11. Found

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Emily ran at the shelf, and tried pulling it off of Jake, ''Babe... Babe please'' Emily cried putting her hand to Jake's, Sirens started screaming from the top of the hill, Emily ran out of the store and to the road, watching the car drive by, and Annie in the back.

''STOP, PLEASE HELP ME!'' Emily yelled, but the car disappeared.

Emily ran back inside, and saw the shelf on Jake, ''Babe, are you... Are you there?'' Emily asked, but their was no response.

''JAKE ANSWER ME!'' Emily cried, getting mad, she pulled Jake's arm, and than pulled the shelf off, She pulled Jake out, his back was all bloody, And he had a broken arm, Emily could tell.

''Hey Em'' Jake whispered, He leaned up and gave her a kiss. ''You saved me, Jakey, you actually stopped me from getting crushed!'' Emily cried, He hugged her.

''Where's Annie, has anyone found her?'' Jake asked

''I did, the police have her in the back of a cruiser, we gotta get to the police station now, and find out what's going on'' Emily said, she helped Jake to the police car, She stole the keys from the cop she knocked out, and drove down the hill.

''You cant do this to me'' Annie snapped ''I haven't done anything, I got a text to meet at that location and dig something up!''

''Oh really, than why did we discover you stole this dress and shoes you have on'' The cop said.


''Oh, a person named Z now?'' The cop said, ''Save it for the judge''

''I'm being serious, I was just in the hospital, I got beaten up at my high school!'' Annie said

''Oh, Annie, I know'' The cop said smiling and turning around, He stared at her with a grin, Than a car smashed into them. The cop hit the seat, and got pushed through the windshield. Shit.

Annie looked around, their was broken glass and blood all over the front, ''He..Hello'' Annie called, looking around, Than someone smashed against the door, She screamed, and jumped back from the window, The cop's head was being smacked off the window, blood splatting,

''LEAVE HIM ALONE!' Annie cried, The cop fell, and the person disappeared, Her door opened, and she fell out of the car, hitting her head. ''Hello?' Annie said, A black figure appeared over her, and dropped keys on her. ''Your welcome, the game starts now'' the voice said, than ran off.

30 minutes later.

''What do you mean their was an accident! Where the hell is my kid!'' Emily yelled.

''We don't know, the cop was ran off the road, and beaten to death.''

''Annie wouldn't kill anyone'' Jake said ''She loves people''

''We never said she killed him, but we still need to bring her in, and we need her to explain why she was burying a dead baby''

''Oh fuck this'' Emily said storming out of the police station.

Annie ran into the woods, searching. ''What do I do, I'm wanted now'' Annie cried, she looked around, than reached into her boot, and pulled out her phone, she dialed Lizzy,

''Anne, where are you?'' Lizzy asked

''I need you to tell everyone I'm fine, ok, Promise me'' Annie said

''Come home'' Lizzy said, ''We can help''

''Tell them'' Annie said hanging up.

''Anne? Anne?'' Lizzy asked, than hung up.

Annie dialed a number, and the phone picked up. ''Babe, what's going on, you're on TV!'' Scott said

'I need help, please'' Annie cried into the phone.

''Ok babe, where are you?'' Scott asked

''I'm at Greendale park'' Annie cried, ''in the woods, please come''

''Ill be there babe, Should I get the cops?''

''No! Come alone, please' Annie cried

''I'm on my way Annie'' Scott said hanging up.

2 hours passed, Annie looked around waiting for Scott, but he never showed up, she walked out of the woods, and to a path where their were benches. She sat down, and saw a car pull up slowly, A girl got out. And started walking towards the woods, Annie recognized her, it was her nemesis, Mona Duval. Annie got up, and followed her.

Annie lost Mona, but saw smoke coming from deep into the woods, she wandered around looking, and searching. She pulled out her phone, and turned on the flashlight. ''Mona?'' Annie whispered, Branches snapped behind her, and she turned, but no one was there.

''Who's here?'' Annie called, but again there was no reply. She walked father until she saw a crashed motorcycle.. A tent, a fire, and a blanket, with a person lying on it, all cut up and bloody. Annie ran over to the body, and saw the leather jacket. She saw a bit of skin, with a tattoo written on it. ''Annie, 12-28-21''

Annie dropped to her knee's. She started to shake, and tears came in her eyes... ''Scott... Scott is that you?'' She desperately cried. She went to lift up the mask cover on the helmet, until someone stopped her.

''He's dead!'' Mona yelled from the hills, Annie looked behind her, than back at the body, She stood, and ran. ''MONA!'' Annie screamed ''MONA! WHERE ARE YOU!''

Mona tripped and fell, giving Annie time to catch up, She saw Mona, 'What did you do!' Annie yelled

Mona turned and ran, Annie chased after her, Mona cut through some tree's, but Annie stayed on the path. ''MONA FACE ME!'' Annie cried and screamed.

She ran into a huge plain spot, where their was only tree's around her, she was completely off the trail, and lost in the woods. She looked around, her head spinning uncontrollably. Than she fell, collapsed on the ground, smacking her chin, which immediately started to bleed.

''Scott... Scott... Scott...'' Annie whispered non-stop.

The following morning.

''Ya, we need to get her checked out,'' A park ranger said into her walkie talkie. She looked over at Annie, who was sitting in the jeep, staring up at the morning sky, whispering to herself.

''Will the circle, be unbroken?'' She said, as a tear fell from her eyes. The park ranger got into the keep, and thanked the camper who had found Annie wondering. Than drove out of the park.

'Hey kiddo, it's gonna be ok' She said, 'Can I know your name?'

''No, I'm sorry'' Annie said

''Why not dear?'' The ranger asked ''I'm Cindy''

''I'd tell you... but I don't know my name, I don't know who I am...'' Annie said, another tear fell from her eyes.

''Hun, can you tell me what happened?'' Cindy asked

''I don't know, I DONT KNOW!'' Annie yelled.

'Ok hun, its ok' Cindy said,

''Olly, Olly oxen free'' Annie whispered, as Cindy approached a huge building with gates, ''This place is called Radley... You'll be safe here, ok?''

''Ok... Safe' Annie said walking up to the door, A doctor took her, and wrote in black marker on her shirt. 'Jane Doe'  Than walked Annie to a room, and put her on the bed. ''We'll be back'' she said, closing the door.

Annie looked at the door, her hair a mess, her face dirty from mud and dirt, tear stains on her cheeks and the blood from cutting her chin,  ''Jane doe...'' She repeated.

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