2. The Call

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Annie didn't know what to do, her mother was calling, right as she went to call Bella, how, How does that happen? Annie picked up her phone, and clicked deny, and 10 seconds later, Emily called back, this time Annie answered. ''Yea?''

''Hey Hunny, how are you?''

''Good Mom, thanks'' Annie said

'What's wrong?' Emily asked

''Nothing, I'm just on call with Bella, can I call you back?''

''Yea, sure, Dad says hey!''

''Tell him I say hi, talk soon, love you'' Annie said than hung up.

Annie dialed Bella, and she answered, ''A! What's going on!'

''Someone knows what happened last year... they're gonna tell everyone, if my teachers find out, ill never get good grades, and ill be hated by everyone, including my parents'' Annie said ''I'm freaking the frick out''

''Calm down and breathe, want me to come over?''

'Not really Bella, I don't know what's gonna happen, I'm scared''

''Don't be'' Bella said hanging up.

''Bella?. Bella?'' Annie asked than hung up herself.

Annie walked over to her laptop, and looked through all her messages, She pulled up one with her ex boyfriend Scott.


''Hey Scotty! We need to talk....''

''What's wrong babe?''


Before she could read more, their was a knock on her door, she closed her laptop, and walked to the door, opening it. ''Bella, I said don't come over!''

'To bad, we need to talk'


''Who all knew?'' Bella asked sitting on Annie's bed.

''You, Scarlett, Lilli and Scott'' Annie said, ''One of you told''

''It wasn't me, I can promise that now'' Bella said, 'Maybe Scott did, didn't he dump you a week after you told him?''

'Yep' Annie said ''He was a jerk back than tho''

''Annie, wait, How do you know that people know?'' Bella asked

''Dusty came to me, asking about my 'Bump', so someone told'' Annie said

''I hate Dusty, you know that, I never talk to her, so it wasn't me, an Scarlett doesn't even know Dusty, so maybe it was Lilly or Scott''

''Probably Lilli'' Annie said sitting on her bed, 'This is crazy! It's my life, people need to not worry about me''

'Oh A, I'm sorry'' Bella sighed hugging her.

''Wait.... I'm calling Scott, Scarlett and Lilli,'' Annie said pulling out her phone, she called Scott first.

''Scott speaking'' He said

''Scott, Hey! It's Anne, ummm.... remember last year's incident?'

''Yes, I do, and I'm sorry..'' Scott said

''Did you tell anyone?'' Annie said ''And please don't lie''

''No Ann, I wouldn't hurt you like that, I promise'' Scott said, sounding serious. Annie hung up than called around to the others, they all said they didn't.

''Anne?'' Bella asked putting her arm on Annie's.

''It's happening again..'' Annie said

''What is?'' Bella asked looking confused

''This happened to my parents..'' Annie said turning to look at Bella, ''And now its my turn...''

Someone watched the two girls from outside Annie's window, their black gloves on the windowsill, They walked away, and got into a black van.

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