Remembering His Touch💆🏻‍♀️👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

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Zyanya was dreaming but they weren't just dreams they are memories.... of him the first man she ever allowed to touch her in ANY WAY.... the softness in his hard toned body rough but gentle in MANY ways as he hit her with his hand, a whip, a sword when they play fought as she once did with his sons she let him take out his anger and frustration of his life, his family everything.... he talked as he did so all about them that's how she knew his childrens names.... instead of screams her lips let out soft moans as though he was making love to her instead of torturing her....

Strange thing ways she could still feel him but instead of his hands she felt his lips they started from her ankle all the way up to her breast her clothes fell off her as his lips softly kissed her skin it was when they reached her breasts that she woke up with a soft gasp like moan of pleasure.... he looks up at her with a captivating smile "I know you know where they are so just tell me!"  Mikael demands in an alluring soft tone she reached down gripped the back of his head pulling it up to her by the hair his head pulled back his eyebrow raised intrigued but the motion as she pushed his head toward hers and pressing her lips against his kissed him his eyes widened as his lips met hers when she let go of his hair he pulled back just a little bit and says "so!.... that's how you want to play?! hmm!.... instead of telling me you're going to....!"  he grins then says "alright luv.... have it your way!"  he kisses her with a sensual hunger his fingertips brush up her body from as far down as his arms could reach of her legs all the way up to her breasts her body arches tingles and quivers as his fingers move further up then twirl around her erect nipples she is disappointed in herself that she can't feel what she WANTS to feel from what he is doing to her what a "normal" person would feel when someone they love was treating their body this way but she can't feel love or any other emotion.... not as deeply as anyone else could anyway.... Mikael knew all this but her reaction still excited him to his surprise he missed her more than he could ever imagine "at least tell me where Henrik is...."  he says softly "so you can turn him?!.... no!.... he deserves a "normal" life!.... as normal as I can make it anyway"  Zyanya replies looking into his eyes he softly touches her cheek and murmurs "no luv!.... I don't wish too....!"  he sighs softly "I hate what we have become!.... the only part I find enjoyable is....!"  he slides his fingertips down her body which once again arches his fingers slide inside her and with hard quick movements slide in and out, up and down and all around inside adding just a tiny bit more pressure with each thrust "this moment right now!"  he says in a low tantalizing growl as she gasps and her body arches once more his lips nibble at her breasts as they move closer to him his teeth scrap softly across her nipples and she quivers he smiles....

"Shall I luv?!"  he asks "yes please!!"  she begs softly "I just wish....!"  she whispers he kisses her and says softly "I know!"  she starts to strip his clothes off him her lips and fingers move and caress each part of his body as it becomes exposed his body tingles and quivers excitedly at the feeling of the soft touch of her fingers and lips if he didn't know better he could have sworn that there is a slight feeling of love within each caress as soon as it is exposed he slides his fingers out and his hardened shaft inside her he places each of his hands on either side of her head gripping her pillow and a little bit of her long flowing curly hair as he leans down to apply more pressure as he moves back and forth up and down upon her in his fangs expose themselves as he enjoys the sheer pleasure of being in control of her body once more and in a more exciting way.... he has been waiting for this moment for a long time though like her he wished that she could feel as he feels for her..... he knows she wants to  it's there he can feel it but it isn't showing.... her hand slides down his chest and he quivers "you're hungry"  she says simply and he stops moving looking down at her he says softly "no!.... I don't eat from....!"  she smiles and says "good thing I'm not normal then huh?!"  his eyes display the sadness he feels as he whispers softly placing his hand upon her cheek "Zyanya!"  she tilts her head into his hand and looks into his eyes he looks down at her neck..... she's right.... he is hungry.... but he can't!.... WON'T feed from her!.... he watches as the veins upon her neck expose themselves showing the blood that is pumping quickly from them.... he didn't hear her heartbeat before but now he does.... the calm quick rhythm of the blood pumping from it to the veins "it's ok Mikael!"  she whispers softly he chuckles a small smile spreads across his face at the way she pronounces his name Mic- kel.... he's beginning to believe she does it on purpose.... "oh but I do!"  she whisperingly coos with a smile and he laughs "Henrik will be home soon.... and I do not wish for him to see you while in hunger.... and I will NOT summon more vampires here just so you can feed before....! so you either eat from me or leave!"  he growls then lowers his head quickly and bites down upon her neck the gasp that come from her is not one of pain but one of erotic pleasure his eyes widen then close softly as he sucks a moan of his own escapes his lips as he listens to her calm breathing which is unusual for anyone who gets bit by a vampire.... not to mention she didn't seem to drain.... at all.... it was like she was continuously making more as he drank from her.... wanting to her moan again he let's go of her neck and begins to make love to her once more.... his eyes widen as he watches his bite marks disappear from her neck he kisses the part of her neck that he bit then every other part of her biting here and there taking more sips from her listening to her erotic moans and feeling her body arch as he bites just above her breasts.... he has just found his favorite spot to bite her as he drinks till he feels full.... as well as becomes strong.... stronger than he's been in a long time.... as he gains his strength his thrusts become faster and stronger her moans become screams of pleasure and ecstasy she even screams his name.... properly I might add.... a few times which fills him and her with such immense pleasure

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