👻🎃Happy Halloween🦇🧛🏻‍♂️

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Elijah escorted the mermaid/swan princess/Greek goddess Zyanya to the school where the haunted house was being held and as Zyanya predicted they blended into the crowd with no problem the only people who saw them were their children and Elijah's brother who headed back to the school as Zyanya worked on making the wedding dress into her costume Elijah chuckled when he saw his children dressed up in his families old Viking clothes "I hope you don't mind.... Henrik actually held onto some of the outfits that survived yours and Niklaus' "rough housing" back before even I met you!" Zyanya tells Elijah when they see their son and daughter all dressed up and she hears him chuckle "it seems that they messed them up for us!" he replies as he notices that his outfits that he and Rebekah wore when they were teenagers were now somewhat ripped like they had gotten into a fight, burned like they had been in the sun without a daylight ring/roasted like marshmallows and covered in fake blood as they rush over to them she chuckles then says with a smile "I guess they did!" Tatiana and Ilyas look at their mother in the wedding dress turned Halloween costume "wow mom!" Ilyas says with an awed tone "I had forgotten that those were up there!" Tatiana adds "maybe next year" Zyanya replies with a smile and Elijah looks at her making her laugh "as a costume Eli!.... though she could go dancing through the streets of New Orleans on a daily bases without much issue now adays" she tells him Elijah smiles at her after giving him a kiss on the cheek Zyanya leaves Elijah with their children and wanders around to look at the booths that surround the school where she sees Bonnie and Caroline standing behind a bobbing for apples goblet "hi Bonbon.... Carebear.... having fun?!" she asks "hey Zy.... yeah it isn't to bad.... so far anyway.... are you having fun?!" Bonnie asks "I just got here so it's a little to soon to tell!" Zyanya replies Bonnie laughs.... after meeting Tatiana and Ilyas' friends Zyanya would sometimes get asked to join them all at the Mystic Grill or some other small outing as a way to get to know her better and they all ended up "loving" her.... well Caroline was a bit iffy since she saw how Damon acted around her at the Founders party.... "hi Ty" Zyanya says as Tyler walks up with two plastic cups in his hands "hey Zy.... cider for the ladies? it's a Lockwood special" he says as he walks up beside her "no way last year I was hung over till Thanksgiving" Bonnie says "lightweight I'm going to drink until someones hot enough to make out with" Caroline says taking one of the cups from Tyler who nods at her and says "sounds like a plan.... Zy?!" Zyanya looks over at him and teases with a smile "oh no thanks I don't drink anything out of a cup that isn't made of gold and covered with jewels!" Bonnie and Tyler laugh "I really should get back to my family before Tati and Lyas need to get back to their "haunted" duty" she adds "oh of course!" Tyler says taking a step back to give her some room so she could walk back to the others "you three have fun now and stay safe!" she says with a wave as she walks away they all wave back at her "you too!" Bonnie says with a smile... Zyanya bumps into Elena and Jeremy as she walks away almost literally "hey you two.... everything alright?!" she asks "hey Zy... everything's fine" Jeremy replies Elena forces a smile that shows that everything wasn't as he says it is but Zy does her best to stay out of it as she replies "alright I'll see you two later then try to have fun while you're here and stay safe!" Elena smiles at her she seemed to be grateful that Zy didn't push herself into their family drama it was quite possible that she even though she knew that Zy and her children knew Damon and Stefan they might not know of their vampiric side so she didn't want to place Zy in the mist of her "danger" as the three of them wave goodbye to one another and go their separate ways....

Zyanya, Elijah, Tatiana and Ilyas all walk through the haunted house together and Elijah senses Vicki knowing what he might be sensing Zyanya takes his hand knowing full well that he would rush off to try and either take care of or help the newblood even though he didn't want his presence in Mystic Falls to be know just yet.... if at all.... "I promised not to get involved.... Stefan will take care of it!.... or at least try to" she whispers as he looks at her and he nods in reply and he focuses on "having fun" with his family smiling and laughing with them as they walk through the poorly made haunted house though Zyanya played her part in pretending to be afraid as she gently clung to his suit jacket and hid her face at "all the right moments" which is what made him smile as he wrapped his arm around her and "comforted" her.... Elijah made sure he was "properly" fed before coming he even drink from Zyanya herself which ended up almost becoming a love making session but they both stopped one another after a few long passionate kisses and got redressed.... he fixed his suit she put the finished wedding dress and seashell crown on.... after Elijah, Tatiana, Ilyas and Zyanya left the haunted house Zyanya felt a sudden darkness fall over her "he's not going too...! Lijah I have to....!" she whispers Elijah nods at her and she rushes back inside after giving him a kiss on the lips a few seconds after that she ended up where the buses were parked and saw Vicki rush towards Elena Zyanya moves Elena out of the way and instead of making it to her intended target Vicki ended up with a stake in her heart "you know!?!" Elena whispers in surprise and Zyanya turns to her "Tati and Lyas' father is a vampire.... yes it's unheard of but.... I'm not exactly normal myself.... I'll explain it all later right now...." Zyanya replies nodding her head towards the shocked and terrified Jeremy who was screaming Vicki's name over and over again Zyanya turns to Stefan who had just arrived and whispers "I'm sorry" he smiles sadly at her "get them home.... I'll take care of her" she says softly and he nods Elena watches as Zyanya walks over to Vicki's dead body, picks her up and carries her away.... Elijah notices Zyanya walk over towards their car with a dead body in her arms and he opens the truck "newblood's!" he hears her whisperingly mutter through her teeth when she reaches him and he chuckles as he helps her gently lay Vicki's body in the trunk then closes it "I want to bury her!.... she was.... important.... to some of their friends and like so many she didn't have a choice when it came to her turning...." she tells him as he closes the trunk he nods then slides his hand up her cheek "are you alright?!" he asks softly she nods "I didn't know her but this is never easy!" he takes her hand and walks her to the passenger side door "no it never is!" he says sadly then he opens the door for her she kisses his lips then slides inside with a smile he returns her smile then walks over to the driver side door and drives back home.... Elijah digs a grave in Zyanya's backyard on the other side of her large rose garden then he buried Vicki leaving a wooden cross to mark where he buried her then he picked and placed some of the multicolored roses on top of the grave then he walked inside to take a shower while Tatiana, Ilyas, Henrik who had returned home by that time and Zyanya made and ate supper.... "you didn't have to do that!" Elijah heard Zyanya's soft voice say from the doorway of the bedroom they shared after he finished taking his shower still wrapped in his white towel he turns to face her with a smile "I wanted to" she takes a few steps into the room and shuts the door behind her "Lijah!" she whispers softly and he rushes to her kissing her lips as though to keep her quiet and she answered his kisses as he stripped her of the wedding dress/costume and walked her into their shared master bath "now it's your turn!" he lightly growls with a playful tone making her laugh softly as she lightly falls into the bathtub he turns on the water then places the plug in the drain.... he wouldn't let her wash herself as he took the bath scrunchie, placed a small dab of body wash inside it and gently scrubbed her entire body then washed her hair massaging the shampoo then conditioner into it then washing it out of it he even helped her out of the tub then dried her off with her towel the only thing he actually let her do was get dressed on her own for he too still had to get dressed himself then they laid side by side in their bed and fell asleep in one anothers arms her head laying in the center of his chest and his arm wrapped around her waist....

 he wouldn't let her wash herself as he took the bath scrunchie, placed a small dab of body wash inside it and gently scrubbed her entire body then washed her hair massaging the shampoo then conditioner into it then washing it out of it he even he...

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Around midnight Zyanya woke up and walked towards her front door feeling Zyanya's warmth leave him Elijah wakes up and follows her and watches her open the door where a familiar long haired blonde vampire stands with a smile on her face "well look...

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Around midnight Zyanya woke up and walked towards her front door feeling Zyanya's warmth leave him Elijah wakes up and follows her and watches her open the door where a familiar long haired blonde vampire stands with a smile on her face "well look at who's back and ready to cause some trouble!" Zyanya teases with a smile as she hugs the blonde who smiles and hugs her back "you know it girl!" Lexi replies "you remember Elijah right Lexi?!" Zyanya asks as she lets her friend go "of course! how are you Elijah?!" Lexi replies as she walks inside "I am well and you?!" Elijah replies with a smile "I'm doing well as well" Lexi replies then she gets lead into the living room by Zyanya and Elijah follows them.... Zyanya catches Lexi up on what she knows is happening in the man the woman came to see life including the loss of Vicki who he tried to help and Damon's behavior as of late Zyanya offers Lexi her wrist but Lexi takes one look at the smiling Elijah and goes for her friends neck making Elijah chuckle mainly do to the playful expression in Lexi's eyes as she looked at him after Lexi let her go Zyanya reached into a drawer of a nearby table and pulled out a daylight ring "I have something for you" she says handing it over to her Lexi looks down at it in surprise then hugs her friend happily "I would have given it to you sooner but unfortunately Stefan only has one birthday and that's the only time I actually know where you're going to be!" she adds Lexi laughs as she puts the ring on "how?!" Lexi asks "I met a witch a few years ago and the silly woman thought I walked into her shop for a daylight ring when I was actually looking to by some herbs!.... mind you this was at around noon..... so apparently I am a vampire in need of a daylight ring that can only come out at noon or some such nonsense!" Zyanya replies making Lexi laugh and Elijah chuckle "ok ok you got me!.... in all honesty.... I made that ring!.... yes I do have the capability!.... yes it will work!.... no will not be making anymore!.... I made that one day when I got bored and my curiosity took over.... as it often does!.... also Tatiana and Ilyas have school in a few hours so I will not be waking them up.... but I could see if they'll drop by Stefan's after school to see you" she adds Lexi grins "I'd like that I miss those two!" Zyanya smiles "and I'm sure they miss you!".... an hour or so later Lexi leaves giving Zyanya one last hug and waving at Elijah then she heads towards Stefan's house and Elijah takes Zyanya's hand and leads her back to bed where they both fall back to sleep in one anothers arms with a smile on each of their faces

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