14. School

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Two months passed, since Christmas break, Lizzy and Clair went home, and Annie still refused to leave Radley, She hadn't gotten any text messages since coming in, and the only visitors she got was Mona, and her friends, her parents called, and sent emails but Annie never answered them.

''Annie, hun you gotta take your meds'' Lou said, Lou was Annie's new nurse.

''Can I just skip today, please?'' Annie asked

''I'm afraid not, if you wanna get better, you must take them'' Lou said

''I don't wanna get better, I just want to forget Scott!'' Annie said standing, she followed Lou to the cafeteria where the two took a seat.

''When are you planning on leaving Annie, their is nothing wrong with you'' Lou said

''Maybe not, but this place keeps me safe'' Annie said

''Annie, you need to leave soon hun, I'm sorry but Saturday is the final date. You have been here 3 months now''

''So, I'm not leaving Lou, and no one can make me'' Annie said

''Annie, Saturday you leave, end of discussion'' Lou said walking away.

Monday morning,

''When do you think Annie's gonna come home'' Lilli asked

''Never'' Dusty said ''She wont leave now that she lost Scott''

''Screw Scott, I want my best friend' Bella said, the three walked into the bathroom.

''What are we gonna do when she finally decides to leave?'' Lilli asked

''I'm honestly not sure, we need to help her the best we can'' Bella said

The bathroom door opened, and Mona walked in, Bella, Lilli, and Dusty turned for the door. ''Where's the fourth member, I haven't seen her today'' Mona joked

'You mean Annie?' Dusty said walking closer to Mona. ''I think you know exactly where she is, She's in Radley, and your the reason why!''

Mona turned to look at Bella, ''Radley?'' She asked

''Don't play dumb Mona'' Dusty said

''You could have gotten through senior year and could have been finished, but you couldn't leave it alone!'' Lilli said

''Listen to me'' Mona said

''No you listen, If Annie doesn't get better, and get out of Radley, Your gonna wish you died when that care mowed you down!'' Bella snapped

The PA system came on, ''Attention, Bella Stoker to the principals office, Bella Stoker'' A woman called.

Bella looked at Mona, mad, than turned off and walked for the office.

Bella walked to the office, and walked in, to see Principal Moore.

''PM?'' Bella asked

''Ah, Bella.. Come on in, and close the door''

'Is everything ok?' Bella asked

''Actually, its kind of good and bad, we have to talk about your friend Annie''

''Is.. Is she alright?'' Bella asked

'Yes, but if she doesnt come back to school, she's going to fail 12th grade'' He said

''Oh, how can I help''

''We need you to take her school work, and bring it back in fridays''

''Ok'' Bella said ''May I go?''

''Sure'' The principal said watching Bella leave

Bella walked into the Brew coffee shop around 4:30 that same afternoon, She saw a girl standing at the window, her hair was a mix of light blond hair, with blue streaks. She wore a blue sun dress, and when she turned, Bella smiled

''Annie, your out!'' Bella smiled, walking over to hug her.

''Yep, I'm back'' Annie smiled ''How Is everything?''

''Great! How are you, you look fantastic'' Bella smiled

''I am, I'm happy, and I blocked Scotts you know what outta my life''

''Good'' Bella smiled, Mona walked in. Annie walked over to her.

''Hello Mona'' Annie said

''Annie, your out?'' Mona asked

''Yes, I am, And I wanted to thank you for the flowers you sent me while I was in Radley'' Annie lied

''I have no idea what your talking about'' Mona laughed ''Might be time to visit your doctors again''

''Listen to me Mona, I'm not playing around, you killed Scott! Do not hurt my friends, O? If you so much as touch one hair on their head, I will make you really, really sorry, Am I clear?'' Annie said

''Looks like someone skipped their anger management class, and their daily pills'' Mona said ''I think ill take my pumpkin latte.. To go!'' Mona turned to the door, than walked back to Annie, ''Oh, but um, little tip on the flowers, make sure not to leave them in direct sunlight, I did once. They didn't make it through the night.''

Mona looked passed Annie and at Bella, than she turned and left the brew.

The girls all met at Bella's. Annie and Bella sat on the bean bag, and Lilli and Dusty sat on the bed.

''So what all happened Anne, with Scott.. what was so bad that made you check into Radley?'' Dusty asked

''I followed Mona to the woods... after I ran away, and when I did, I found Scott's dead body...''

''So Scott is dead?'' Lilli asked

''Yep..'' Annie said 'I wish he wasn't, but he is... and so I pretended not to be me, I pretended to be insane, so I could check into Radley''

''Oh wow'' Lilli said ''I'm sorry''

Annies phone buzzed, and she checked it.

''Get well soon Bitch, this games far from done... -Z''

Annie dropped her phone... ''No.''

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