9. Run Away

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''Why are you out here?''

''Annie wanted a minute'' Clair said

''And you gave her it!'' Lizzy said turning and opened the door, ''Annie!'' Lizzy yelled running to the bed, but Annie was gone, The others ran in, ''Where's Annie?'' Jake asked

''My guess is out the window...'' Emily gasped, Lizzy ran to the window, to see Annie running far away from the hospital ''ANNIE!'' She screamed, But Annie didn't turn back.

Annie ran as fast as she could, until she got to the school, and to her car, She smashed the window out, and started it, She drove away from the campus, and down a spooky road, ''Siri, where am I?'' She asked her phone.

''You are on saw mill road'' Siri responded.

''Where is H'' Annie asked

'5 miles ahead, at the abandoned gas station.' Siri said

Annie stomped the gas, almost colliding with another car, ''Ass hole!' The driver yelled, Annie flipped them off, and than arrived at the abandoned gas station, She got out of the car and slammed the door, She walked over to the door, and kicked it, ''RED COAT, WHERE ARE YOU!'' Annie screamed.

''Where the hell would she go!'' Emily asked the officer.

''Who knows, but we will do whatever we can to find her''


''Adoptive daughter'' The cop said, Emily turned and punched him in the face, ''HOW DARE YOU!'' She screamed, Jake held her back. 'DONT TALK ABOUT MY BABY LIKE THAT!'' Emily cried, seeing the cops nose bleed.

''Your crazy'' The cop said running from the room, Emily turned into Jake's arms and cried. ''Why is this happening to our baby''

''I don't know'' Jake sighed ''We will find her''

''I hope so'' Emily cried, Jake rubbed her back, and told her it was going to be okay.

Annie looked around, the store was all burnt and rusted, it smelt like gasoline, obviously, Their were burnt chip bags, exploded pop bottles, and a safe full of cash. A woman in a red coat walked out from behind the desk, ''Hello Annie Baldwin'' She said, wearing a mask, but it was different from the one who attacked her.

'Who the fuck are you! Why did you attack me?'' Annie asked

'Oh I didn't, my leader did'' The girl giggled.

''What leader?'' Annie asked

''Z'' Red coat said.

''Are you the only red coat?'' Annie asked

''Nope, their are 3..'' She giggled,

''Why don't you take off that ugly mask you have on, Bitch!'' Annie said

'Ok' She laughed, she put her hand, which looked burnt and broken to the mask, and pulled it off, Brown hair fell down and laired to her shoulders. She smiled, ''Hi hunny''

''Who are you?'' Annie asked

'My name's Heidi' She said ''I was a friend of Quinn's, and your fathers, until your crazy mommy tried to kill me''

''Tried? You did die''

''No, I didn't, The paramedics found me a day later, and saved me, I've been alive for 12 years, an no one's even known'' Heidi said ''Your mom thought pushing me off a ledge would kill me? Well it didnt''

''So why do you want me dead?'' Annie asked

''Because we wanna hurt mommy dearest, obviously'' Heidi said

''Leave my mom out of this you crazy bitch!'' Annie said, Heidi walked over, and shoved Annie, she fell back, but caught her balance, on a shelf.

''I'll be going now'' Heidi smirked, Annie ran and grabbed her by the wrist, She spun around and slapped Annie across the face. Annie threw her at the counter, and than cornered her. She grabbed a fork she saw on the ground.

'Gonna hurt me with a fork?' Heidi laughed, But than screamed, as Annie jabbed the rusted fork into Heidi's hand, Blood spilled out.

''YOU BITCH!'' Heidi screamed

A cop ran into the hospital room. ''Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin?'' He asked

''Yes, that's us'' Jake said

''We found a lead on Annie, we found her car a mile away from a burnt down gas station, come on, we're gonna had up there, if you wanna join us''

''Ok, Clair take Annie, We'll call'' Emily said running with Jake and the cop to a cruiser,

''You think messing with me, and people is funny, don't you, You enjoy it!'' Annie said

''No, I enjoy being on the winning team'' Heidi said

''Well let's get two things straight'' Annie said

''Fuck off'' Heidi said

''One, Your gonna leave my sister, and my parents and family out of this got it hun!' Annie said, she shoved her knee into Heidi's gut,

''Listen to me'' Heidi spoke

''No you listen, If I get one more text, one more treat, or if anyone targets me again, your gonna wish you broke your neck when you fell off that cliff'' Annie said, Heidi looked at Annie frightened.

Annie pushed her to the ground, her hand being ripped open by the fork being stuck in the counter. Heidi cried, Annie walked out of the gas station, and than received a text.

''All I wanna do is help her Jake, but how can we help her if shes gonna run'' Emily sighed ''I'm worried''

''I am too Em, I hope shes ok'' Jake sighed kissing Emily, They pulled onto saw mill road.

''Annie, How nice of you to meet my friend Heidi, Come to this location or Lizzy get's hurt, East off the cliff on look out point, walk all the way down, and to where their are about 50 sticks standing, grab the shovel 20 feet from that, go back and dig.. Maybe you can still save one life, Kisses, Z!'' 

Annie ran to her car, an drove off, Moments later, Jake, Emily and the officer arrived at the gas station, Jake and Emily ran in to see Heidi on the floor, covered in blood. ''Oh my god, you're alive!'' Jake gasped holding Emily's hand.

Someone in a red coat held a shovel, pouring dirt over something. Smack, smack, smack, the sound of the shovel made patting down the dirt. They walked and placed the shovel 20 feet away, than placed a cell phone in the dirt where it was covered in dirt. Red coat turned and walked away, as headlights beamed at the top of look out point.

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