Meeting The Mikaelson Men🤝🏻

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"Can I try?!" Zyanya asks as she comes bounding out of the woods and into the village as 2 brothers play fight one another as their sister and youngest brother watch she picks up a random sword of the ground the four of them turn to look at her as she smiles at them "you know you really shouldn't have these just laying around like that!.... heavens!.... think of the children!" she playfully ruffles the youngest boys long curly brown hair he smiles up at her and the blonde sister scowls "what's the matter Niklaus?! afraid you might just lose to a girl!" the long curly blonde haired brother answers "girls can't fight!" Zyanya chuckles "you wanna test that theory?!.... who knows I might be nice and let you win!" Klaus smiles at her and they begin the other long curly brown haired brother chuckles and she turns to him then says "oh don't get to comfortable Lijah your next!" he looks at her in surprise as Esther and Mikael walk over "who.... are.... you?!" Elijah asks her with a curious tone as she and Klaus try to best each other "oh.... right!.... names Zyanya.... it means always forever.... not sure of the origin though.... and distracting me isn't going to help your brothers chances Lijah!" she replies before he can ask how she knows their names his parents walk over "Zy?!" Mikael's voice booms she shrugs and lowers her sword looking into Mikael's eyes "I got bored and thought I would entertain myself.... is that so wrong?!.... perhaps I'm more free than I thought huh Mikeal?!" the 4 children look at their father confused especially when he let the way she said his name slide so easily without getting pissed as a matter of fact they could have sworn they saw a hint of a smile grace his features "and no Esther I am not dead!.... I wish you the best of luck trying though!" she hands her sword over to Mikael with a bow turns and walks back out of the village with a wave she turns back around and says "we'll have to try some other day Lijah!.... but for now.... it seems I have worn out my welcome.... Master Henrik!" she bows before the youngest of the Mikaelson's Henrik bows back then she turns and disappears into the woods Elijah and Niklaus watch her just as intrigued as their father was when he first met her but also curious....

The next time they see her is the day Henrik dies Zyanya hears Niklaus scream "mother!" she ran out of the woods over to where the Mikaelson's were and saw Niklaus carrying his dead brother in his arms she ran in just as Elijah ran over to where his brother laid Henrik down the dark skinned witch Ayana, Rebekah and Esther were already kneeling down by his side when she and Elijah reached them she didn't realize that Elijah had took her hand as they ran even when he squeezed it in fear and worry "no no what happened?" Esther asks "the wolves" Niklaus answers "I'm sorry I'm so sorry" as Zyanya kneels down at his side and places a hand on his shoulder he leans into her hand for comfort Esther says to Ayana "we must save him please there must be a way" Zyanya feels Elijah kneel next to her she looks over at him and then notices that their hands are entwined together she releases him as though his skin burned her as Ayana replies "the spirits will not give us a way Esther" Zyanya turns and growls at her "you're a coward witch!" then she turns to Niklaus then says kindly "I will need your hand Klaus.... you were there...." she he had his hand in hers before she could finish "you're a fool!" Ayana says to her and she looks up at the witch as she places the hand that was held by Elijah on Henrik's heart roaming through Niklaus' memories and playing them backwards she begins to heal the wounds "no.... I'm a friend! and I.... fear.... NOTHING!!.... send your wolves!.... send your witches!.... ancestor or not.... I don't care!.... I fear no one!!" Zyanya replies staring at the witch with dark eyes as she speaks the wounds on Henrik's body start to reverse themselves and then completely disappear the group looks at her in shock as Henrik sits up with a sharp gasp "that was a foolish thing you did Henr....!" Henrik hugs her and gasps still trying to regain his breath "I know.... I'm sorry" she hugs him back and says "don't apologize to me young man!" she looks at Niklaus Henrik let's go of her and hugs his brother tightly "what must I do?!" Esther asks Zyanya and she turns to the mother "nothing!.... Henrik will come with me.... away from the wolves!.... they have his scent.... they will hunt him.... and then you will have more than just one child to morn.... for as far as I can tell.... they will protect them.... don't blame Niklaus!.... Henrik can be sneaky.... and as the youngest he's a bit spoiled!" she turns and ruffles Henrik's hair playfully he turns and smiles at her she turns to Elijah "he will always remember his family!.... know where he comes from.... who he is!" she turns back to Esther "I maybe without emotions.... but I am NOT cruel Es!" she turns to Rebekah "you will always know where he is.... and may visit if you wish" and then she turns to Niklaus "and he shall be safe..... those five things I do promise you.... you will have this one night to say your goodbyes" she turns to Henrik with a smile and says "and no running off young man!" he laughs cheerfully "ok" she turns back to Esther "he will not turn.... he shall always be the boy you know and love" Esther just nods as Zyanya turns to Rebekah "go find your father, Fin and Kol.... tell them what you wish.... I shall be back later" Rebekah rushes off to do as she was asked Zyanya chuckles "now there's a sight I never thought I'd see!.... your sister doing what I say without complaining!" she turns to Henrik with a wink the Mikaelson's laugh....

True to her word Zyanya leaves and let's them have their time to themselves.... the witch Ayana searches for her but does not find her for the few hours that she was gone.... all of the Mikaelson's were there when she came back they all look in her direction and Henrik walks to her before the others can change their minds and not let him go "how will they know?!" Henrik asks her before they leave she looks at Elijah and Niklaus "you are now connected to your brothers.... Niklaus and Lijah.... so that when they want to know.... all they have to do is look deep within themselves and they shall always find you.... no matter how far apart you are!" she answers and the two of them leave she could feel Elijah close his eyes and search as though to test to see if what she said is true or not and he found out that she was indeed not lying for he saw them walk into the forest and away from their home all his family saw was his smile Klaus looked at him curiously "well she did not lie! we will indeed see him.... as well as her.... or perhaps whoever he is with" Elijah tells him "she is not a witch!!.... how can she!?" Ayana asks incredulously Mikael just smiles remembering when Zyanya told him that she can "borrow" the abilities of those she has killed when necessary.... become a werewolf, use magic without casting spells or "borrowing from nature and the ancestors" etc but he does not answer the witches question.... Zyanya doesn't see Elijah, Niklaus, Mikael or any of the others till AFTER they were "turned" into the Original Vampires she saw them all in their "good" times and their "bad" times and learned something new about herself

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