7. Collateral Damage

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''LIZZY IM UP HERE!'' Annie yelled running onto the stairs, Red coat appeared behind Annie.

''ANNIE WATCH OUT!'' Lizzy screamed, Annie turned, and Red coat pushed her hard, and she fell down 20 stairs, hitting the bottom, She looked at Lizzy who was running towards her, ''Annie! Annie please!'' She could hear Lizzy scream, but her eyes closed anyways.

Lizzy approached Annie's side, shaking her, ''Wake up, please Anne, wake up'' Lizzy begged, she looked up to see Red coat turn and walk down the hall from upstairs, she kissed Annie's hand, than ran up the stairs, She saw red coat.

'Hey! Ass hole'' Lizzy yelled, catching the attention, They turned than kept walking, Lizzy ran up behind them and kicked the person, It turned and wrapped it's hand around Lizzy's neck, ''LEAVE OR DIE!'' It screamed, Lizzy kicked them in the crotch area, making them drop her. She fell on the ground,

Lizzy saw Annie's cell phone ringing, a few feet away, She got up and ran for it, she got the phone, and ran back to Annie, calling 911, She pulled Annie out from the school, and near the parking lot, so that she could get into the ambulance faster.

5 or so minutes later, Annie was put into the ambulance, Lizzy got in too, ''What happened?'' The medical man inside the ambulance asked, Lizzy played with her hands, nervously

''We were in her school, to get a few books from her locker, before the school was officially closed for the holidays, and someone pushed her down the stairs, and ran off..'' Lizzy said

''Ok, and what happened to you're neck?'' He asked

''Umm.. Nothing really, just a rash'' She said putting her hand to it.

''Hun, That's not a rash, what happened to you?'' He asked

''The person who pushed my sister, started to choke me, and they said if I didn't leave, they would kill me'' Lizzy admitted

'We need to get the police to the hospital'' The man said to the driver, The driver radioed the cops.

They arrived at the hospital, And Annie was taken into a room, with four nurses and doctors. Lizzy sat in the waiting room, until a police officer came and took her into a room, and sat her down at a desk.

''What happened tonight young lady?, My name is Chris, I'm here to help'' He said

''I'm Lizzy'' She said ''What happened was My sister Annie and I, We were in her school, to get a few books from her locker, before the school was officially closed for the holidays, and someone pushed her down the stairs, and ran off. So I followed them and they chocked me saying they would kill me if I didn't leave, so I left'' Lizzy said

''Oh god, How did you get into the school, It was locked wasn't it?'' Chris asked

''Well, not exactly'' Lizzy said, ''We picked the lock, but Annie really needed to get her books''

''Hun, I'm not giving you trouble, I just need to know, Was this person Male or Female?''

''I cant tell you that, I didn't see the face, It had a mask on it'' Lizzy said

''What kind of mask?'' Chris asked ''A party mask, a killer mask, a painted one?''

'It looked like this' Annie said pulling up a photo online. Showing it to the cop, (Mask is in the photo above)

'That looks like the face of a girl my daughter hands out with!'' Chris said, ''I'm gonna bring her in, and let you talk to her, see if she knows anything, Alright?''

'Ok' Lizzy sighed

Annie was wheeled into a room, and had a oxygen mask on her face, and IV's in her, She was asleep, and looked bruised. Lizzy walked in, and pulled a chair next to Annie, She got up and closed the screen like door, and sat down, ''Annie, can you hear me?'' Lizzy asked

Annie slowly started to open her eyes, ''H-Hey Liz'' Annie stuttered

''Hey Anne! Are you ok! I was so worried'' Lizzy cried

''I-I'm fine'' Annie said ''My neck and my back just hurt, a lot, Where are we?''

''We're in the hospital, I called 911 after Red coat pushed you'' Lizzy said

''Oh, thank you... Where are the nurses, where's mom and dad?'' Annie asked

''Mom and dad are at home, And the nurses should be in soon'' Lizzy said

''Oh, I wonde-'' She started but was cut off.

''WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!'' Clair yelled running into the room hugging both girls, ''I got a call 15 minutes ago from a cop, saying my nieces were in the hospital!''

'We're sorry Clair'' Lizzy said.

''Don't be sorry, just tell me what happened''

''We got beat up, ok, Nothing to talk about! End of story'' Annie said, a nurse walked in.

'Oh, you must be Clair?, I'm Elizabeth, Annie's nurse'' She smiled putting her hand out, Clair shook it, ''I'm clair''

''So, we have found out the problems with Annie, She has a broken rib, a fractured tail bone, Her one kidney is bruised, so we are expecting it to heal within a week or two, She has a broken nose, and her back is all bruised,'' Elizabeth said.

''Oh, wow'' Annie sighed, 'I fall down the stairs, and I don't even get a broken neck''

''Sarcasm isn't the time hun'' Clair said

'I wasn't being sarcastic'' Annie said, ''Can you call my parents?''

''No need' Clair said,

''Why?'' Annie asked

Two people entered the room. ''Because we're already here'' Emily said, ''We followed Lizzy, Now care to tell us everything thats going on?'' Jake asked

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