18. Sadness

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After the very, two month long hiatus. The book is back! I was taking time off so I could write the rest of the book, so chapters 18-30 will be posted now, Thank you all for your patience.

Annie woke up around 3am the same night, in her own bed. She sat up, pushing her pillow to her head board for a support on her back. She reached at her night stand for her phone, The screen flashed with 3 calls from Bella, and two voicemails. Adam texted her ''Please talk to me, I'm gonna make this better, -Adam''

Annie just deleted his text.

She looked around, and got out of bed, 'What kinda 19 year old is depressed over their low life boyfriend?'' Annie asked herself, She made it to the kitchen, and got a glass, she pushed it against the button on the fridge, and water fell out into the cup, she did the same with the ice side.

Annie drank the water, than sat down at the table, she was confused, and felt sick. She ran to the sink, puking, She lifted herself, and sat, dragging her back along the cabinet.

''Fuck! I hate Adam so much'' Annie sobbed

She pictured him and her, dancing around a year an a half ago, than she remembered their first time having sex. Than she remembered her and Bella's shower, and how Bella loved her, and wanted to be with her, even tho she was dating Adam, To Annie, it felt right to date Bella, but in a way she didn't wanna like girls.

Annie got up, and ran to her bedroom, pulling out her computer and taking it down stairs with her, she opened the lid and entered her password ''Dotty'' Her dogs name she typed, Dotty was asleep in her bed upstairs.

She typed into google ''How to know if your Bisexual or Gay?''

16 Web sites appeared, she clicked on the 'Wikihow' Link, it showed her stages to knowing if she was Bisexual or Gay. Annie sighed.

She stood, and walked to the bathroom, she looked into the mirror, and cried, her tears were clear blue, dripping down her face. She hated herself, she was used by her boyfriend, she didn't know if she could love Bella, the way Bella would ever love her. She walked out of the bathroom, and to her laptop, she threw it at the wall ''FUCK YOU!''

She ran and tipped the table, and the chairs. She screamed, ripping a glass poster off the wall, it shattered. She threw a lamp at the door, it smashed, marking the door. She screamed, and cried. She ran to her bedroom, pulling her phone off the charger, breaking the charging piece inside of her phone. She looked at Adam's Facebook status. ''I love Annie Baldwin'', Annie threw her phone smashing it.

She ran into the living room, and saw a photo of Adam kissing Annie's lips at Prom, she threw a book through the glass of the cabinet, she reached in and got the photo and smashed the frame and ripped the photo in half. She thought about what he told her hours prior when they got off the lift. ''I was set up too Annie, I never wrote anything about wanting you dead, I promise'' Adam said Annie didn't wanna hear it, so she left.

She sat down, sobbing hard. It was now 3:25, Bella walked into the house, She had a key. She dropped her purse, phone and keys on the floor, seeing blood, glass and a ruined house. She ran to Annie's side, hugging her from behind. ''Annie, Oh my god, what the hell happened?''

''Get out'' Annie cried

'No.. What happened'' Bella cried

''I cant talk about it'' Annie said

''I love you Annie, you love me... You can tell me''

''IM NOT INTO WOMEN BELLA! GET THE FUCK OUT AND LEAVE ME ALONE YOU STUPID BITCH!'' Annie cried shoving Bella off her. Annie stood, grabbing a pair of scissors off the desk.

''Whoa....'' Bella said ''Stop''

''NO! GET THE FUCK OUT!'' Annie screamed throwing the scissors at Bella, they skinned her arm, cutting a hole in her shirt. Bella gasped.

''Bel..Bella I'm so sorry' Annie whispered, shaking.

Bella looked horrified, Annie ran past her and to Bella's car. She started the car with her spare key. She backed up, Bella ran outside.

''ANNIE NO COME BACK!'' Bella cried, watching Annie speed off.

Annie drove down the black, dark road. Alone, By herself. Quiet. Peaceful. Depressed. Music played in her head.

Annie pulled over, seeing another car infront of her. She stepped out of Bella's car. She walked over to the car, and Mona got out. ''Annie, Why are you all the way out here?''

''Why are you out here?'' Annie asked, cleaning her dripping mascara. Mona looked at her, than turned around to go to her car. Annie caught her arm, pulling her back. ''I don't think so Mona'' Annie said

'Let me go' Mona said

'No!' Annie yelled 'You left to get coffee and you were no where to be found until now, What's down here Mona?''

''Nothing to worry about Annie, go home'' Mona snapped

''No!'' Annie yelled grabbing Mona's wrist shoving her to the ground. ''Either you tell me where this road goes, Or ill kill you''

''Why would you kill me?'' Mona asked


''No Annie, He's gone because he loved you'' Mona said ''You're the reason he's dead.''

Annie lifted Mona to her feet. ''Ok than'' Annie cried throwing Mona's head into the window of Mona's car. She was knocked out instantly. 'I really didn't want this to happen. She shoved Mona into the back, and got into Mona's car, and started it. She did a U-Turn on the dirt road, and went the opposite way of Bella's car.

''He wouldn't be dead if you didn't kill him'' Annie cried to herself, She pulled up to an abandoned Hotel Resort. ''Lost wood's inn''

Annie looked at Mona in the back, Her cheek was cut, and her face was scratched. She pulled Mona out of the car, and dragged her over to the front desk, No one was around. She went behind the desk, and got out a sign in book. The whole first 5 pages were just Mona's name, and Scott's.

Annie found a rope in the back room, and tied Mona to a chair. So she couldn't get away. Annie walked outside, and to the first room she saw, She kicked the door, and it opened. What she saw inside made her drop to her knee's.

''NO!'' Annie cried. She dropped to her knee's, all the feelings rushed to her. She looked into the open eyes of a body, blood was pouring down the face, Their insides were sliced open, organs were on the ground underneath where the body was hanging. Annie screamed, ''No!''

She stood, and ran over to the body, ''Adam please no'' Annie cried ''Please''

Adam's body hung their dead, and helpless, It spelt horrible, That's when Annie noticed something stuffed in his mouth, She gaged, but pulled it out, It was a photo of Annie, Bella, Scott, Lilli, and Dusty at a dance from grade 11. Scott's face was crossed out in red marker, and so was Lilli's. On the back was a note, but only Annie could read some of it, as blood covered some.

''Scott wasn't as loya seems,'' Is all Annie could read. She dropped the photo, and saw something in his stomach, covered in blood. She slowly pulled out a cord, Adam's body dropped to her feet. Causing her to scream, and his head to roll off his body, as an Axe underneath had cleaned it off. Annie cried, and pulled the string harder, pulling out a USB key, titled 'SM, MS'' She than saw a letter from Scott to Annie, underneath Adam. She leaned over to pick up the USB and the photo, and as she stood back up.

BANG. Everything went dark, and black. As someone smashed her over the head, knocking her down. ''Bitch'' The person smirked.

(Sorry for having a long wait, I wrote all the other chapters, so I could release the second half of the book all together... hope you don't mind)

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