Here's To You🥂🍻

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"Lijah!!"  Zyanya says once she feels his presence standing behind her she turns around and rushes into his arms with a smile on her face "I'm sorry!.... I couldn't....! I'm not strong enough yet!"  she whispers into his ear as she holds him while being held herself halfway up into the air while still in his embrace he kisses her temple she chuckles softly and says "you missed so much!.... your mother taking over your sisters body then giving it back and daggering her then she turned Alaric and some white oak dagger made from the bridge into some "ultimate weapon".... but that was before he went through transition.... he never wanted it!.... it was forced upon him! and now he's.... changed.... he....!"  she whispers he combs his fingers through her hair trying to soothe her in the best way he could "his life force is connected to Elena's.... I wasn't sure what killing him would do to her so I.... I just couldn't....!"  she adds he hugs her even closer to him "the doppelganger needs you Eli!.... your FAMILY needs you!"  she whispers into his ear "and I need sleep..... I'm tired!"  she adds softly he chuckles then carries her bridal style over to his coffin and lays her in it "I don't understand why they make these things so comfortable!.... the person that lays in it is usually dead and can't feel the comfort I'm pretty sure they don't actually care!.... maybe it's the "sleep" lie some parents tell their children"  she says softly as soon as her head hits the pillow and her body feels the comforting cushion of the inside of the coffin "I can't leave if you keep speaking!"  he teases "well then all I need is a blanket and a kiss then you can go play hero!"  she teases back then makes a cute pouty face puffed out lower lip, puppy dog eyes the works he chuckles then goes to get her a blanket covers her up in it and kisses her lips then promises "I will return!"  before he walks out of the room.... "he's not gone.... Bonnie swapped him with Tyler"  Elijah hears Zyanya say into the wind as he hugs his sister after she told him that Klaus was dead "I would feel his death Eli but I'm fine!.... my skins a little extra crispy but I'm fine.... my very first sunburn!.... you're going to help me when I start peeling like an orange right?!"  he hears her tease and he chuckles.... when Elijah came back home to his children, little brother and the woman he loves he found Zyanya sitting on the couch staring at the fire that was lit in her fireplace "your sister did a very foolish thing Eli!.... she killed Elena while she had vampire blood in her system.... mind you no one knew at the time.... there's a Fell doctor who cheats when it comes to helping her patients"  Zyanya says softly when she hears him approach "my sister is well known for her foolery!"  Elijah replies as he walks over and sits beside her she lays her head on his shoulder and he wraps his arm around her back "she did it for the right yet selfish reasons but still!.... Elena didn't want this life.... she deserves better!.... she's faced too much loss for someone so young!.... the curse of being the doppelganger has finally lived up to it's title!"  she says "it's a dangerous time to be in Mystic Falls Eli!.... there's a evangelistic cult leader like priest that was hired to hunt down the unnatural's.... and thanks to Alaric's darker side the council now knows about.... everyone!.... the one time I WANT to interfere and I CAN'T!.... if I do I may end up killing humans and I don't want to do that!.... I don't want to kill anymore Elijah!"  she tells him and he hugs her even closer to her laying her head on his chest as he does so....

The next day as Elijah and Zyanya were in the living room reading Zyanya feels the pull of dark magic call out then she looks up at Elijah and asks "feel like a road trip?!.... we have to go see a Glinda about a Dorothy"  Elijah smiles and replies "sounds like fun!"  she smiles and they close their books, set them down and head out of the house then drive towards Sheila's.... "your granddaughters about to do something stupid!"  Sheila hears Zyanya say as she opens her front door and finds Zyanya and Elijah on the other side of it "don't worry he'll be a "good boy" and not ask to be invited in..... he's just here to make sure that I stay "ok".... it's been one of those months!"  Zyanya tells her both Elijah and Sheila smile Sheila waves Zyanya in and the two women head towards her living room where Zyanya explains all that she knows "you can't go in there but.... take my hands!"  Zyanya says after she goes through her whole explanation Sheila places her hands in Zyanya's and Zyanya uses the magic that surrounds them to take Sheila to where Bonnie's spirit is as Bonnie tries to save Elena from turning into a vampire.... after awhile Zyanya started to feel a change in Sheila she (Zyanya) gasps then whispers "Lijah!"  Elijah comes rushing in with a shocked look on his face then he hears Zyanya whisper his name again "Lijah!.... I need you!"  he kneels down and places his hand on her shoulder then gasps "I'm sorry Lijah but I know you can survive this.... she can't... she....!"  Zyanya whispers with a soft sad tone and his lips meet hers he focuses on the pleasure of the kiss instead of the pain of the witches spell "you have to go!.... you were allowed in because she was dying and I invited you but as soon as she wakes up.... they're going to know that she's alive and.... my rule will no longer mean anything!"  Zyanya whispers a few seconds later after Sheila fell unconscious and Elijah laid her (Sheila) on the couch Elijah nods then walks out of the room then the house itself and Sheila gasps awake "no Sheila he can no longer come in.... the rules of the house once again shifted.... he came because I called and he saved me from taking in the pain your family gave you.... I don't think he or my children could survive seeing me back in that casket after I just woke up after two months of rest!"  Zyanya tells her friend who chuckles shaking her head with a smile "as I said.... I'm sorry.... I just.... I didn't know what else to do!"  Zyanya whispers softly Sheila hugs her "oh and the air might feel a little dry for awhile.... I borrowed quite a bit of magic so that you could save your granddaughter from her mistake"  Zyanya says as soon as Sheila breaks the hug Sheila chuckles "go rest!.... you may be alive once again but I know that you're tired.... Elijah's going to take me home I need to spend some time with my kids"  she adds Sheila nods with a smile then she watches her friend walk out of her house and into he arms of an Original who nodded respectfully at her before he turned his attention to a very tired Zyanya and walked her to his car then drove her home Sheila's eyes widen when she realizes which Original he was that he is the father of Zyanya's children....

 Elijah's going to take me home I need to spend some time with my kids"  she adds Sheila nods with a smile then she watches her friend walk out of her house and into he arms of an Original who nodded respectfully at her before he turned his attent...

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The next night Zyanya, Tatiana, Ilyas and Henrik go to the paper lantern "celebration" Stefan had invited them to Elijah watched from afar as Zyanya holds hers with her family at her side holding theirs and says "this is for Tatia.... a woman that I had never met but heard SO much about.... perhaps a bit TOO much!.... for Elijah, Niklaus, Rebekah, Cole and Finn who may still be alive but had at one time died.... over and over and over again as I have done just in a much different way than I did!"  Tatiana, Ilyas and Henrik lit theirs at the same time Zyanya did and they all let theirs go at the same time as everyone else lets theirs go Elijah chuckles when she jokes about how much she had heard about a woman he once loved and still does in some ways he sees her in every woman he has ever fallen in love with ever since he turned.... or maybe it is Zyanya he sees in them and just pretends that it is Tatia so it is somewhat easier on him the pain he's caused her (Zyanya) when he ignores her once he finds that "other woman" none more so than when he's with Katerina.... two days after that night Elijah learns that one of The Brotherhood of the Five is in Mystic Falls "I must say I miss the beard!.... it was so soft!"  Zyanya teases softly as she slides over closer to him as they sit on the couch and lands lightly on his lap as she slides her hand along his jawline Elijah chuckles she smiles at him and he kisses her "you should spend some time with your kids then leave.... it isn't that I don't want you here it's just....! Klaus is back, Rebekah has stayed and with that hunter here.... I don't want to see you get hurt!.... I don't like feeling your pain!.... for out of all of them.... yours and Niklaus' are the worst!.... I can't feel Rebekah because I was never close to her but you.... Niklaus, Kol and Finn.... though Finn is the lightest of the four of you I can feel yours and Niklaus' as though it were my own.... emotional, physical, psychological.... I can feel it all!.... as I once told you it was YOU who taught me about TRUE emotions!.... you were the first to admit out loud how you felt about me.... you gave me two wonderful children who I can't seem to live without!.... I know why they stay.... they stay because of the heartbreak.... each time you fall in love with someone else.... I know you've been spending time with Katerina.... I can SMELL her on you!.... and it stinks!.... so go!.... go back to your fake clingy selfish little kitty and....!"  she says as she slides off his lap and moves her hand away from his face he looks at her with a surprised, hurt expression on his face and shakes his head in a "I can't believe you're suggesting that!" sort of way "just.... go!"  she whispers he stands up and using his vampire speed runs out of the house listening to her cry with his vampire hearing as he does so and each tear that he know now falls from her eyes breaks his heart but he does as she told him too and spends time with his children then goes back to Katerina.... Zyanya went on a trip of her own leaving her kids with Henrik so that they could continue their school year she gave them the excuse that she just needed a break from the "Mikaelson drama" but the truth was she needed some time to herself.... the darkness of The Five was seeping into her in a much stronger way than ever before but that was mainly because Klaus was obsessed, Bonnie was being tricked into "helping" and Jeremy became the new member of The Five after the other one was killed.... not to mention how Elena was handling her transition into a vampire.... and since so many people that were close to her and her children were going through such dark times their darkness soaked into her skin and she didn't want those who were close to her see her in that light she went back to her old ways before Mikael where she only lived in caves where she stayed as far away from humanity as possible and she killed unnatural beings she had hoped that her kills would "help" Jeremy gain the map sooner so that he wouldn't have to kill as many as he would have to for it to appear and it worked her kill count got added to his

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