Killer Klaus⚔️🩸🗡️

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The night Klaus had killed Zyanya she had asked a werewolf pack to help her stop herself from unwillingly killing others by treating her as prey one night during a full moon.... this was many years before her children were born.... as we're her other deaths.... but to Klaus it was her most fun death for he had joined in.....

Instead of tiring her she tired out the pack and no matter what she did to "help" them "gain an advantage" they still could not catch her much less hurt her by any means.... Klaus had come into the woods where the pack was chasing her and smelled her blood in certain strategic areas so that they would never lose her scent.... she had created small cuts on certain parts of her body which healed a few seconds later.... closer to the end of the chase she had stabbed her knee with a dagger dislocating it then left the dagger it so that she wouldn't heal Klaus had come at that time he looked at her with a raised eyebrow and a slight smile "come to join the fun have you?!" she asks in a playful teasing tone "of course luv!" he replies she smiles at him and he begins to turn into his werewolf form "good because this pack is terrible at hunting!.... I even "let" them catch me and they still failed to kill me!" she says "you WANT them to kill you!?!" he asks slightly confused as well as surprised "I want to be FREE!.... I want to be allowed to have the CHOICE of who I kill IF I WANT to kill them!.... fighting this.... fighting who I was CREATED to be HURTS worse than ANY death I have lived through so far!.... and so far the only ones who COULD kill me are members of YOUR family!.... no one else has been able to.... they have tried and those that try fail.... this was just a test.... to see if I could be killed by someone outside the Mikaelson family.... I thought that it might be like.... I gave them PERMISSION to do this!.... promise me that no harm will come to them for something that I have done Niklaus!.... promise me!" she begs and the wolf standing before her nods....

Zyanya pulled the dagger out her knee and with a smile she relocated her knee cap then the chase began.... once Klaus caught her his werewolf instincts completely took over so it was as though he was no longer there.... even though he was and he had ripped her apart once she was dead he started licking her like he was trying to make up for his mistake and heal her wounds himself or drink whatever blood flowed out of her and started to dry up upon her then he laid next to her and slept.... Klaus kept his word the pack that haunted her lived "to see the next day".... a week after he killed her Klaus made love to her though she was the one who started it.... just as Katerina Petrova tried to teach Elijah Zyanya played a game of chase with Klaus and it turned into a very exciting version of lovemaking for Klaus knew that she could handle the true force of his vampiric speed and strength he used all of it as he entered her and thrust within her while he drank from her as he made love to her and a few minutes after they made love they both walked out of the room to join the birthday celebration that was being held in his honor.... the same one where he and Elijah met Tatia's doppelganger Katerina Petrova herself and as he always did once she entered a room Elijah's eyes locked and stayed with Zyanya's figure as she walked in with his brother then left him after giving him a soft kiss on the cheek

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