21. Emotions run high.

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Annie was driving down the highway, to get back to her home town, to deal with her parents, When Bella called. Annie connected the blue tooth, and clicked answer on the car Screen. ''Hey B'' Annie said

''Annie, where are you?'' Bella asked ''The doctors are wondering where you'd gone''

'B, I went out with Veronica, our old babysitter, and than my mamma texted, her and my dad are having troubles, I'm going back home'' Annie said

''Without me?'' Bella asked

''I'd take you with me, but who would be with Mona?'' Annie asked

''Not me'' Bella said ''Can I please come?''

''Ugh B'' Annie sighed

''Where even are you?'' Bella asked

''20 Minutes from the hospital'' Annie said

''Oh'' Bella sighed

''You really wanna come?'' Annie asked

''I do'' Bella said

''Fine, go tell Mona where I'm going, than meet me outside'' Annie said hanging up. Bella smiled.

Bella walked into Mona's bedroom, ''Hey Mona....'' Bella said shy

'Oh, Hi Bella.. Come in'' Mona said

''I am... I am so sorry Mona'' Bella said

''Don't be, I was the bitch who tried to kill Annie'' Mona said ''And the rest of you''

''I know but, you snapped, everyone deserves to be happy, and you didn't get that...'' Bella sighed ''And I just, your really tiny, and... I, I hate to see people I care for hurt''

''You care about me?'' Mona asked

''Of course I do Mona, you were one of us once...'' Bella said

''Yea... Once..'' Mona sighed

''Anyways, Annie and I are going back to Joyville'' Bella said

''Can I com-'' Mona began ''Never mind''

''No, I'm sure Annie wouldn't mind'' Bella said

''Really?'' Mona asked

''I'm not sure... Ill be back'' Bella said walking out of the room, but than came back. ''Mona, I want you to have this'' Bella smiled handing Mona an IPhone 6s

Mona smiled ''Thank you''

'No problem' Bella said walking away.

                                               The following day.

''Do they know I'm with you?'' Bella asked

''Probably not, I haven't talked to either of them'' Annie said

''Ok, Where's the house?'' Bella asked

''Just down this street'' Annie said turning on 'Jared street'

Annie pulled into her parents drive way, and got out, she slammed the door. And walked side by side with Bella to the door.

Annie knocked, and waiting a few minutes, after about 2 minutes, Jake opened the doors, and welcomed the girls with a hug. ''Come in girls'' Jake smiled

Annie and Bella entered into the house,

''Where's Mom?'' Annie asked

''Down in the basement, shes getting some stuff from the freezer for dinner'' Jake said

''What are we having?'' Annie asked

''Lasagna, Ceaser salad, and your mothers favorite side dish, Mac and Cheese' Jake said

''Awesome!'' Bella smiled

''Where's Lizzy?'' Annie asked

''Oh, Brynn took her out for the night'' Jake said

''Aunt Brynn was here, Shit'' Annie said ''I would have liked to see her''

''She's here tomorrow, if you'd like to see her than'' Emily said getting up the stairs.

''Mamma'' Annie smiled.

''Hi Hun'' Emily said, trying to smile

''What's going on here?'' Annie asked ''At grad y'all were good''

''Things change Anne, People change'' Jake said glancing at Emily

''Mom, what happened?'' Annie asked shy

''I cheated on ur dad'' Emily sighed ''I regret it tho''

'What!' Annie yelled 'With who?'

''That's the best part'' Jake cried ''She fucked her boss, and now shes pregnant''

''MOM!'' Annie yelled ''WHAT THE HELL!''

''I am so sorry Annie'' Emily said

''I cant even believe you.... I cant... I cant even look at you right now'' Annie cried

''Annie please'' Emily said

''Mom. Don't talk to me'' Annie said

''Annie babe, please don't do this'' Emily cried

''I hate you mom!'' Annie said ''Your a bitch''

''No!'' Emily cried grabbing Annie's wrist. 'You don't'

'Yes I do!' Annie yelled ''NOW GET OFF ME!''

''Annie calm down'' Jake said

''Dad, I cant. I love you, and I loved her, and she cheated on you''

''Don't get too involved'' Bella said.

''Listen to her'' Emily said

Annie turned and punched Emily in the jaw, watching her fall. Annie was in shock ''Stay away from me!'' She yelled than ran up the stairs to her old bedroom.

Bella looked at Jake. ''I'm so sorry..'' Bella apologised

''Its ok, just, go check on Annie'' Jake said ''Please''

Bella turned and ran up the stairs, and into Annie's room. She hugged Annie fast. ''Are you ok?''

''No, I just punched my mother, and I just learned she cheated on my dad.'' Annie cried

''Annie, It's okay, maybe we should just go for a drive'' Bella said

''I don't wanna go for a drive, I just wanna be normal, without all this shit'' Annie cried.

''Annie, what Emily did was wrong, but you cannot slap and hit her'' Bella asked

''Yea, I know that'' Annie said Rollin her eyes.

''Wanna go find Brynn?''

''No'' Annie said 'Just leave'

Annie sat alone.

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