🕧⏳Time And Patience⏰⌛

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A week later Zyanya got a call from a very frantic and worried Stefan who had just watched the girl he loves run away from him in fear after she came to his home to see if what she figured out was true "I don't know what to do!.... I'm lost without her!"  he tells her "there's not much you can do Stefan.... vampires have been a well guarded secret in Mystic Falls for many years now only the "Founders" know about them.... to my knowledge they haven't been in this town since after the church burned down and all of the sudden you and Damon show up and that changes.... to people of this era vampires are creatures you read about in books or see in movies.... unrealistic nonexistent myths and or legends.... all you really can do is be patient, give her time don't push her she's smart and stronger than she realizes and she knows you as a person now all she needs to do is get to know you as a vampire which might take a little longer after all no matter how Anne Rice, Bram Stoker or Stephenie Meyer played your kind out to be in the human mind you're all still known as monsters evil beings who only use her and others like her as food and no one wants to be food!"  she replies teasingly which makes Stefan chuckle "I'll be honest Stefan with me not being a vampire I can't exactly give you advice from a vampires point of view.... just be calm and somewhat rational self show her that what you are doesn't change who you are.... don't pressure her you can't make someone.... ok yes you can! but I know you won't!.... the more pressure you add to making her see things your way the further you will push her away.... I'm not being very helpful am I?!"  she asks he chuckles "Stefan I can give you advice but I can't tell you what to do in the end the choice is yours.... and hers.... in truth you already know what to do.... I can hear those wheels a-turnin in your head and I think they may need a little WD-40!"  she says he laughs "I do wish you luck though Gilbert's can be pretty stubborn when they chose to be"  she adds "yeah!.... hey.... thanks.... for listening and.... "trying" to help"  he teases "what sort of friend would I be if I didn't?!.... goodnight Stefan"  she replies "goodnight Zy"  he says then he hangs up Zyanya turns to see Elijah smiling at her he stood in the entryway of the living room "Stefan Salvatore the "Elijah" of the Salvatore brothers.... at least in this century.... Stefan and his brother Damon were turned by Katrina who was known as Katherine in their time and you should know what being turned by her means.... he was once known as the "Ripper" back when he was first turned.... he was also friends with Klaus back in his Chicago days.... though Stefan has no memory of it because of Klaus.... mainly do to the fact that he fell in love with your sister and when your father waltzed his way into the city Rebekah wouldn't leave without him.... Damon used to be more like you back when he was first turned but nowadays he's more like Klaus.... in some ways but not all.... it's almost as though those two take turns being one version of the "vampire" way of living"  she tells Elijah who chuckles then walks over to her and kisses her lips softly as he places his hand in hers....

The next morning Zyanya gets a call from Stefan asking for help with what Tatiana and Ilyas usually call a "newblood" or someone who had just been turned so she drives up to the Salvatore mansion with a few pouches of blood human and animal "I know you don't like that I brought both but you also know that animal won't be as sufficient for someone like her right now and I hoped that bringing the bags and letting her drink from them might calm her cravings if not.... I am uncertain what I can do.... yes Tatiana and Ilyas' father is a vampire but he's a vampire we rarely see and he tends to keep that part of his life separate from the three of us and he's been a vampire for more years than you have so I'm at a loss when it comes to this newblood stuff"  Zyanya tells Stefan after he opens the door and welcomes her inside "you do what you want with them Stef I just....!"  she adds handing the pouches over he smiles at her as he takes them from her "I know.... thank you!"  she smiles "hey.... at least I didn't bring a daylight ring with me.... that would just be cheating!"  he laughs "hello Dame.... still bored?!"  she asks not looking over at the new arrival who walked into the foyer from somewhere upstairs Damon smirks at her "a little"  she looks over at him and smiles shaking her head "then how about a tour?! the last time I was here I only got as far as the living room in this live-in museum of yours!"  Damon does a little bow with a flourished movement of his arm and hand towards her as he says "with pleasure my lady!"  she chuckles as she walks over and loops her arm through his "oh come now Dame we both know that I'm no lady!.... not even when I have to be!"  Damon laughs and leads her away from Stefan "now if you're good whilst I am here I may just let you have a little snack of your own but that all depends on you my little prince!"  she teases as they walk away and Damon and Stefan laugh "I haven't been called that in so long!"  Damon replies "I know you probably don't miss it but old habits die hard as they say!"  she replies as he leads her throughout the entire house he chuckles "she can't know Damon.... I will never give her permission!"  she tells him he nods patting her hand as though to tell her "I know!".... Zyanya was true to her word Damon was on his "best behavior" while she was there.... at least he behaved as well as he possibly could for being the man that he is and she allowed him to "have a light snack" and feed off her a little bit and then she left back into the arms of the man she truly wanted to be with.... Elijah....

Zyanya had somehow talked Elijah into walking the schools haunted house with her.... Tatiana and Ilyas were already there helping out.... "Elijah it's the middle of the night the school is going to be packed and I do believe that by some miracle we might just blend in with the crowd.... fangs and all!"  she says to him as she walks towards him and places her hand in his he smiles at her "besides aren't you even a tiny bit curious as to how the kids of this era celebrate this holiday?!"  she teasingly purrs he chuckles softly and grins "a little.... I'll go.... but only to make you happy"  he coos back she smiles and kisses his lips "I don't have to dress up do I?!"  he asks playfully she chuckles then replies with a smile "in a way Eli.... you already are!"  he smiles and says "yes.... I suppose I am"  he pauses then asks "what about you?"  she tilts her head slightly at him and replies "hmm.... there is something that was left behind by one of the caretakers that I may be able to use"  he looks at her oddly "I always told the people who take care of my homes to treat it as their own.... in other words if they had a party they were to clean up the mess!"  she says he chuckles softly "there were no parties.... but there were a few weddings.... and one of the brides that got married here had bought more than one dress with her.... I guess she was one of those types that could never make a decision on her own or waited until the last minute.... and the dresses that she didn't chose were left here and placed in the attic"  she continues then mutters softly under her breath "this is going to be very odd!"  then she turns and walks away from him and up to the attic.... as she tried the dresses on she made the decision to try and turn the wedding dress into some form of mermaid/swan princess/Greek goddess so that it didn't feel so odd wearing one but she made the mistake of walking out of the attic in the wedding dress itself with Elijah still downstairs waiting for her.... Elijah's eyes widen at the sight of Zyanya walking down the stairs in a wedding dress carrying the clothes she wore before in her arm as he watches her walk down the stairs Henrik walks through the front door "did I miss something?!"  Henrik teases Zyanya laughs softly then says with a smile "no.... um.... could you get me one of the shell crowns that Tatiana and Ilyas made?!.... I'm torturing Eli by making him get out of the house for a few hours and take me to the haunted house tonight.... he "kindly" reminded me that I was without a costume which made me remember the dresses that were left behind.... I'm thinking I might try to turn it into a mermaid or something so I might need the bottle of dye as well"  Henrik nods and leaves to go find what she asked for as she reaches the last few steps Zyanya ends up tripping over/stepping on the bottom of the dress and Elijah gently catches her "thank you"  she says softly as he helps her straighten back up and their eyes meet "your welcome"  he replies with a smile and his lips meet hers "you look gorgeous!"  he tells her softly she smiles at him 

 I'm thinking I might try to turn it into a mermaid or something so I might need the bottle of dye as well"  Henrik nods and leaves to go find what she asked for as she reaches the last few steps Zyanya ends up tripping over/stepping on the bottom...

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