17. Dark

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Something ruffled in the woods, and Adam turned running for it. Annie ran to the ski lift, which closed at 9. The time was 8:51. She got into a cart, trying to pull down the latch, across her chest, she pulled it down, than turned to see Adam next to her,

''Annie, Annie, Annie listen'' Adam said as the ski lift, lifted. ''Somebody help me!''

3 Hours earlier

''So did you have fun?'' Mona asked the next night, Annie smiled

''I did, I enjoyed it, Did you?''

''I did'' Mona said ''Maybe this means we can be friends again''

''Not so fast Mona'' Lilli said

''What?'' Mona asked

''I'm onto you still''

''Why?'' Annie asked 'She seems fine'

''She isnt'' Lilli said, ''But believe her if you'd like''

''Ok than'' Mona said turning back to Annie, ''Anyways I'm going for a latte run, want one?''

''Sure, Ill get pumpkin spice''

'OK' Mona said leaving.

''I don't trust her'' Lilli said

''Don't know why''

''She killed Scott'' Lilli said

''She didn't kill Scott, someone else did'' Annie said

''No she did'' Bella said ''Theirs a video of his death sent to us...''

''When was this?''

''A few days before grad...'' Bella said

''You kept this from me?'' Annie asked

''We didn't wanna put you back in Radley, we just got you back'' Lilli said

''That wasn't your call to make!'' Annie said

''I know that, but'' Bella said

''No buts! We had sex, and you  still kept it from me, wow'' Annie said

''You had sex?!'' Lilli said

''YES OH MY FUCK, JUST, BYE!'' Annie yelled

''Do you wanna see the video?'' Bella asked

''NO!'' Annie yelled running out to her car.

Bella and Lilli ran outside after Annie, but she was gone. It was now 8:21. She drove to Adams beach house, in the woods.

She got out, and walked to the door, and tried to open it, but the door was locked, their was a pin computer on the side of the door. Letters appeared. She entered in 'Annie' But it was incorrect. She tried 'Books' But it was also incorrect, she than entered 'B24' And it opened the doors.

She walked in and put her keys on the mantel beside the door. Adam wasn't their yet. She walked in and closed the door. She walked over to the couch, and put her purse down. She walked towards the bedrooms, than looked down at the rug. She saw a latch, she bent over and opened it.

She stepped down, and looked around, their was nothing, but a diary lying in the middle of the floor, she walked over and picked it up. She took it upstairs with her, closed the latch and covered it back up, so Adam wouldn't notice. She sat down on the couch, and opened the book.

''Annie, Our relationship was a lie from the start, but as I started to like her, I stopped writing my book, the girl who's boyfriend was killed and she got out of Radley 4 months later, miracle, eh? Annie is very smart, beautiful, and has no clue of what I am capable of. Her friends, uh! I honestly hate Bella, and Dusty, they don't suspect anything from me, or my involvement in Scott, but ya know'' Adam had wrote, ''I plan to lock Annie, Dusty, Lilli and Bella in a lodge fire, but than the traces would come back to me,.... Maybe ill drive them into the lake and lock the doors. I don't know, those bitches will die''

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