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"I think you should leave.... you have a brother to look for don't you?!" Zyanya says as she gets up out of bed and walks out of the room Elijah looks at her reaches for her but doesn't follow "coward!" he hears her whisper as she reaches the doorway "yes.... I am!" he whispers in reply as he watches her disappear.... "hi kitty!" Katerina hears a familiar female voice coo while she was standing outside the Lockwood residence during the wake with a smirk on her face and she turns to see Zyanya looking at her tilting her head and smiling at her Katerina's smirk disappears "Elijah's isn't here.... not that you care!.... and you're not here for him.... are you?!" Zyanya says with a sarcastic tone "well.... I gotta go!.... lovely to see you again!" she adds keeping her sarcastic tone as she turns and walks away.... the next day Zyanya, Tatiana and Ilyas help Bonnie and Elena set up the carnival that night Zyanya stops Caroline from killing someone "you don't want to do that Carebear" Zyanya says "no.... I don't" Caroline says with a frightened breathy voice "Carter why don't you go see if Bonnie and Elena need anymore help" Zyanya says softly the man nods with a somewhat confused frightened expression on his face then walks away Zyanya says as she moves her hair away from her neck "here Caroline.... drink!" Caroline backs away from her with her hands out in front of her and says with a frightened tone "no way!.... I can't do that!!" Zyanya chuckles then says "of course you can!.... I know that you've noticed that my children and I are not "normal".... it's ok!.... it's also better to get my permission than not have it at all!.... my blood is poisonous to those who don't get my permission!" Caroline looks at her oddly "look.... I know you're scared but I also know that you're hungry.... so eat because I'm not going to allow you to take another step into the carnival or anywhere else until you do.... I don't drain.... not unless I want to and I got to much to live for to WANT to and so do you!" Zyanya says Caroline cautiously walks up to Zyanya and bites her exposed neck drinking until she gets her fill and she's shocked that Zyanya's still standing much less alive and not tired "that isn't happening Dame!.... so take your anger elsewhere!" Zyanya says as she hears Damon approach Damon chuckles in a "I should have known you'd figure it out!" sort of way and he teases "she's hooked now you know?!" Zyanya smiles and teases back "they usually are!.... hey Stefan.... Elena.... she's known as a doppelganger Carebear.... she's NOTHING like Katherine!.... and hopefully never will be.... you got her Stef?!" Stefan chuckles softly and says "yeah.... I got her!" Zyanya replies "good cause I gotta get back before the boss lady gets pissed!" Stefan laughs as he watches Zyanya walk away with a finger wave.... Sheila opens her front door to find Zyanya on the other side of it "mind if I come in?!" Zyanya asks Sheila smiles and waves her inside a few seconds later they're sitting in the living room drinking tea and Zyanya says "I'm worried about Bonnie.... there's a darkness in her that I have never seen in a Bennett witch...." she pauses then says "I know she's mad that the tomb was completely opened and they were released but to take it out on her friends!.... the world!.... I hate to say it but I'm kinda glad she doesn't know the FULL truth about who me and my children are.... I believe she thinks we're witches and warlock.... which is preposterous!" Sheila chuckles until she sees the worried look on her friends face "you know what I was MEANT to do!.... thank the stars THEY aren't but....! I COULD kill her without a second thought1.... just like she's tried to do to Damon countless times since she's been back.... I've been asleep for two weeks "recuperating" from your magic and the pain it caused you by casting that spell.... I had dreams.... and in those dreams she asked me why I didn't save you!.... why you died when I know you didn't it was.... weird!.... I dreamed of her and Stefan.... mostly Stefan.... who was having troubles of his own that "he would take care of".." Zyanya says Sheila chuckles "it's weird.... if it wasn't for "the Original" vampires I wouldn't have this choice!.... I wouldn't have my emotions!.... I would still be that emotionless.... whatever your kind call me!.... they MADE me afterall!.... to kill those that weren't of their "circle".... werewolves and vampires.... but something "went wrong" and I killed everyone ESPECIALLY them!.... the one "unnatural" being I wasn't supposed to kill.... no offense meant Sheil" Zyanya continues Sheila shrugs with a smile as Zyanya says "I guess they weren't specific enough.... or it's the "loophole" or whatever it's called.... the "curse within a curse".... I HATED myself!.... who I was!.... what I was "meant" to do!.... it's strange.... I only killed adults.... never children.... I was supposed to kill them ALL!.... no matter what age or whether or not they had their "gifts" yet.... I always knew.... who was what or if they were just around someone who was a specific thing" Zyanya sighs then says "I should probably go" Sheila nods as the two women stand up give one another a hug then walk to the front door and Zyanya walks out of it....

"Stay away from me moonwalker!" Zyanya says to Mason Lockwood who was walking up behind her as she turns to face him "unlike the Salvatore's I DO know how to kill you!" she warns him he watches her eyes go from a gorgeous grey to a bright striking silver "I'm sure you've heard about me!.... unlike you and your kind I don't have a "species" name but you DO know what I was "created" for.... right?!" she asks and he backs away from her then runs off and she smiles a soft dark dangerous smile.... she knew Elijah was gone again off looking for his brother who she had a feeling was on his way here.... there was a darkness in the air and as always it was affecting her.... she snapped at the man she loves and there are only two people that can calm the monster starting to grow within her.... the hybrid and the father.... so she headed to where the father was desiccated and entombed at the Pickett Mausoleum....

Mikael wakes up to find himself free from his chains and a familiar exotically beautiful smiling face looking down at him her gorgeous silky hair flowing down the right side of her face and the chains that were around him laying upon her shoulder ...

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Mikael wakes up to find himself free from his chains and a familiar exotically beautiful smiling face looking down at him her gorgeous silky hair flowing down the right side of her face and the chains that were around him laying upon her shoulder "I thought we could use these for something more.... EXCITING!!.... you know.... for old times sake!" she purrs in an alluring way as she stands up and walks towards the wall "do you know how long if been in here?!.... what am I saying of course you do!.... and your making me work for what I want!" he growls lowly then he sits up and to his surprise his vampire speed was "working" as he rushed over to where she stood gripped her wrist and locked them within the chains that were now hanging up on the wall which brought back memories of how they met, how she LET him torture her while chained to the cavern walls and he hears her chuckle softly and his lips meet hers in a flurry of movements he stripped her of her clothes and made love to her while she was chained up against the wall feeding from her as he did and they LOVED it GOD he missed the sounds of her soft erotic moans! and he realized that there was something more in them.... emotion.... LOVE!.... ACTUAL love!.... TRUE love!.... especially when she moaned his name as he thrust into her, caressed her, bit her in all her favorite places.... her favorite ways.... she loves it hard, rough..... DANGEROUS!.... in all the same ways that he loves her..... once she was redressed and no longer chained to the wall her body humming and tingling with the reminder of him inside and all over her "unfortunately love...." she purrs "I know!" he groans his eyes widen and his eyebrow raises as he watches her wrap the chain back around his body in the most tantalizing way then pushes him down into the coffin falling with him while kissing his lips he moans then falls back to "sleep"

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