6. Hallway

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The red coat person took a photo of Annie and Lizzy from the window, and started to write a text to Annie's phone.

Inside of Annie's room. Lizzy and her packed, until her phone chimed, she walked into the bathroom, and grabbed her phone off the counter, One new message the screen lit.

Annie opened her phone, to see a text from this new 'Z' Person, she read over the note, 'Go home, Scott dies, Tell anyone else, Your family dies, I wont play Annie! -Z'

Annie clenched her phone in her hand, getting mad, she looked into the mirror, to see a vein in her head popping out, she threw her phone at the mirror, and the glass shattered, Lizzy entered the bathroom.

''What in the hell!'' She yelled

'Lizzy, call mom, tell her I cant come home, at least not right now' Annie said

''No'' Lizzy said ''We have to go''

'No, I don't'' Annie said ''Now call them before I do''

Their was a knock on Annie's door, 'Ugh! More people' Annie sighed walking to the door, she opened it, Clair stood in the door.

''Hi Aunt Clair'' Annie said ''Why are you here?''

''Your father called me, told me something was wrong, so I came up'' Clair said, Lizzy appeared

''CLAIR!'' Lizzy yelled running and giving her a hug. ''Well hi back'' Clair joked, ''Can I come in?''

''Sure'' Annie said, Clair followed in. ''So what's been going on?''

''Nothing'' Annie sighed, 'We're packing to go home, can we meet with you in a bit?''

'Sure' Clair sighed, getting up and leaving the room,

Annie sat on her chair, and put her hands in her hair, ''Why the hell does this happen to our family!'' Annie asked ''Like what the hell did we do!''

''I don't know'' Lizzy said ''I'm sorry''

Annie got up, and grabbed her purse, walking into the bathroom, got her phone and came back to Lizzy. 'Get up'

''Where are we going?'' Lizzy asked

''Breaking into my school'' Annie said pulling up her texts' with Z, ''Meet me in the school! -A'' Annie wrote, than put her phone in her purse.

Annie and Lizzy walked up to the main doors of the school, Annie pulled out a bobby pin, and a hair clip, and picked the lock, ''Be quiet'' She told Lizzy as they entered. The lights were all out, all the Christmas banners were up, the halls were quiet, except for the noise of the flickering light bulbs, and the sound of Lizzy and Annie walking

''Can you tell me why we're here?'' Lizzy asked

''No, just shush, the school's huge, so let's spilt up, you stay on this level, and than level b, ill take C and D, ok?' Annie said

''Um... Ok..'' Lizzy said taking a flashlight out of an office, than turned it on. ''Be careful''

Annie turned on her phone flashlight, and started to walk down the hall away from lizzy, her heels didn't help but make a loud noise, She put her hand on the railing, and started to walk up the stairs.

Lizzy walked into an office, and walked in, inside smelt terrible, and had rotten sandwiches on the desk, she squealed when she saw 3 rats, she ran out of the room as fast as she could, and down the hall.

Annie looked back and forth, around her so she knew she wouldn't be attacked, ''Hello, Z?'' Annie called out, but their was no answer She heard a smash, and turned, to see 3 lockers wide open, which weren't open seconds before. ''Z?''

Annie started to walk faster, as more, and more lockers opened, she turned, but no one was there. She walked over to one locker, and inside was a box, with blood on it... She grabbed it and opened it, inside was a note, ''This is what happens to rats, spill my name, and you'll end up like this, -Z'' the note said, Annie pulled off the cloth, to see a rat's head. She screamed and dropped the box, She turned to run, but a red hood stepped out.

They raised their phone, and sent a text to Annie, she looked the screen, ''Run'' it said, Annie looked at the red coated person, who started stepping closer. ''Please, don't do this... don't hurt me'' Annie said

''Run!'' The second text wrote ''Before I kill you'', Annie threw her bag and phone, and ran the other way, trying to get to the stairs. ''LIZZY RUN! GET HELP!'' Annie yelled

Lizzy turned around, hearing the screaming, ''Annie?''

''PLEASE GET HELP! CALL SOMEONE!'' Annie yelled running, Red coat started to run after her. Annie ran into a class room, and slammed the door, knocking red coat down. She looked around for something, anything

But of course, their was nothing. ''LIZZY RUN!'' Annie cried, she ran over to a desk, and opened it, inside was a stapler, and a letter opener, se grabbed it, and ran for the door, she opened it, to see red coat gone. 'Hello?'' She whispered.

No response, she stepped out, and started walking for the stairs, ''Ah!' She heard herself scream as she hit the ground. Red coat picked her up, and threw her against a door, of course, it had a mask on so Annie couldn't see who it was. ''Please stop'' Annie cried

Annie kneed them in the stomach, and pushed them out of the way, running farther down the hall, she mad it to the edge of the stairs, but so did Red coat. ''LIZZY HELP! HELP ME!'' Annie screamed at the top of her lungs.

''ANNIE WHERE ARE YOU?!'' Lizzy yelled running for the entrance.

''LIZZY IM UP HERE!'' Annie yelled running onto the stairs, Red coat appeared behind Annie.

''ANNIE WATCH OUT!'' Lizzy screamed, Annie turned, and Red coat pushed her hard, and she fell down 20 stairs, hitting the bottom, She looked at Lizzy who was running towards her, ''Annie! Annie please!'' She could hear Lizzy scream, but her eyes closed anyways.

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