5. Truthful.

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Annie ran to her room, and opened the door, dropping her stuff when she saw who was inside.

''Why are you here! How are you here?'' Annie asked

''I got an Email from this Z person, about you having a surgery? I wanna know the truth, so tell me, what's going on?'' Lizzy said crossing her arms.

''L..Lizzy, you shouldn't be here hun'' Annie said

''Anne come on! I'm your baby sister, please..'' Lizzy said ''I left mom and dad's took all my savings and even got a small job to come see you! Please don't shut me out, not now''

''Aw, Liz, I'm so happy you did come see me! Now just... Isn't the time, how did you even get.. in?'' Annie said

''Door was open, and I'm not leaving, not until I get what I came for'' Lizzy said ''I came to see you, and to find the secrets your keeping from me''

''Lizzy, i'm not telling you anything about that email'' Annie said.

''Fine'' Lizzy said standing up off the bed, She walked to the door, and opened it. 'Ill just tell mom and dad' She said than walked out of the room, closing the door.

Annie put her hands to her hair, than ran out of the dorm, ''Lizzy get back here!'' Annie yelled

''No, i'm going home!'' Lizzy said ''You wont even tell me anything!''

''Fine, come back... ill tell you, just... don't tell mom and dad'' Annie said looking at Lizzy, who turned

''If I come back in their, you will tell me the truth, ok!'' Lizzy said stomping back. She marched into the room and sat on the bed, looking frustrated. Annie came back in, taking a breath.

''Sit, and talk to me god dammit!'' Lizzy shouted.

''Fine'' Annie said fidgeting with her hands. She looked at Lizzy, who still looked mad. Annie's eyes looked to the floor. ''What I'm gonna tell you,.... is gonna make you hate me Liz''

''Just tell me Anne!'' Lizzy demanded 'Stop making excuses, or ways out of this!''

''Ok so know how I moved here, and I was always posting on snap with me and a boy, Scott?'' Annie asked

''Yea..'' Lizzy said ''The one who dumped you''

''Anyways, One night, Scott, Bella, Lili and I went to a dance, and I was drinking, so was he, And it was a Friday night, we had the weekend to waste, so we went back here, and we had... Sex, without a condom'' Annie said

''Ok, is that all?'' Lizzy asked

''No, Listen. He got me pregnant, I found out two months later, when I stopped having my period, I didn't know why It stopped, and I didn't think anything of it at the time, my mood was mad, my stomach grew, and I went to the doctors, and I was pregnant Lizzy'' Annie said tearing up, ''I didn't know what to do, I couldn't call mom or dad, I was under age, they'd think I'm a failure'' Annie said, her tears fell from her eyes,

''Annie, I'm so sorry...'' Lizzy said, getting teary eyed. She looked at Annie, who's face was red, and she was in tears.

''So, I waited a few weeks, time passed, my professors started to wonder why I was putting on weight, and Scott got weirded out by my mood, so I told him, and he understood, but it spooked him, so the next day I...'' Annie said starting to cry full on, ''I went to the hospital and got an abortion'' Annie cried into her hands, she started to shake.

''Oh my god... Annie, Annie I'm so, so sorry!'' Lizzy said starting to cry, she stood and hugged Annie. ''Mom and dad would never hate you for what you did''

'Yes they would, because Scott dumped me a week after I did it, and my friends distanced their selves from me'' Annie cried

Lizzy sat with Annie for a half hour, calming her. ''Annie, I love you so much! So does mommy and daddy, Come with me home, we can go together, I promise, they will understand, let's go home'

''You sure?'' Annie asked

''Yes'' Lizzy smiled, The two got out Annie's suitcase and began to pack.

The red coat person took a photo of Annie and Lizzy from the window, and started to write a text to Annie's phone.

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