26. As far as you can go

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Annie walked up to a brown door, and knocked three times, she turned and looked at the beautiful garden. A door opened behind Annie. ''Annie, Hi'' Veronica smiled.

Annie turned, ''Hey Roni'' Annie said ''Can you come outside so we can talk?''

''Sure, but why don't you want to come in?'' Veronica asked

''I wont be here long'' Annie said sitting on the rocker beside the door, Veronica sat next to her. ''What's on your mind?'' Veronica asked

''I don't know how to say this Roni, so I'm just gonna say it'' Annie said

''Ok, Annie ta-''

''Selene's dead'' Annie confessed,

''Selene's, What?'' Roni asked

''Veronica, she was murdered'' Annie cried standing, and so did Veronica. 'I'm so sorry'

''H-How do you know, how don't I know?'' Roni asked

''She was murdered in a sewer, I seen it, my bully, They go by Z... They killed my boyfriend Scott, than Adam, than my mom.... and Selene'' Annie said

''Wait, is this like Z person like the A your parents went through?'' Veronica asked

''Worse'' Annie said

''Annie, please go'' Veronica said

''I'm sorry V, I just needed you to know''

''I have to call the police and tell them'' Roni said

''Ok, but can you wait till tomorrow? I'm leaving town, and I don't want to be caught up in this police shit any more'' Annie asked ''Please''

''Fine, 4 hours'' Roni said ''Than I call''

''Ok, well... Goodbye'' Annie sighed giving Roni a hug

''Bye Anne'' Roni sniffled.


Annie pulled up to her house, and ran inside. ''Babe, are you in here?'' Annie called

''In the room'' Bella said

''Pack your bags'' Annie said

''Why?'' Bella asked

''An text dusty to meet us''

''Whats going on?''

''We're leaving'' Annie said ''We're gonna start fresh''


''California, Los Angelus, Florida, Miami, Paris, their are so many options'' Annie said ''Just far, far from here''

''What if Dusty doesn't leave Springs?'' Bella asked

''Than we go without her, this town has to much bad vibes'' Annie said 'Will.. you come with me babe?'

''Of course'' Bella smiled ''I'd never let you go without back up''

Dusty arrived in Annie's house about 5 minutes later, she barged in with two suitcases.

''How did you get here so fast?'' Bella asked

''What do you mean?'' Dusty asked ''I'm leaving town''

''So are we, I just texted you to meet us here'' Annie said

''I didn't get a text, I threw my phone out, and got a cheap burner phone. I wanna leave Springs tonight'' Dusty said

''Come with us'' Annie said

''Where are we going?'' Dusty asked

''As far as we can go'' Annie said

''As far as you can go'' Dusty said ''Seems right''

''Wanna come?'' Bella asked ''We can be triplet roomies''

''Sure'' Dusty said ''As long as this 'Z' bullshit stops, ill gladly go''

''That's why were leaving' Annie said

''Are you guys gonna be done packin soon?'' Dusty asked

''Almost done, we're getting Lilli to bring the furniture up in the Am'' Bella said

''I'm gonna miss this place'' Annie sighed ''I loved it here''

''So did i'' Bella said ''Our first real house''

''I'm gonna miss the town'' Dusty said ''it was beautiful an I love it here, except the bullys''

''Agreed'' Annie and Bella said

The three walked out of the house, and Annie locked the door, placing it under the mat. She kissed the door, saying goodbye, Dusty got into her car and pulled out first, Bella got into hers, and Annie got into hers.

It was a 8 hour drive to where the girls would go. They were meeting in San Francisco, to decide where to go from there. Annie just wanted time to herself. To drive. She looked out the window, as it began to rain. Good, Rain was good. She liked the rain.

Mona, she thought of Mona, Annie hadn't even told her she was leaving. Too bad! Annie turned down onto the highway. A big sign appeared. ''Leaving Springs''  Annie was now, officially. Leaving her home.

A song came onto the radio. She remembered it, her and Lizzy listened to it together, Annie missed Lizzy. And her dad.

''FUCK!'' Annie yelled, ''My dad's coming to visit me!''

Annie pulled over, and got out her phone, she called her dad immediately. He answered on the fourth ring. ''Hi Annie'' Jake said

''Dad, where are you?'' Annie asked

''Just about to leave'' Jake said

'No dad, I'm going out for a while, ill call you when I can, I love you'' Annie said than hung up. Hopefully he doesn't go. She pulled back onto the road, and continued to drive, listening to the words of the song.

''I can see your rainbow, and the tears as they fallin down, I can see your soul grow. Through the pain as they hit the ground, I can see your rainbow, and the tears as the sun comes out. As the sun comes out'' Annie sang.

 Than she put in an old album she had,

''If I, should stay.. I would only be in your way... So ill go, but I know. Ill think of you, eavh step of the way... and I...Will always love you... I will always love you'' Annie sang

Jake lied in his room, looking at a photo of Him and Emily from their wedding day.

''Bitter sweet, memories.. Its all, I am taking with me, Goodbye... please don't cry, we both know. I am not what you need...'' Jake cried

Annie drove, and Jake sat on the bed, as the two sang.

''And I...Will always love you, I will always love you....'' They sang

''I hope life, treats you kind, and I hope, you have all you've ever dreamed of. And I wish you joy, and happiness, and above all of this, I wish you love'' Annie said

''And I, will always love you, I will always love you, Always love you, I will always love you'' Jake sang

'Ill always love you' Annie cried as the song ended.

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