19. A and Z

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''God, did you have to hit her that hard?'' Someone asked

''No, but I wanted to'' Mona replied. Standing over Annie, and Adam. She wore a black hoodie. ''You may be Z, but I'm A. And I will always call the shots'' Mona smirked

'And why is that Mona?' The person asked

''Well Z, because I'm the girl, and I'm the brains, and I'm the one who deserves revenge'' Mona smiled

''And I don't?'' Z asked, ''Annie's mom killed my moms friend Heidi, an she killed my mom Quinn, she killed my brother, who Quinn was pregnant with, I deserve to get my revenge on her too''

''Z baby, If you want revenge, go for her parents, not for her... Why couldn't we leave her out of it?'' Mona asked ''I really did enjoy being nice with her''

''I know Mona, but she isn't safe, Look at Adam, We framed him so good that she was clueless'' Z said

''Did you get the book?'' Mona asked

''Of course I did''

 ''You don't think she can hear us, Do you?'' Mona asked

''Nope, but to be safe, lets go to the lair'' Z said, taking Mona's hand.

''God Babe, I love being bad'' Mona smirked.

''Since I've been stuck here for a long ass time, Has Annie told her gang about Z? Well, Me?'' Z asked

''Nope, not that I know of, I've been trying to get close, but now that Annie knows I'm here... And that Adam is dead, it's probably gonna place her right back in my old slippers'' Mona said

''We cant let that happen'' Z said

''Why not, If she's in their, She wont be able to tell Bella, Dusty or Lilli''

''True, but they would believe her over us anyday, Well you'' Z said

''That's true too, but if she goes back, they'll just think she went nuts again''

''Well it's to risky, let's just.. Keep her in here for a week, and try to beat her till she forgets'' Z said

''Okay'' Mona said 'But she doesn't die''

''Ok, She wont'' Z said, walking over to a black laptop, the password was ''Baldwins''

Z went into photos, and over a hundred popped up.

''Nice photos Mona'' Z said

''Thanks, I think I did pretty good''

''Haha'' Z smiled

''Get this'' Mona said walking over and sitting with Z

'What?' Z asked

''Since 'Scott died' Annie has been so sceptical about me, and after I earned her pitty trust at graduation, she trust me, she stuck up against me to her friends, They think I'm still bad, and against them, which I am, but still... I find it funny''

''You know this how?'' Z asked

'Well, I didn't realy go for coffee, I heard their conversation, and before Annie stormed out, I ran and got out as fast as I could'' Mona said

''Be more careful, and what happens if Annie kills you?'' Z asked

''You wouldn't let that happen'' Mona said ''So I don't worry''

''But what If she did'' Z asked

''Than she does, you'll take over, and you'll finish her off'' Mona said

''What if I don't want her dead'' Z said

''Z! STOP ARGUING WITH ME!'' Mona yelled getting up, ''God!''

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