Home Is Wherever Your Family Is🏡👨‍👨‍👧‍👦

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Zyanya was heading towards the kitchen to make herself something to eat when she hears Rebekah say "Elijah's home, there's only one dagger which one of us will you be punishing today?"  and Klaus reply "I contemplated a game of eenie-meenie-miney-moe you betrayed me my own sister!"  then she hears Elijah order "Niklaus, don't you dare!"  Klaus replies "perhaps it should be you, brother! stealing my child away with every fawning moment of tenderness you show to Hayley!"  Elijah says "this has nothing to do with Hayley"  Klaus replies "it has everything to do with her! she's adored you since she arrived and now my child, my blood will grow up to call you father!"  Rebekah asks "is that what it is? you are once again worried that you will be left behind has history taught you nothing? we don't abandon you, Nik, you drive us away!"  Klaus replies "is that so? what have I done lately, other than cooperate? I bow down to you, brother, to make up for daggering you for the greater good of our plan to reclaim our home looked the other way, sister while you repeat the same cycle with Marcel, falling again for a man you shouldn't be with, while he controls the empire that we built! that he took! now, I make no excuses for past sins but in the one moment when you two could have chosen to stand by me - to believe in me - to believe my intentions for my own child were pure you chose to stand against me, to side with my enemies I wanted our home back now I have it so I'm going to live there and the two of you.... you can stay here together.... and rot"  Zyanya watches with sadness in her eyes as Klaus walks out of the room then out of the house not even realizing that she was there "he tries you know.... he just doesn't know HOW to do things the way YOU believe he should!.... you say you know him but you two try to control him just as much as you CLAIM he controls you!.... no one likes to be alone and out of all of you he is the one who gets left alone the most.... when he loves he loves unconditionally but since he never felt what it's like to truly BE loved he has no idea how to show it!.... he's the "Damon" of the family.... the one who bares the pain of always being the enemy.... even within his own family because that is what he's always been told that he is!.... a beast!.... a abomination!.... a monster!.... he will continue to be the enemy.... the hated and feared one but what he truly wants is to be shown the unconditional love he feels back!.... not be betrayed, abandoned, HATED!.... you're right about one thing Elijah!.... that child that your dog carries WILL show him that because that is what a child does!.... they love without question no matter how many times someone hurts them.... especially their parents!.... their family!.... I may not wish that our children were never born but I DO wish that you were never their father!"  Elijah and Rebekah hear Zyanya say from behind them and they turn around and look at her Elijah stares at her in shock as she once again walks out of the room part of him wants to follow her and part of him believes that it would be a bad idea to do what he wants to do even though the last words she spoke hurt him he believed that she only said them because he had hurt her first.... Klaus looks over at the front door of the plantation as it opens and he sees Zyanya walk out of it "you should come with me"  he tells her "no Niklaus!.... it isn't that I don't WANT to but because I CAN'T!.... that place.... it's too dark!.... and enough has happened that I.... I can't....! I....!"  Zyanya replies when she sees the shock hurt expression on his face after hearing her explain her reasoning hearing her stammer nervously with her words afraid that she had hurt his heart when she said no he rushes over to her and kisses her lips and whispers as he cups her chin in his hand "then I will visit!.... as often as I can!"  she smiles then replies "I could see if Tati, Henrik and Lyas would like to "come home".... if they are allowed inside that is!"  he smiles and says "of course they are! and I would like that!"  she hugs him then kisses his temple and walks back into the house....

 if they are allowed inside that is!"  he smiles and says "of course they are! and I would like that!"  she hugs him then kisses his temple and walks back into the house

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The next day Klaus was surprised to see Zyanya walk into the bar he, Marcellus and some of their nightwalkers were wearing a sexy mini dress and a leather jacket she walks straight over to him stands behind him sliding her arm down the lip of his ...

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The next day Klaus was surprised to see Zyanya walk into the bar he, Marcellus and some of their nightwalkers were wearing a sexy mini dress and a leather jacket she walks straight over to him stands behind him sliding her arm down the lip of his leather jacket and purrs softly into his ear "your humans are being naughty!"  his body quivers at the feel of her soft lips brushing up against his ear as she speaks his eyebrow raises and he replies "oh really?!.... and just what are they doing pray tell!"  he got his answer in a different way as his phone vibrates in his pocket and he  stands up to answer it kissing her lips before saying "hello?"  there was a small pause and he asks "have you?"  as though reacting on instinct alone Klaus grabs Zyanya and spins her around covering her body with his as the windows explode hearing a woman scream as the nightwalkers bursts into flames Zyanya spins out of Klaus' embrace and stares at the now broken windows the shards of glass fly back to where they belong and melt together making the windows whole again the fires that were burning the vampires were put out and everyone could hear the clicking of bullets as they hit the now fixed windows "either get in the back or lay on the floor!.... let them believe they've won before more innocence gets hurt!"  Zyanya orders Marcellus drops to the floor the nightwalkers rush to the back and Klaus stands behind her with his hands on her arms "I'm serious Niklaus!"  she says and she feels him smile up against her ear before hearing him say "fine!"  then he drops to the floor and they hear a car drive away then both Marcellus and Klaus stand back up "I need a drink!"  Zyanya says with a sigh in her tone then she walks over to the bar and makes herself a drink Klaus chuckles softly....

While Klaus and Marcellus were dealing with the humans Zyanya was walking towards a werewolf packs campsite "I know your scent!.... their little brother used to run with your pack when he was a child!"  Zyanya says as she walks past Elijah and Rebekah and over to a frightened looking male she walks over to him and cups his necklace in her hand then gently pulls it off and tosses it to Elijah who catches it as she asks "recognize this Elijah?!"  Elijah looks down at what now lays in the palm of his hand in surprise Zyanya walks out of the campsite but before she does she walks past Elijah and whispers  "don't lose hope in him Elijah!.... we both know how stubborn your family is!.... especially when they think they're right or get what they believe they want!.... this is his home!.... the only true home he knows!.... where you three were the happiest.... give him time!.... just like the rest of you he'll eventually come around.... hopefully!"  Elijah lets out a soft chuckle.... after Klaus and Marcellus were back at the Mikaelson home Klaus gets an unexpected visitor "what are you doing here?!"  he asks in a soft surprised tone as he looks up from his book and at the woman standing in the doorway "you promised to visit and yet haven't done it so I'm visiting you!.... my first attempt failed of course but I'm hopeful that my second will go much more smoothly!"  Zyanya replies as she walks over and straddles herself on his lap he smiles she hands him a folded piece of paper which he takes with a confused expression on his face "my condo number.... just in case!"  she tells him he chuckles.... a few hours later after Klaus visits Camille he finds Tatiana, Ilyas, Henrik and Zyanya waiting for him "it's family night and your coming along!"  Zyanya playfully orders as she loops her arm through his he chuckles then let's her lead him wherever they wished to go Elijah who was nearby listened in on their conversation and couldn't help but smile then he rushes off to see Hayley

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