Zyanya & 🤐🤫Mikael Mikaelson's Secret

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Zyanya gasped awake sees and ignores the man beside her his light blue eyes met her gray ones she as usual was covered in blood.... but so was he.... HER blood.... no one had ever killed her before.... no one was ever strong enough.... somehow this man before her had..... distracted her..... NOTHING had EVER distracted her from her "duty".... to "rid the world of what shouldn't be in it".... she stood up and rushed past him to finish her "duty/job".... she could feel him follow her.... he was nothing special.... just another Viking..... though she could feel magic ON him.... not AROUND and IN him like most witches.... he must be married to one.... he stood there and watched as she fought and killed she rolled her eyes rushed over picked him up and jumped up a tree setting him on a strong branch the jumped back down and finished the killing spree.... inside she HATES what she "has" to do but she has no choice she was.... created.... for this exact purpose..... kill the witches and werewolves as well as any-thing/one that "doesn't belong" in the world "the unnatural ones" "evil" "wrong" ones she watches these people she knows that her creator is WRONG not ALL of these people are "evil" many are children.... she doesn't kill children.... or even in front of them she fights the urge to kill when there are children and somehow surprisingly always wins....

"Shit!" she mutters to herself when she feels a child walk into the woods she draws off the witches around her powers and hides the bodies and all the blood as she turns around and kneels down to the child's level and smiles at him the man jumps down and says in a deep voice "Kol" the boy looks at the man and says in a soft voice "mom is looking for you" the man rolls his eyes pats the boy on the shoulder looks at Zyanya and walks away pushing his sons shoulder in the direction of their home.... Mikael went in search for the strange girl who came back to life after he stabbed her in the heart with his sword.... a woman of great beauty with her long red hair seemed to change depending on the lighting in the light of the sun it was brown and in the darkness of night it was black it seemed to shimmer as did those gray eyes of hers.... he found her in the cave that he took her after he killed her and the first thing she asked him was "are you my new "master" now?!" Zyanya turned to him as she asked this her voice held a slightly sarcastic tone and the word "master" came out like poisonous venom "I don't understand what you mean" he answers with a slight tilt of his head "I was created to kill.... but YOU.... killed me!.... no one has EVER been able to do that before!.... I went to leave for good.... but I ended up coming here and now I can't leave at all!.... so I ask you again.... are.... you.... my.... new...."MASTER"?!.... and before you get any "bright" ideas.... I don't like my creators!.... and I plan on killing them when I find out who and where they are.... for they MUST be like the ones they have me kill!.... the "unnatural ones".... and creating me WITHOUT emotions was a bad idea.... for just like I don't hesitate when it comes to killing those the created me to kill I won't hesitate to kill them" he walks closer to her and asks curiously "what do you mean "unnatural"?!" she takes a step towards him tilting her head back and forth looking into his eyes "witches.... werewolves.... the apparently "inhuman" ones.... who are more like the "humans" then they realize.... and since I was CREATED myself.... I suppose I'm "unnatural" myself"....

They were standing almost toe to toe when she says "you seem like a curious man.... are you planning on torturing me just to see what I can handle?!..... fighting me to see what I'm capable of?!..... what is it you wish of me Mikael (she pronounced it Mic - kel) Mikaelson?!" he looks at her in shock she smiles "not a expression I expected to see from a Viking of your caliber!" he laughs then asks "you're giving me permission?!" she answers "well.... you did kill me!.... and trust me when I tell you that having my permission would be much better for you than not getting it at all!" he raises an eyebrow at her "your wife's a witch.... some of your children have "the gift".... and I believe I have explained my "reason for living".." she says "you will not....!" he growls threateningly she laughs then says "I.... can't.... leave!.... remember?!.... they are.... waiting for something" she pauses then asks "are you and your wife planning something?!" he looks at her in shock.... her smile.... though beautiful is empty as is her voice and laugh which is hollow, void of all emotional expression yet there was something about her that intrigued him it isn't just her beauty he couldn't pinpoint it though maybe it was the way she fought her.... darkness.... he did know that she was going to be fun.... Mikael found Zyanya to be a woman of her word she even had chains set up on the wall for him to hook her too if he so desired.... Zyanya on the other hand had no idea why she was so compliant to this man who looked at her with a hidden desire to do what she was unsure but he interested her as well no one had been able to kill her before and this man did.... without being hurt himself though he is human.... for now.... she could feel it since he killed her she had been slowly changing she couldn't feel emotions yet she wanted to she was curious what it felt to actually be happy, sad, angry feel hate and even in love all of it.... she observed people so she could fake it if necessary but she wondered about the "reality" of it the "true" way to feel it and this man just might be the one to show her.... for someone so full of immeasurable anger he was surprisingly gentle with her.... when he "took a break" from the torture he spoke of his family.... his 5 sons and his 2 daughters the one he lost and the one who was still with him even his wife.... a woman she grew to despise

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