaming." Wendy said to herself. "This can't be real. I'm....I'm bloody talking to a shadow! To nothing!"

The shadow said nothing. Wendy continued to pace around the room, trying to convince herself it was all in her head. This isn't real, she continued to think to herself. This can't be real, it can't be.

"I am real." The shadow said, "I am just as real as any human you've met. The Becketts. Grayson."

"How do you know all the people I've met here?"

"I told you, Wendy. I've watched you. Pan believes you will be great use to him."

"As what?" Wendy asked coldly, "As his prisoner? As his accomplice?"

The thought of Pan scared Wendy. Pan could have been the worst creature she had ever seen. He could be a monster, or a hideous beast. What would he want with her? What would he do to her?

"We don't have much time, Wendy." The shadow said, "It's either Neverland or nowhere."

Wendy contemplated her choices. The shadow did have a point. If she stayed, she would have no where to go and be all alone. If she went to Neverland, she would be at least needed for something. But what kind of something? Was it worth traveling away from here to be with Pan on Neverland?

Wendy || • A Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) fanfic •Where stories live. Discover now